Groff's birthday:

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*This will be told in pov's*

Lin's pov:

I was supper nervous about today. I feel like Pippa planned this, but I was getting thousands of tweets telling me to kiss Groff for his birthday and they were really specific about where to kiss him.

I walked out my room and noticed that Groff was still sleeping. I ran into the room and jumped on him as he slept, "Good morning Groffsauce it's your birthday!" I yelled, "Time to have fun!!!"

"Linnn, 5 more minutes." He groaned, I laughed.

"Nope! Get up!" I had a wonderful idea, "It's your turn to go through this!" I dragged him outta bed and placed him in the shower getting his clothes wet,

"Yeah that's fair." he laughed as he got undressed.

"Hey!  I'm still in here." I shouted laughing like crazy.  Did he just get undressed in front of me?
No Lin you have to put your feelings aside it's his big day and you have a week starting now.

I went back and checked my phone, I called Anthony, "Hey!"

"Hey Lin what's up?"

"Everything still on for tonight?" I asked

"Yup! Just keep him busy and bring him to Jazzy's house after when I text you."

"Okay!" I just thought about something, "Wait Anthony."


"The internet is telling me that I should kiss him tonight, can you help me set that up?"

"Hell yeah! Lin."  Anthony then turned to who I assume was Daveed and Oak and yelled, "We got him boys! He's gonna do it!" They cheered and laughed then Anthony realized that he was still on the phone with me, "Oh shit. See you when you get here."

"Wow. You're gonna hear about this from me later. But bye Anthony."


I cooked, and then knocked on the door, "Come on Groff you've been in there for a hour!"

Groff then walked out, "Listen, you don't get to judge how long I take. It's my birthday." I laughed as he walked past me to get to his room.

We ate breakfast and sat on the couch to watch movies all day long. We watched the Harry Potter series.

Groff's pov:

I can't believe Lin jumped on me yelling. Then he had the nerve to dragged me into the shower, getting my clothes wet. Well I guess that parts on me. Then I forgot he was still in the room, and starting getting undressed, Lin called out, "Hey I'm still in here." I blushed, he left laughing. I can't believe I just did that. Lin just saw me semi naked. In my defense I was still sleepy.

I got out the shower after Lin brought up how long I was in there, and smelled the breakfast he cooked. I can't believe I really get to live with my best friend. I am blessed.

I got dressed in comfy clothes as we ate and sat in front of the tv to binge watch Harry Potter (my favorite movie series) When Harry got pushed back under the stairs by Dudley, Lin laughed and I hit him telling him that it wasn't funny and he said, "Owww" sarcastically, I pulled him into a hug as he leaned on my torso, we stayed like that until the 5th movie.

That's when Lin got a text, I couldn't make out who it was from, or what it said but Lin quickly pause the movie, got up and said, "Get dressed I'm taking you out!"

I was confused, what did that text say? I decided to never try and argue with Lin because he's really good at arguing and I got dressed for something I didn't know about. We got in the car and Lin started acting all nervous. His leg would shake anytime we got to a red light when I eventually put my hand on his leg and told him, "Lin, calm down, where are we going."

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