A month later

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*Back to 3rd person pov*

Lin and Groff have been together for about a month now. Lin has lost all contact with his parents especially when they found out he was dating Groff. They said some things to him that really hurt, but Groff comforted him.

One thing that couldn't leave Lin's mind was Vanessa. Not because he still loved her or anything, but because she destroyed his car but he hasn't heard anything from her since. It was weird. If Vanessa threatened you, you wouldn't know what was coming your way, but something was definitely coming. Lin was being extra careful until he heard from Vanessa.

Meanwhile they all had fun at the White House. Lin couldn't believe his play was making such a big impact on the world. He was happy that all that work paid off.

Groff had completely moved in by now and they occasionally threw parties. Update on everyone's lives:

Daveed was seeing Emmy, Renee and Phillipa had boyfriends that nobody really knew that much. Jasmine and Anthony have been dating for what feels like forever. And Oak is single because he claims that he is waiting for the right one.

Lin and Groff were finally meeting Phillipa's boyfriend for coffee because she said that they had great news. Groff and Lin got ready.

On the way there Lin got a call. It was from an unknown number. At first he didn't answer the call but eventually Groff insisted he did because they didn't stop calling,

"What?" Lin answered.

"How fucking dare you not answer my calls. I should kill you." It was Vanessa. Lin's heart dropped.

"Vanessa?" Lin stuttered. Groff's expression immediately changed.

"Yeah, you stupid stuttering bitch. You still do that? What are you, like five."

"What do you want Vanessa." Lin still spoke with a slight stutter. He was scared, but he didn't want Groff to be.

"Did you really think that you could get rid of me. You're mine. That includes your money too. So pay up or else." There it was. Lin now knew why she had been so silent after destroying his car. She was waiting for him to get big,

"This money isn't yours." Lin finally got his stutter under control, "I worked for it. I earned it. It has nothing to do with you. So stop calling my phone." He hung up. Big mistake.

Lin's breathing got heavy. He thought he made the right choice, but what if she came after one of them. Groff pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Lin. Is everything okay?"

"Honestly?" He took a deep breath, "No. She wants my money. She said that I was hers. She wants all of it."

"Hun." Lin started crying silently, "No, shhh. It's okay." Groff held his hand, and pulled him a lil closer to him as Lin silently cried.

They got to the cafe, and Lin freshened up a little bit. Before they went in, he asked that Groff didn't say anything to Pippa. Groff agreed.

They went in, found Pippa and her boyfriend, ordered coffee and talked for a while. Eventually Lin started to forget about Vanessa because he was with the people he loved, plus Pippas boyfriend.

After an hour of them talking and laughing about random things, and after Lin proudly embarrassed Pip in front of her boyfriend. Groff asked, "Okay. So Pip."


"What did you really bring us here for?"

"I wanted you guys to meet Steven."


"Yeah. Other than Renee, you guys are my best friends, and I thought it was time you met him." She smiled bright.

~Time skip~

After about another hour of sitting there talking and laughing some more. Pippa and Steven had to leave so they all got ready to go. Steven went in the car to start it up, Pippa stopped Lin and Groff, "Okay moment of truth." She was nervous.

"What did you guys think. Is he good for me?"

"Yes!" Groff answered.

"Lin?" Pippa looked to Lin eagerly,

"What do you think?" She asked.

"Hmmm I don't know. Something's off."  Lin attempted to hold back a laugh as Pippa's face dropped, "What?" she said softly.

"Stop messing with her Lin." Groff laughed and nudged Lin.

"Alright alright. Truthfully? I love him Pip. You guys are perfect for each other. But why do you care so much about what we think?" Lin laughed

"I really really like him. I haven't felt like this for anyone else Lin. I needed you guys to be okay with him. I think I really want a future with him." She started smiling and blushing at the thought of it.

"Awwe." Groff hugged her.

"Yeah, but if he breaks your heart. You know the whole cast is going to be after him? Especially Renee and Oak." They all laughed. Steven honked the horn letting Pippa know to hurry up. She quickly hugged Lin and Groff and ran off to the car. She got in and they drove away.

"She's in love Lin." Groff stated.

"Yeah. I'm happy for her. She deserves it."

"Wanna go to the park?" Groff asked.

"Hell yeah. Let's go!"

They drove to the park, and found a spot to sit. They watched as the people went by. Everyone so happy. Lin then got a random feeling. He couldn't explain but it wasn't a good feeling. He quickly asked if they could go home. Groff wanted to ask why Lin looked so nervous but he decided to wait until they got home.

They started walking to the car, hand in hand. Lin's hand was sweating and his grip on Groff's was tight. Groff started to get worried himself, "Lin what's happening?" They stopped walking as Groff grabbed Lin's face with his free hand.

"Groff I don't know how to explain but I have a really bad feeling. We need to go home. We need to be safe."

Groff had so many questions but the look on Lin's face said it all. It wasn't a joke. They continued walking.

They were almost to the car, when a man ran up to them and stabbed Groff in the stomach.

Groff slowly started getting lightheaded and heard Lin scream. As the guy ran a few paces turned around and yelled, "Pay up bitch!" Then sprinted off.

Groff started to go down, he didn't know what was happening. He just had a sharp pain in his stomach. He went to feel his stomach to understand why there was this sudden pain when he felt it. A knife. Just sitting in his stomach.

Lin caught Groff as he started to fall.

"Groff. Babe. Stay with me. I'm so so sorry." Lin was full on sobbing.

"This is my fault. I am so sorry. Stay with me. Please. Stay strong. You got this." Without thinking, Lin raced Groff to his car and took off to the hospital. It was only 10 minutes away, but the way Lin was driving, shortened it to 5.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now