The hospital

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On the way, Groff didn't want to say something right away but eventually the anticipation, and silence killed him.

"What the hell happened Pippa?"

"I. He just started shaking and then he collapsed, and starting throwing up. I screamed but nobody heard me or answered me."

"Wha" Groff noticed she was starting to freak out so he grabbed her hand and didn't ask again until her breathing calmed down.

"So what happened before? Like what led to this happening?"

"I um. I don't want to talk about it right now."

"What do you mean? He's my best friend Pippa you have no right to keep this from me!" He shouted harshly. He was hurt but he also knew he was in the wrong for yelling. He could see the pain and fear in Phillipa's eyes. "I'm sorry Pippa. I just. It's scary okay? I've never thought something like this could happen to him."

"No, um yeah, you're right. You're his best friend so I have no right. Just promise me you won't take offense to this. Because what I'm about to tell you may be a little difficult for you to swallow. Okay?"

Groff got nervous but needed to know what happened to his best friend, "Okay."

Phillipa began to explain what happened, "He pulled me aside and started crying. Like full blown broke down and started sobbing. He told me that he came out to you about his sexuality, which nobody else knows about okay? And well, he was worried that you hated him because he said that you didn't exactly respond to him telling you. Then I assured him that you could never hate him, and that it would all be okay. Then he stopped crying and we stood up to get ready to go back to the party. And" She gulped and started to cry, and he voice broke as she said, "Next thing I know, he's shaking like crazy and before I could ask him anything he collapsed and passed out."

Groff cried at the thought of it. He said, "How could he." He took a deep breath, "How could he possibly think that I'd ever hate him. He's my best friend. I even agreed to move in with him."

This was news to Phillipa, "Move in with him? I thought you lived with Corey."

"Yeah well, we broke up, and I told Lin that today and he offered to let me live with him. Gosh he's letting me live with him and I nearly kill him. I'm a horrible best friend."

"No. That's where you're wrong. It's not your fault. Lin is just going through something and with the play, he has so much stress on his shoulder. I think it just got the best of him."

"Have you ever heard him stutter before?"

"No. Why?"

"He stuttered after he came out to me. It caught me by surprise, it's something I've never heard him do."

The rest of the way they rode in silence and listened to the radio. The hospital was about 20 mins from Lin's apartment.

When they arrived Anthony, Daveed, Oak, Renée and Jasmine were already there and caught them up with Lin's condition.

"The doctors told us that they don't know if he'll make it. He um." Anthony started to choke up, "He had a major Anxiety attack that followed with a seizure. They said that they've never seen someone have this bad of an anxiety attack. But they have hope that he'll make it."

Groff and Phillipa broke down crying. Jasmine and Renée held Phillipa as she cried. Then Oak, Daveed and Anthony held Groff as he sobbed.

It took 2 hours for the doctor to come out and tell them that he would live, and that surprisingly he would be able to perform as long as he stayed in the hospital all day Sunday, and he could go home Sunday night to prepare. They would be able to see him when he woke up.

Groff pulled Pippa off to the side, "Pippa I don't know if I should go see him."

"What? You're his best friend."

"Yeah but I can't help but think that I caused this." He started, "Like if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here."

"No." Phillipa responded, "You need to see him or he'll think you hate him. Please Groff"

"I just don't know if I can see him like this Pip" Groff started crying silently.

"Please Groff. You have to promise me that you'll do this. For me, for you, and if anything for Lin. You have to see him."

"Yeah okay."

They went back to everyone else. They were all standing, Renée hugged Groff as she noticed him crying. Daveed told them that the doctors told him he woke up, and that they could go see him. So they decided to go as a group. They wanted to try and cheer him up.

Lin was put in a position where he was sitting up and he smiled as his colleagues surrounded him with smiles on their faces. He decided to break the ice and say, "Well now I feel like I'm in trouble." He chucked a little and so did everyone else.

They all hugged him and Anthony said, "Man you scared us. Ain't none of us ever see you like that man. Passed out in your own vomit. And the doctors told us you wouldn't make it. You scared us Lin."

Lin knew that someone was gonna say it eventually, "Yeah I'm so sorry guys. I haven't had an episode like this in 20 years, I never meant to ruin the party."

"You think we care about the party? More than you?" Renée said, "I know your dumb but you can't be that dumb. Lin babe we care about you. All of us. Too much, to even worry about a dumb party."

Everyone had their little mumbles of "yeah" and "she's right man"

Lin couldn't help but notice Groff sitting in a chair in the back still crying.

Daveed then asked, "Lin, if you knew you had anxiety why wouldn't you tell any of us about it? Especially with it being this bad?"

"I just." Lin struggled to find the words, but eventually he did, "I never thought it'd be relevant. Like I said, I have had something like this in 20 whole years guys. I never thought it relevant."

Groff couldn't take it anymore so he got up and left the room. Phillipa went after him. Everyone else stayed.

"So the doctors said I could still perform. So I won't be letting you guys down."

"Let us down?" Oak said.

"You?" Daveed carried on.

"You can't be serious right now man." Anthony said.

Renée spoke next, "You could literally never let us down. And we're the ones that look up to you!"

Lin's heart rose a little right then. He thanked them for not judging him, and asked that they didn't tell anyone else in the cast, and then told them to please try and act like they don't know, and like try not to bring much attention to it because that will make him happy.

They agreed, then he told them to go home because they have a show on Monday so Sunday is their last day of freedom. And when that wouldn't work, he told them to leave because he needed to talk to Groff.

They finally agreed, but said that they are coming to his house on Sunday to continue the party.

He didn't argue with them because he didn't want them to stay tonight.

When they were leaving, Lin grabbed Renée's arm and asked her,

"How effed am I with Groff and Pip?"

"Yeah good luck" Renée giggled as she walked off.

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now