Groff, Lin, and Pippa:

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Eventually Pippa came back to talk to Lin by herself. Before they started talking she told him,

"First off, never ever leave me again. And second, you got a lot of stuff to hash out with your new roomie over there." Groff was sitting outside the hospital room still crying, he decided he wanted to talk to Lin alone so he was gonna wait for Pippa to finish first.

Lin responded, "I am so sorry Pip, I never meant for you to see me like that. I can't imagine what you went through. Thank you for taking care of me."

"Lin, why." She started, "Why wouldn't you tell me about that. That could've happened at rehearsals yesterday, or while you were out with Groff, what then? You should've told us!"

Lin could tell she was hurt because he could see it in her eyes, and he could hear it in her voice. She grabbed a chair and pulled it close to Lin so she could hold his hand, and she started crying, which made him cry.

"Pip I am so so sorry. You don't know how badly I wish I would've handled this myself, I never wanted you to see me like this." Lin said between sniffles.

They sat there in silence just crying for a second when Pip randomly jumped on top of him pulling him into a hug, a long, deep hug. Which only made them both cry more, eventually turning into laughing.  Lin spoke first,

"So everyone saw me in my own vomit?"


"Never living that down am I?"


"So um did you and Groff talk?"

"Yeah, but don't worry, I didn't spill the beans about your crush on him. Only you should tell him that. And nobody but Groff and I know what exactly led to your attack. Eventually though, you need to come out to the cast, as you can see they um. They really care about you." She sat back down in the chair, and grabbed his hand, "We all care about you Lin, and you need to tell Groff about your feelings especially if you're gonna be living with him." She starting hitting him with every word she said, "And why wouldn't you tell me that?" They laughed.

"It happened last minute. And ouch!" When they stopped laughing Lin noticed that it was 1:00 am so he begged Pippa to go home and go to sleep. He promised that he'd still be here tomorrow if she wanted to visit.

She agreed only because she knew he had some stuff to hash out with Groff. She kissed him on the forehead and before she left he grabbed her hand, kissed it, and told her,

"Hey, best of wives and best of women." She laughed at his hamilton quote and said her goodbyes to him and Groff.

Groff hugged her, whispered "thank you for everything."

She whispered back, "No problem, I'd do anything for ya'll." He let her take his car home and got up the courage to go into Lin's room.

Lin's face turned serious, as Groff walked in and sat in the chair Pip left beside the bed. At first nobody said anything, then Groff grabbed Lin's hand and started crying again.

Lin held his hand tight, kissed it and said, "I am so sorry for putting you through that Groff. I should've told you about my anxiety problems, you are my best friend and I never ever wanted to be the reason you cry." Lin was trying not to cry as he watch Jonathan Groff sit beside his hospital bed, sobbing.

Lin continued, "You mean absolutely everything to me, and I hope you can forgive me, and I hope we can still be best friends."

Groff's head immediately shot up, "Why would you even think that. Of course we're still best friends, and now we're roommates. I'm not mad at you Lin, I could never. I'm just hurt that you could ever think I would hate you. And I'm mad at myself for making you feel like that, and making you feel like you couldn't trust me with your condition."

Lin flinched at the word condition and asked if they could please not call it that. Groff agreed. They sat in silence a little longer as they both finished crying.

Groff then spoke, "Now you said the last episode you had was 20 years ago?" Lin nodded, Groff then asked what happened,

"I had um, come out to my parents about my sexuality, and then um, they kicked me out the house and disowned me, I had to um, live on the street. Eventually I had um, met someone, it was a girl. We uh, got together and she let me move in with her. Then when I worked up the nerve to come out to her, she reacted the same way, said some stuff to me, and um, she started hitting me." He started to choke, he was really trying not to cry, "She beat me pretty bad and that's when I had the panic attack, followed by a seizure. Luckily she um, called the ambulance and they brought me to the hospital and told me about my mental state. It never happened again but um, I haven't been in a relationship since." Groff didn't know what to say but this time he hugged Lin instead of staying quiet.

Lin then started crying. He took in the smell of Groff and immediately his heart started to warm up. They hugged for about 5 mins that felt like 2 seconds. When Groff sat back down, Lin could tell he was crying. Lin told Groff to go home but Groff told Lin that he couldn't even if he wanted to because he gave Pip the car. There was enough room on the hospital bed for both of them so Lin scooted over but was too scared to invite him to sleep in the same bed.

Groff smiled as Lin dozed off into slumber.

Groff turned off the lights, and crawled in bed with Lin. He didn't know if Lin was okay with this, but he didn't want to lose his best friend again so he wanted to hold him close.He watched Lin sleep for a while and thought to himself,

*Lin is an angel, a blessing in my life. What if, no that's insane. There's no way I could have feelings for my best friend. Even if I did, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, Lin just told me that he doesn't do relationships. I can't believe I even hurt him. God, I hate myself for that.* Groff then made a promise to himself, and to Lin, this one he said out loud but as a whisper,

"I promise I will never hurt you again Lin Manuel Miranda. You will forever and always have my heart. I love you." He didn't expect Lin to hear it since he was knocked out. Then Groff cuddled up next to Lin, put his arm around his body to hug his stomach, kissed him on the cheek and whispered again, "I love you Lin."

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