The big moment!

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*3rd person pov*

Lin and Groff have been planning how to tell the cast. Pippa already knows so she has been helping them. She has decided that she was going to act surprised when they tell the team.

After many arguments, Lin and Groff agreed to see if the cast could figure it out for themselves.

They invited, Thayne, Chris, Renee, Jazzy, Anthony, Leslie, Daveed, Oak, Sasha, Emmy, Arianna, Alex, and Tommy.

When everyone got there. Lin told Groff to pop on the ring. Lin, Groff and Pippa netted on who would be the first to notice. Lin said Thayne. Groff said Renee. And Pip said Daveed. They each better $5 then let the night lead the way.

15 minutes went by of everyone being caught up in conversations, and drinking, and eating before Anthony spatted out, "So we just aren't going to talk about the elephant in the room!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Chris questioned.

"Yeah Ant, what's up?" Oak probed.

"Really?!" Anthony said a surprised that no one else noticed.

Groff, Lin and Pip all looked at each other surprised that it was Anthony who figured it out first.

"I mean you guys have got to be joking right?" Anthony laughed.

"Tonio, babe, you good." Jazzy started to take his face in her hands.  Everyone was silent by now.

"Honestly you guys are the most oblivious people I've ever met." He started laughing like crazy. Everyone was confused.

"Um. You wanna tell us what this 'big elephant' is?" Daveed asked.

"Oh my gosh." Anthony just laughed, "I may be the youngest but obviously I'm the smartest."

This one made Groff, and Lin join in the laughter.

"And they know exactly what I'm talking about." Anthony laughed even harder.

"So why don't you just tell us Ant." Pippa grinned as she tried her best to stay in character and try not to laugh.

"Wow." Anthony looked around to see that nobody was laughing. "Wait you guys are serious."

"Anthony Ramos Martinez. You tell us right now or we're all going to have to jump you." Renee spoke out.

"I second that." Daveed chipped in.
"Same." Oak.
Everyone just mumbled in agreement to what Renee stated.

"Okay okay." Anthony smiled. He turned to Groff and Lin and said, "Do I tell them." They thought on it for a little second, and they thought on letting them all be tortured by not knowing. But they decided against it and nodded.

"LOOK AT GROFF'S FINGER!!" Anthony shouted.

Everyone looked to Groff as he slowly rose his hand. Everyone cover their mouth, a moment of silence.


"Oh it's happening all right." Lin smiled as he faced Groff, "Me and Groffsauce... ARE GETTING MARRIED EVERYONE!" That's when everyone joined in cheering and clapping.

They were overly excited at the news that they were being told.

Lin pulled Chris aside and gave him a small little speech,

"Chris man. You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And I'll never forget working with you or meeting you. You always made me laugh, and always annoyed me with your stupid request for a solo in the second act of 'In the Heights.'"

They laughed,

"Man you know my saying for you, as long as I got a job you got a job, and I wanted to celebrate and thank you for being my best friend and putting up with me for 2 shows all these years, by asking you to be my best man."  By this moment Lin was in tears.

"Man you serious?" Chris croaked out,

Lin nodded, unable to speak from the tears.

"Hell yeh man, HELL yeah!" Chris pulled him in for a hug as tears fell down his face.

The party went great the night went great. Everything about this whole situation was great.

~ 2 years later ~

Groffsauce and Lin are happily married. They each have their own little side projects,

Lin: Moana, and Marry poppins Returns.

Groffsauce: Frozen and a possibility of a Frozen 2.

They are so happy.

Jasmine and Anthony (Janthony.) are happily engaged.

Daveed is dating Renee.

Chris has a wife.

Oak is dating someone but it's a secret.

~ A small Pippa story because why tf not ~

*Pippas pov*

Life has been going amazing. Better than I could ever imagine.

Steven makes me the happiest girl in the world and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I stay in touch with a majority of the cast and crew from Hamilton.

Mainly, Lin, Groff, Jasmine, Anthony, Oak, Renee, Daveed.

Oak has a girlfriend but he has only told me. We are best friends and we tell each other just about anything.

Today. Was the best day of all days. Today...

Steven proposed to me.

He did it where we had our first date, after recreating out first date almost perfectly. I still had the same butterflies that told me he really was the one for me.

I called up Lin and Groff first. I told them the news and they were overly excited for me. I told Oak and he hugged me so tight I thought I was going to die.

His girlfriend told me congrats.

I told everyone else and everyone was as equally excited as the person I called before them.

~Wedding day~

I agreed to let Oak marry us. Somehow he convinced Steven to let him, who eventually convinced me.

It was beautiful.

Renee gave the toast and started off by saying,

"A toast to the groom," as everyone else filled in.

This was such a perfect moment. The best day of my life. Everyone was together, everyone was happy. Everyone even met Oak's girlfriend. Everything was absolutely perfect.


Hey everyone. Let me know how you liked the story. I know no that many people read these but, let me know what you thought.

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