A week later

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*Going back to 3rd person pov/// Also full disclaimer this has sexual slurs that are offensive*

Lin had been receiving hate messages all week long but he didn't let anyone know. Especially not Groff. Lin spent hours awake, in the bathroom, Groff only noticed once but he thought Lin was using the bathroom so he had went back to sleep. Lin spent the week crying, distracting, and distancing himself from everyone.

Pippa approached Lin in his dressing room before the show today as he was looking out the window, "Hey"

No response.

"Lin. Have you talked to Groff yet?" She noticed that he was already dressed, which was weird because Lin never got dressed before 10 minutes and they had 20 minutes.

"Lin!" She tried again.

"What?" He shot back, still not turning to her, his hands were shaking but he had them positioned to where she couldn't see them.

She took a step in, "Why the attitude?" She sounded offended.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I um, I gotta go. See you on stage." Lin tried to walk out but she grabbed his arm because he refused to make eye contact with her.

Lin knew that Pippa knew him best and normally he'd put on a fake smile so people wouldn't ask him what was wrong, but what he got on his phone this morning changed everything. He had been crying all morning, he left the house way earlier than Groff so he wouldn't catch him crying. Lin avoided anyone who could see through his smile.

"Lin what the fuck." She looked down and saw his hands going crazy.

She pushed him back toward the window and rushed to shut the door. "Lin talk to me right now."

"Phillipa." He never said her actual name. "Move, please." His shaking increased.


*Ten minutes to places*

It distracted Pippa enough for him to slip past her, unlock the door and walk out. She was stunned.

"What the hell" she said to herself.

Groff rushed in, "Pip there you are, have you seen Lin?"

He noticed that she looked terrified, "Hey, what, what's wrong Pip?"

"Lin. What's going on with him?"

"I don't know, he left at like 6:30am today, I couldn't get a word into him before he left."

Pippa looked at him with full on fear in her eyes, "Groff. What. The. Hell. Happened."

Groff was actually clueless, they sat there for 3 minutes before Renee rushed in, "Pip there you are, what are you doing? You have to get dressed."

She didn't realize that she wasn't ready. They had to push back the start of the show as they waited for Pippa to be ready. Groff found Renee, "I know you said I had until today to tell Lin, but somethings wrong and he hasn't been talking to me. Now that I think about it, last time I saw him truly smile was my birthday." Groff spoke fast,

"Okay." Renee replied, "I noticed something was off so the bets off until we figure out what's up. Okay?"

Groff nodded as he started to be worried about Lin.

It was during "Dear Theodosia" that Lin noticed his parents walk into the theater, as they sat right in front of him a couple rows from the front. Lin froze up, but thankfully it was during Johns death so he had an excuse to cry. They did "Non-Stop" and Lin felt like he was going to throw up.


Pippa and Groff rushed to find Lin, "Lin are you." Groff started.

Too much was happening at once so without realizing Lin yelled at both of them, "Can you guys leave me alone for one goddamn minute!" Then he rushed into his dressing room, threw up, and cried until 5 minutes to places.

Pippa and Groff looked at each other, "Groff." Pip started, "He didn't mean it. Something is going on, we both know that, and whatever it is, it's big. Don't take it to heart okay?" Groff nodded. Pip however was having trouble keeping calm herself. Daveed rushed to her, "Hey, what was that?"

"You heard?"

"Yeah we all heard."

Pip looked over to see Renee, Jazzy, Oak, Thayne, Chris, Leslie, Emmy, and Anthony just standing there stunned.

"Something is happening with Lin Daveed. It's something big and after what happened last time, I'm scared. Like really scared. I can't lose him." She started to cry. Daveed hugged her. Lin then came out of his dressing room, saw everyone staring at him, ignored them and continued to his spot.

He bumped into Groff on the way who tried to grab his arm but Lin flinched and by the time Groff saw the terror in his eyes, Lin had run off to his spot.

Lin performed horribly the rest of the time but the cast kept covering for him, he couldn't stop focusing on his parents, why were they here, after what happened, what could they possibly be doing here. That's when she walked in. Lin's ex. She walked in during "It's quiet uptown." And without realizing Lin full on started crying, on stage. Thank god it fit the scene. Why was everyone here. Pip noticed how Lin's emotions changed and she realized him crying for real and it made her cry. What was happening.

After the show, Lin went straight to his dressing room, threw up again, and cried even harder as everything came back to him.


"Bi sexual? You?" his parents laughed. They then noticed he was serious. His dad spoke first, "You're a disgrace." He slapped Lin in the face, he looked to his mother for support but the only look on his face was disgust, "You fucking fagg- Get the hell out of my house" She slapped him. They burned some of his clothes as well as some of his belongings.

~flashback ended~

Lin threw up again.


"You're parents are right. You are a disgrace. I hope you rot in hell you fagg-" She told him that he had to pack and leave her house right now. Lin cried as he packed. As he walked out of the room Lin felt a sharp pain in his stomach, she had hit him with a metal rod. She then continued to hit and kick him as he was spitting out blood. Panic attack. Seizure. Blackout.

~flashback ended~

Lin threw up one more time. Then he heard a knock on his door. He thought it was Groff or Pippa so he opened it, only to face his parents....

*Tell me if you like it or not.*

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