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*3rd person pov*

Phillipa walked into the full room as everyone surrounded Groff's hospital bed. She held back tears and smiled as they moved to the side so she could carefully hug him. The doctor came in and asked to speak to them all separately from Groff.

"I have bad news."  The doctor started once they were outside.

"What is it?" Renee asked

"Because we couldn't find the other stab wounds in time, Mr. Groff lost a lot of blood. Actually he lost too much blood. So we are going to have to put him into a coma."

"What?" Daveed's voice broke, "You can't do that."

"I'm so sorry that I have to tell you this, but if we don't put him into a coma and try to get a blood transfusion, Mr. Groff will die between now and the next 3 days."

"No!" Pippa gasped as she went straight into Renee's chest, and started crying.

"Alright." Anthony said, "Thanks for um." *Sniffle* "Thanks for informing us."

"We have already told Mr. Groff. He didn't know how to tell you guys and that's why I am telling you. I can't tell you how sorry I am that this has to happen." And just like that the doctor was gone. They got their sniffles out and went back into the room with Groff.

"Hey." He said with a weak smile. Daveed smiled back weakly,

"Hey Jonny."

"She told you?" Groff asked as he looked around and noticed the red puffy eyes on everyone's faces,

"Yeah man." Oak answered, "We love you. You know that right?" Groff nodded, "And we won't rest till we get that son of a bitch that did this to you." Oak was no longer sad, he was filled with anger instead.

Groff asked if they would all go home so they could rest, plus he didn't want them to watch as they put him into a coma. He begged them to not forget about him,

"Forget? About you?" Renee laughed through tears, "How could we ever." Groff chuckled then winced as a sharp pain filled his body.

"I love you guys." Groff started, "I'm so sorry for what Lin and I have put you through we don't deserve you guys."

"We love you more man." Anthony replied through fresh tears. They all started to leave as Groff grabbed Pippas arm as tears flowed through his face, "Stay?"

She nodded, "Of course Jon."

"How's Lin?" He asked.

"Honest to God?" She asked back, he nodded.

"He's not doing so good." *Sniffle* "Um. He wants to see you." *Sniffle* "He is um, he's in a hospital room of his own because he um, he carried you here, I don't know if you remember. But um, once you were in the doctors arms, they wouldn't let him see you, so his anxiety took over, and he had another anxiety induced seizure."

The look on Groff's face was terrifying. He couldn't think of anything to say.

"I wanna see him." Was all that came out of his mouth. "Before they put me in a coma I need to see him one last time."

"I don't think that's a good idea Jon." Pippa started, "If he sees you in this state, he might break."

"You don't understand. If I don't tell him that it's not his fault and that I love him, he will break." He knew where Pip was coming from and it made perfect sense. But he needed to see Lin, "Please Pip."

"I" She saw the look on his face, the look of hope and desperation was all over his face, "Okay. But I warned you."

"Thank you." He smiled a small smile as Pip left to ask the doctor to bring Lin in. It took a lot of convincing but the doctor eventually agreed and Pip walked back into the room, "She's going to go get him. But Jonathan, please. Be careful."

I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now