Hospital pt. 2

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Lin's Pov:

How could this happen. We were just walking, minding our business. I knew my bad feeling meant something. Now I'm rushing to the hospital with Jon as he bleeds out in my car.

"It's gonna be okay!" I keep telling him.

My anxiety isn't taking this well, but I can't freak out. Not now. Not when his life is in danger. Fuck! I hate Vanessa with everything inside of me.

I get to the hospital and rush to Groff's door. He tries to walk but I insisted on carrying him because he's not that heavy. I didn't want to remove the knife and make it worse. I ran inside,

"Help! Someone help! My boyfriend." I started stuttering, what the fuck, "He's been stabbed. I need help!" They rushed over to me, took him and placed him on the stretcher. They asked him to take a deep breath and prepare for the pain as they pulled the knife out of his stomach. He let out a blood curling scream that broke my heart. No. Not him. This can't be happening to him.

I screamed, "Don't hurt him!" It was a reflex. They continued. They placed a cloth over his stomach to attempt to stop the bleeding. Then rushed him to the ER. I followed.

"Is he going to be okay?!" I screamed after them once they told me to stay back, "Is he going to be okay!" I yelled louder as tears streamed down my face. I started just screaming because nobody answered me, as I eventually fell into somebody's arms.Everything after that was a blur.

*3rd person pov*

Lin was screaming and tears were streaming down his face as he yelled after the people who took Groff away from him. As he was screaming he didn't notice that his severe anxiety had taken over. He started to shake, he went pale and passed out in a workers arms.

Pippa's pov:

Steven dropped me off at my house and I took a nap.
I awoke to a call from the hospital,


"May I speak to Ms. Soo?"

"This is her."

"I need you to come down to the hospital right away."


"Something has happened to Mr. Miranda, and you are listed as his emergency contact." Something happened to Lin? What?  I just saw him. Wait.

"Have you contacted Jonathan Groff?" I started to get out of bed,

"Jonathan Groff is in the hospital at the moment."

"What exactly do you mean by in the hospital? Is he with Lin?"

"Ms. Soo I really shouldn't talk about this over the phone, can you just come down?"

I got frustrated and I didn't mean to yell, but I did, "Tell me right now! Where is Jonathan?!"

"Mr. Groff is currently unconscious in surgery."

"What." My voice cracked.

"Ms. Soo?"

"I'm on the way." I hung up and texted the group:

Pippa: Everyone emergency! Get down to the hospital. No time for questions just get there.

Daveed, Oak, Anthony, Jasmine, Renee: Okay. See you there.

I rushed to the hospital and was there in less than 20 minutes. I couldn't stop thinking about the last time I saw both of them. We just had coffee this morning.

About 3 minutes after I got there, everyone else arrived.

I told them what the nurse told me over the phone. Then we rushed inside, and asked where Lin was.

After they told us we rushed over to his room. He was sleeping.

"Lin." I said, "Lin!" I started shaking him, "Wake up!"

He awoke and instantly tried to jump out of bed screaming, "Where is he?! Where is Jonathan! I need to see him!" We we're all taken by surprise and I backed up as the doctors ran in to pin and tie Lin down to the bed, until he stopped fighting and calmed down. What the hell happened.

When Lin agreed to stay in bed, the doctors left. We all reproached him. We all surrounded him as I asked what happened.

"Before we met up with you I had gotten a call from." He gulped, "Vanessa." What? His abusive ex?

"What did she want." I asked

"She told me that I was hers and that if I didn't give her my money then she'd make me pay."

"What the hell Lin." Anthony chipped in.

"Why didn't you tell me? We were together damn near all morning." I asked.

"We didn't want to ruin what you had set up. We thought she was just trying to scare me. So we left it alone."

"Ugh. Okay what happened after you left the coffee shop?"

"We um." He took a deep breath, "We went to the park, and we sat for a while just talking," His eyes started to water and his voice started to crack, "Then I got a bad feeling so I told Groff that we should go." This is where Lin broke, "Then while we were walking to the car, a random man ran to us and before we could think he stabbed Groff." Lin closed his eyes, I could tell he was going over it over and over in his head. I wanted to take this off his shoulders, I grabbed his hand.

"That's when." *Sniffle* "That's when I heard him yell, 'Pay up bitch' and my heart dropped. So I rushed Groff here. But." He started to break again, "But they took him away from me. I just want to see him. I just want to make sure he's okay but they TOOK HIM!" Lin screamed this part and started to sob.

Anthony went to his other side and grabbed his other hand, Jasmine behind him. I knew that Anthony couldn't stand to see Lin like this.

As I held Lin's hand while he cried, his grip got tighter and tighter. His eyes rolled back, he started shaking and his mouth started to foam. Not again.

"Doctor!" I heard Renee yell. "We need a doctor right now!"

5 doctors came rushing in and asked us all to stand back but Lin's grip on my hand was too tight for me to break. Everyone else stepped out of the room while 2 of the doctors worked on getting my hand free, and the other 3 worked on Lin.

Eventually they got my hand free and asked me to leave the room, so I went to find the rest of the group. They jumped up from their seats when they saw me, "He um." My voice started to break, "He had another Anxiety induced seizure, but this one was worse because um," They came over to me and Renee held me as I finished, "He had stopped taking his pills so the anxiety in him was just rising and rising slowly over time." We all had our share of cries. Eventually the doctors told us that Groff was stable enough for us to visit him, and that he had to have 3 stitches because it took them a while but they noticed that he had actually been stabbed 3 times.

I let everyone else go in, then pulled Anthony aside to give him a hug. We talked a little bit and I could see he was holding in tears so I told him,

"Anthony, I know Lin is more like a brother to you than any of us here. You guys have been through it all together and I know you look up to him, so it's okay to cry. Let it out okay?" He nodded as I hugged him again.

We asked if we could go see Lin again alone, we each had things we wanted to say to him. The doctors let us go, but he was unconscious which it was hard to see him like that but it was easier for us to say what we wanted to say.

I let Anthony go in first. He bowed his head over Lin's body and held his hand as he prayed and talked to Lin. When I notice him start to break down, I ran in and picked him up and walked him out, I walked him to Groff's room, and he thanked me for letting him talk to Lin. I went back to the room.

I said my own words to him, cried some, got mad some, then hugged and kissed his cheek. I told him everything would be okay. Then I went to visit Groff.

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