The party

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Lin almost had a full on panic attack because he thought Groff had told everyone about his sexuality, but he just smiled and asked, "What's all this?"

Anthony walked up to him, "You're show is about to be on broadway man! You made it! This is something special!"

Next was Daveed, "What? Did you just think we weren't gonna celebrate you bringing this into the world?"

Lin felt so relieved that Groff hadn't told them.

Then each cast member walked up to Lin, hugged him, thanked him for letting them be apart of this, and then Anthony yelled, "Alright Alright! That's what I'm talking about!" and the cast laughed as they started the music.

Groff hugged Lin and whispered, "Now this is the surprise." Smiled then walked off to talk to Renée and Jasmine.

Phillipa came up to Lin and asked, "What's wrong hun?"

Phillipa really knew Lin best, even though they only played husband and wife sometimes it really felt like that in real life. Lin pulled Phillipa to the side which really got her worried, and when they were for sure out of earshot, and nobody could see them, Lin broke down completely.

Phillipa held him as they slid to the floor, "Lin honey what's wrong? What happened? Is everything okay?"

Lin just sobbed in her shoulder, he felt so blessed to have someone like Phillipa in his life. He tried to speak, "I told him Phillipa"

Phillipa had to make sure they were talking about the same thing, which they weren't. "You told him you had feelings for him?"

"No," Lin started still sobbing, "I told him about my sexuality, and you should've seen the way he looked at me Pippa, he looked at me with disgust! I don't think he wants to be my best friend anymore, and I can't handle that." Lin spoke really fast when he was scared. He knew that he could only talk to Phillipa about this.

"Lin sweetheart, he does want to be your best friend, I'm sure it wasn't that bad."

"He couldn't even speak to me after. It took forever for him to actually speak after I told him. It's over. And, And." Lin could feel the attack. He stopped crying and they were standing up, then it hit.

Lin's hands started shaking, his breath got shorter and shorter till he couldn't breathe, he never warned Pippa that this could happen, so she got scared. Lin then collapsed to the floor and started shaking uncontrollably, then he passed out. Phillipa screamed, but nobody came, she left the room and got Groff, Jasmine, and Renée.

She brought them back to the room and they all got scared as they were staring at a passed out Lin on the floor, with vomit surrounding him. Groff rushed to his side, and Jasmine called 911. Renée told everyone to leave because an emergency had come up, Daveed, Oak, and Anthony stayed however to help clean up. Once everyone was gone they decided to leave the body. Groff checked his pulse and said it was weak. They all waited scared as the ambulance pulled in, and took Lin away. They all decided to not rush to the hospital right away so that they could continue to clean the house.

Daveed, Oak, Anthony, and Jasmine were the first to leave to head over to the hospital. Next was Renée. Groff offered to take Phillipa since she was clearly in shock and had barley spoke a word while they waited for the ambulance to come. She was the only person who witnessed it, so she was more scared than anyone else. When everything for sure looked good, they took off in Groff's car to the hospital.

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