You'll be back

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They got to the hospital and they walked inside. They didn't talk to each other. Lin felt bad and didn't know what to say. Pippa was pissed off at Lin for his side remark earlier.

The doctors spoke to them before they went in. They informed them that while they were gone, they got a donor for the blood transfusion. They also informed them that they were going to perform it tonight. Lin almost cried out of joy. Pippa hugged Lin because she was happy as well. Lin was cautious at first but eventually hugged her back.

Once she remember she was mad at him, she pulled away from him and straightened herself up. She told them that she was going to call the rest of the group. Lin went to visit Groff one more time before the procedure.

"Groffsauce. Jonathan. Please pull through. You got this." He grabbed his hand, "I love you Jonathan Groff. You own my heart. Please fight. Be stronger than me." That's when Pippa walked in,

Lin kissed his forehead as he let Pip have a moment alone with him.

"Jonathan. I love you so much. You got this. You're strong. I got Lin while your resting. Don't worry. I love you."

She then met up with Lin and told him that she informed the rest of the group. They all said they would come now to wish him luck before the procedure.

~Time skip~

After everyone talked to Groff and the doctors took him into the ER. Daveed suggested that they all go out to eat. Lin insisted on staying here but they forced him to go.

They ate and talked. This would be considered an amazing night but Lin couldn't help but think about Groff.  And honestly nobody else could stop thinking about him either. They all prayed for Groff as it hit 11:00pm they would be starting the procedure about now.

~Time skip~

Everyone went home, Pip had some extra clothes so she stayed with Lin for the night. Neither of them could sleep so they talked all night long. When it hit about 4:00am, Pippa got a call.

"Ms. Soo?"


"This is the hospital. Mr. Groff's transfusion went perfectly. He is still in a come because we are not allowed to wake him, he has to wake on his own. But you guys can visit now."

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Oh my. Thank you, thank you!"

They hung up.

"What? What is it?" Lin asked eagerly.

"Get in the car we are going somewhere."

"What? It's 4:00 o'clock in the morning Pip."

"Trust me."


They left. In the car Lin kept bugging Pip to tell him so when they were about 3 minutes from the hospital Pip pulled over and told Lin what she was told on the phone. His eyes watered and he hugged her and let out a long gasp.

She started driving again.

~Time skip~

They got there and immediately rushed in to see Groff. Lin stopped at the door of his room to take a deep breath.

Pip asked why he stopped,

"I just. I can't believe this."

"Lin. You know that you have to wait until he wakes up."

"I know. I'll be here when he does. I swear." He turned to her, "Will you let me stay until he wakes?"


I won't leave you... (A messy Grofflin story)Where stories live. Discover now