The News

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Ik I shouldn't but nobody can stop me. I'm probably gonna make another Ciel X Reader👉👈😳



"Lady Y/N,it is time for you to wake up." I groaned turned over as I heard a soft laugh"Lady Y/N,I know you wish to sleep in. But your mother is requesting a audience with you." I sighed and looked to see my maid Caroline. "C...aroline?" I muttered still half asleep"yes?" She hums"what is for...breakfast?" She smiled softly"well,I am aware that there will be biscuits." I nod as I sit up"which one requested that?" I hum"Young Master Francis." I nod as I let out a yawn"thank you for waking me up." She nods with a bow and walks out of my room.

Unlike everyone else who lives in this manor,I am pretty much self sufficient. I looked out my window to see the garden below,I smiled a little as I looked to the book next to me. "It seems I fell asleep reading again." I said as I picked up the book and set it on my side table.

I stretched and then forced myself out of bed. I headed towards the bathroom and did my hygienic things before heading to my wardrobe. I tugged on the handles and it opened to reveal my dresses,I groaned.

I wasn't a big fan of dresses. All the girls my age seem to adore them,but myself. Though if you wear things considered 'not the norm' especially for a noble,they talk about you.

Mother and Father told me that a lady should always wear a dress. A dress was made for ladies only.

I think that is some bullsh*t.

Men should be able to wear dresses to and get no feed back,as well as makeup to. Though I don't wear makeup.

I sighed and grabbed a black dress. The collar had white flaps,like something you'd find on a baby doll dress. Then the sleeves were long and draped,lastly it reached my knees.

I set it on my bed and stared at the corset laying on the chair. I shook my head and grabbed some shoes and shut the wardrobe.

I quickly got dressed and headed down to the dining room. "Y/NNNN!" I felt a embrace around my waist,I turned to see my little sister Chloe. She was my only sister in fact.

"Good morning!" She chirped"mornin'!" She giggles"how'd you sleep?" She hums"I slept alright I suppose. I fell asleep reading a book again." I said picking her up and placing her on my hip. "That's bad mother says!" I nod and out a finger over my lip"then keep it on the down low." She repeats what I said and nod"yes ma'am!"

We heard into the dining room,nobody was down there but a few maids. "Good morning Lady Y/N and Lady Chloe." One of the maid says as I feel Chloe struggle out of my grip,so I set her on the floor.

I walked into the kitchen to see our chiefs moving around quickly,the food smelled amazing. "What are you doing in here Lady Y/N?" Caroline asks"oh I was wondering if you needed help with the table." She shakes her head"you are a noble my lady. You shouldn't be expected to do such things." I roll my eyes"so? I don't want to sit around and do nothing all day! That is so boring!"

She pats my head"I suppose you can set the table." I smile and hug her before grabbing the plates and rushing back into the dining room.

I quickly set the table and not less than five minutes later,breakfast was ready. I put Chloe in her chair and sat down into mine. Minutes later one by one my family entered. First Francis,then Jared,next Mother and lastly Father.

My Mother and Father force us to pray before the food was brought in. Quickly my brothers went for the biscuits.

"Mother I was thinking about maybe not studying today?" She looks up from me"and why not?" She asks"well,I wanted to go visit the Phantomhives. It has been a while since I have to talked to the twins,in almost 2 months actually. Plus,they never sent a Christmas card like usual." My mother nods"I could skip." I smiled and got up and ran over to her,I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek.

"Thank youuuuu!"

She nods and forces me to my seat. "But only for today. You have many languages to learn still." I nod as I pick up a biscuit a nibble on it.

Breakfast went smoothly as usual.

Currently I am in a carriage with Caroline. "Isn't it going to be nice to see them again my lady?" I nod"I miss my best friend." I said crossing my arms"if you do not mind me asking-"I look up"are you in love with the shy one?" I felt my cheeks burn"ah...! I...!" Her eyes widened as she smiled brightly"YOU ARE!" She squeals"oh I can imagine the wedding now!" She dreams as I feel my cheeks burn more.

"Shut it!" I growl as she nods"what do you think he got you for Christmas?" I shrug"perhaps another book?" She puts her hand over her mouth"or perhaps a promise ring~?"

I felt the carriage come to a stop. "We're here!" I squealed rushing out of the carriage,though what I saw in front of me was a dead manor.

The manor seemed unkept like nobody lived there for a while. Vines were growing up the building,it was covered in spiderwebs as well. "What...happened here?" I asked looking around. "It seems to be abandoned my lady." My eyes widened as I clasped my hands over my mouth"this has to be joke...! The Phantomhives wouldn't have just left..."I turn to to Caroline"r-right?!"

She nods"I'm sure they are off some where,probably vacation." She states"but the staff as well...?" I felt a pit in my stomach"I have to go look inside." Caroline's eyes widen as she grabs my hand"no ma'am! I am not allowing you to do that! You're parents will have my head!"

"I-I have a bad feeling." I told her"ignore it." She says"but wh-"she shakes her head"ignore it. They are never correct. It is just your mind playing tricks on you." I nod and she ushers me back into the carriage.

And like that we headed back home.

I quickly headed for my Father office. I slammed the door open to see him doing work. "Father!" I screamed slamming the door behind me as he looks up. "What have I told you about-"I went over to him"tell me what the h*ll happened to the Phantomhives!" I growled"I know you were close to Lord Phantomhive. So you must know!"

He stayed silent for a minute before sighing"I suppose I can no longer keep it a secret...please sit down." I nod and sit on the chair in front of him.

"The Phantomhives are dead."

"I'm sorry...come again?"

"The Phantomhives are dead,each and every one of them."

:flashback end:

End Of The Earth(Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now