Wolfram & Sullivan

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I believe in Kurapika supremacy


My eyes fluttered open to see Ciel staring at me. "Oh...hello to you to." I mutter letting out a slight yawn"what did I miss?" Ciel sighs"at least you're alive. You didn't really miss anything,you were only out for about 10 minutes according to Sebastian. Oh he also defeated the cannon and we ran into some reapers." I nod"I see..."I mutter as I look down at the torn dress"this is why I hate long dresses." I said standing up and grabbing the bottom of the dress and tearing it. "Thank god that the fabric is thin. Anyways,where to now?" I hum"to escape. Sebastian-"Ciel starts"Diederich told us there was a train on the outskirts of the village. Take us to that train." Sebastian quickly swoops is both up and we head towards the train.

Small time skip

Wolfram fell to the ground a bullet wound in his chest,my eyes widened slightly though I didn't say a word.

"TRAITOR! DIE GREEN WITCH!" The older military lady yells about to pull the trigger as Sebastian makes his way behind the lady. "Oh,it seems some food has escaped from the oven. I guess the fire wasn't strong enough." Sebastian states stabbing the lady in the neck making her fall to the ground.

"WOLF! WOLF!" Sullivan screams making me look over to the train moving away from us,she scurried over to the edge of the train reaching her hand out. "Lady Sullivan! Be careful!" Mey-Rin yells grabbing her so she doesn't fall. Wolfram raises his head and reaches his arm out"lady...you..."before he could finish his sentence he passed out.

"WOLLLLF!" Sullivan lets out a blood curdling scream. I glance at Ciel,who looked at me. He simply nodded understanding what I wanted to do. "Sebastian,please save Wolfram." I beg"Sebastian this is a order,save Wolfram." Ciel demands.He sets us both down the train and quickly picks up Wolfram and sets him down.

Once he was set down onto the train Sullivan began to cry harder. "WOLF!" She cried out as she started to shake him awake a little,but no answer. "W-Wolf...?" I grab her and pull her into a hug"he's not dead Sullivan...just passed out." Is all I say"he'll be ok..."I whisper petting her hair as she cried harder.

Not five minutes went by before Sullivan let go of me and ran back to Wolfram. "WOLF!" She cried again,tears slipping from her green eyes. Tears hit his face as a soft groan was released and his eyes opened. Sullivan's eyes widened as she grabbed a hold of his hand"la...dy...?" Wolfram stutters out"I...I am-"he starts"don't talk!" Sullivan states.

"Mr.Wolfram,a butler isn't allowed to die before their master,this is what my senior taught me." Sebastian explains gesturing to Tanaka"the longer we wait,the worse his condition will get." I speak up as Ciel nods"Sebastian get a knife and burn it until it is red. Mey-Rin,get all the water and cloth you can get!"

Not long later Sebastian returns with the knife and gives it to Ciel,then Mey-Rin comes back with water and cloth(s).

Wolfram began to squirm in discomfort. "Wolfram,the more you squirm the worse it will feel." I growl making him glance at me.

"Hold him down."

Sullivan begins to cry some more. "No...no Wolf...please don't-"

"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" I turn to see Ciel,his blue eye glaring at Sullivan as he grabs her face and pulls her close. "YOU SAID IT YOURSELF THAT AS GREEN WITCH YOUR DUTY WAS TO PROTECT YOUR VILLAGERS,RIGHT?! HE'S THE ONLY ONE LEFT!"

"Ciel! Stop!" I say getting up and going to the boy who only ignored me"IN THE EXTERNAL WORLD THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC OR MIRACLES! YOU HAVE TO SAVE HIM-"he places the knife in her hands"WITH YOUR OWN HANDS!"

She shakily held the knife in her hand. She turned to Wolfram. "Wolf...IF YOU DIE NOW THEN I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" She screams thrusting the knife into his chest.

While she 'preformed surgery' she didn't cry as much. I sat there watching her,her green hues held worry. I went over to Ciel who didn't seem to notice me"Ciel..."I trail off"can we talk?" He turns to me"about?" "About earlier." He nods"in the forest,you were being a huge jerk. Why?" He sighs"because I knew if I didn't scare her she would've chosen death." He explains"oh...s-so...what would you have done if she chose death?" I ask"I probably would've shot her. I mean,it was her wish." He states"r-really?" He runs his hand through his hair"I...I don't know. I would like to fulfill her wish,but I also know that you would probably abandon me." I stay silent knowing it was true.

"He stopped bleeding. If we can get him into proper care then he should be fine." I turn to see a bloody Sullivan with Sebastian next to her"you carried out your job perfectly lady." He tells her as she glances back at her hands. "Now would be a nice time for Madam Red." I admitted"she is dead." I nod"I know that...what she did wasn't acceptable but she didn't deserve to die." I say looking at Ciel who didn't say a word.

Sebastian looked over to us,a smirk on his face. Ciel let out a sigh. "We can't take him to a hospital,they'll find us." He turns to Diederich"give us a place to hide Diederich." Diederich comes over to us"I guess saying 'no' will get me no where. Like father like-"

"I wasn't the least bit surprise you told me to get him." Sebastian says to me"of course you shouldn't be. Sullivan needs him. As he needs Sullivan." I simply say as Sebastian take's his tailcoat off and puts it on Ciel. "Though I am surprised that you ordered me to save him young master,by chance is it because Lady Y/N?" He smirks making Ciel blush lightly"n-no...it's j-just that the external world has worse things than werewolves. And like Y/N said,she'll need someone. Plus she is my insurance. I know to much so people will be after me."

"I see. But why is she your insurance if you have me young master? You're a worrier young master." Sebastian purrs"Sebastian you may always tell the truth,but you are the farthest 'person' we can trust." Ciel nods in agreement.

End Of The Earth(Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now