Hoppkin's Tailor Shop

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It was nice to be back in England,my home. I missed being here. The wind softly blew making me move the hair out of my face,the sun was bright and made everything bright. I glanced around at the familiar fashion. I was happy to be back,over joyed even. Though I knew I had to return back to the girly life style,something I wasn't a big fan of.

"This is London!" Wolfram and Sullivan exclaim,their eyes wide. "This is what Queen Victoria is ruling...the country the sun never sets on." Wolfram says"you two-"Sebastian starts"speaking in German will raise suspicion. Please talk in English." Sullivan nods with a 'got it' while Wolfram looks confused as he whispers something to Sebastian.

"But if that is the case I can teach you back at the manor." Sebastian tells him"I think her majesty is expecting us." Ciel says tugging on his hat"I wish to show my face in a week." I cross my arms"Ciel that's to soon~!" I groan"we just got back." I complain"if that's the case,is there anything I can do?! I wish to help!" Sullivan exclaims reaching her hand out"Sebastian,this is a order." He says glancing at Sebastian"train them both until we have to meet with her majesty." Ciel boredly says"yes my lord."

Ciel then states that we will be visiting Hoppkin's Tailor shop. "When having a audience with her majesty there is a strict dress code. For the royal,we will have formal wear tailored." Sebastian says to Sullivan as he opens the door and lets us into the shop.

Sullivan's green eyes glancing around the room. Sparkles in her eyes. "Ciel-"I start as the boy looks over at me"is it alright if I get her to make me a new dress?" He nods"thank you."

"Thank you for coming. Welcome to Hoppkin's Tailor shop." These two women say together"it has been a while we are here to request something." Sebastian admits"I FEEL THE PRESENCE OF YOUNG PEOPLE! MEG! AUGUSTA! WHO MAY IT BE?!" The older woman who goes by Hoppkin's yells.

"As sharp as ever miss Hoppkin's..." Sebastian trails off.

"Welcome young Earl and Lady Y/N! Long time no see!" The woman yells rushing to us"it's so rare to see you two here!"

"As usual it's interesting to ignore you to an extent." Sebastian teases as Hoppkin's glares at Sebastian before looking to Sullivan"oh and who might she be?!"

"That is Sullivan,she is Ciel's guest." I speak up"because she doesn't have any other clothing,can we request some?" Ciel hums"I see. Well you certainly don't have any summer clothing..."she trails off"I'd like to also request a dress." I said making her look at me with a nod as she turns back to Sullivan and rambles on about the material of Sullivan's clothing.

"It's that way because it was a emergency." Sebastian growls"huh?" Sebastian puts on a fake smile"we originally came here for a woman's formal wear,but we'd also like a men's suit. So can it be a request?"

"That is a silly question. Isn't it?" Hoppkin's asks as she begins to mutter to herself for a while"THAT'S IT! I HAVE OVERFLOWING INSPIRATION!" She then grabs Sullivan's hand as well as mine"THIS WAY LADIES!" Sullivan have a frighten look as I let out a sigh and waved goodbye to Ciel who waved back.

She brought us to her sewing room. A room I had been in more than once. "Excuse the mess! A lot of choir dress requests just came in. Now...what color should your everyday wear be?" Sullivan looked at the pictures hang on the wall"may I ask something?" Sullivan hums making Hoppkin's look over"this type of clothing is alright,right?" Sullivan points to one of the photo's on the wall"of course it is!"

Quickly Hoppkin's begins to sketch her design. "So how about you lady Y/N? What do you want?" I look over to her"well I was thinking knee length of course,perhaps F/C(fav color). Then maybe a collar type of neck like this one-"I said taking the photo down and carrying it over to her. She looks at it and nods"then the sleeves are up to you." She nods once more as she taps the pen against her cheek deep in thought.

time skip

I sat as I watched her help Sullivan into her dress. "Lady Y/N,if you do not mind me asking...will I ever be able to make you and young Earl's wedding clothing?" I feel my cheeks burn"o-of c-course! I-I mean n-not for me...b-but for him and Lizzie."She glances at me"will you ever confess your love to him?" I didn't respond"I no longer want to talk about our relationship."

Sullivan then speaks up"but you two are cute together! You have to date! Whose Lizzie anyways?"

"Oh Lizzie or Elizabeth is Ciel's fiancé." Sullivan shakes her head"nu uh! You are his,simple as that. It doesn't matter what Lizzie says." I blow some stray hair out of my face"Sullivan,when someone is born into nobility most of the time they already have a fiancé set for them. Much like Lizzie and Ciel. If you wish to call off the wedding then you are looked down on. But sometimes you are lucky and do not have to marry who you are told to."

"So how about you? We're you forced into a marriage?" I shake my head"I wasn't. My parents were far to focused on other things than relationships. Though they did try and get me into relationships."

"Done!" Hoppkin's exclaims"can we cut my hair?" Hoppkin's nods"of course!"

Time skip

We descend the staircase. "Thank you for waiting!" Sullivan exclaims gaining the attention of everyone else. "How does it look on me?" She asks with a smile"YOUNG LA-"


"I got her to cut it! So now the maid doesn't have to worry about my hair. It's a fresh start!"

"I like it." I say.

"Yea...you smell nice..."Wolfram says.

"I think you meant 'look nice'." Ciel suggests.

"But the social rule..."Sebastian mutters.

"The Alice look is in these days! Also women must have freedom with their hair!" Hoppkin's yells"even if it does look nice you should've respected social rules." Sebastian growls"do we really need to do this now mr.hardhead~?" The woman teases"I guess it can not be helped..."Sebastian sighs in defeat"let's head back to the manor."

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