The Return

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"Can you tell me a story?" He asks"huh? What type?" I ask"one about you." I nod"let's see...ok let me tell you this one:"


"Is there any way I can help you?" I asked the red haired lady. "Oh no,it's quite alright." I nod and walk into the hallway. Ever since the Phantomhives died I've been visiting Madam Red at her job. Sometimes she gives me work to do and other times she doesn't.

I was walking down the hall when I noticed a older man in a wheelchair. My eyes widened"TANAKA?!" I yelled my eyes wide,his eyes widened"Lady Y/N,what are you-"I quickly wrapped my arms around the old man"I was told the Phantomhives were all dead including all the servants." He nods and I pull away"what happened?" Tanaka began to tell me what had happened on the twins birthday.

Not long later Tanaka's eyes widened as he crawled out the chair. "YOUNG MASTER!" He yelled"grandpa!" I turned and my eyes widened.

The blue grey haired boy held a death grip onto the old man. I looked to see a black haired butler,something was odd about him.

The boy looked at me,his blue eye widened. "Y-Y-You're ok!" He screamed as he pushed away from Tanaka and wrapped his arms around me. I felt tears brim my eyes as I hugged him tightly back. "I-I thought...I thought you were all dead!" I said"I'm..."I started to sniffle"I'm so g-glad you're ok."

Small time skip

I sat next to the frail boy,my hand in his. "I you didn't see the culprit either." He trails off"i am very sorry that I could not protect your father." He shakes his head"no. It's not your fault." Tanaka looks up to the black haired butler"you said your name is Sebastian,correct?" Sebastian nods as Tanaka pulls out his pocket watch. "Then please take this." Sebastian grabs it and study's it"what is this?"

"It's been passed down from every Phantomhive butler. Mr.Sebastian,I don't know who you are or where you came from but please take care of the young master." Sebastian smiles"of course,as a butler I will do my best to protect the young master."

A nurse came in demanding that we leave Tanaka alone. So currently we walked the hallways of the hospital. "Madam Red should be getting off work as of right now." I stated to the boy"Y/N?" I hum"please refer to me as Ciel from now on." I gave him a confused look"why would I call you by your-"his blue eye stared into mine.

His once bright blue eye(s) we're now a dark shade and emotionless. "I have much to tell you. Will you come to the manor with me?" I nod"o-of course I will!" He nods as he grabs my hand. I just noticed how boney his hand was.

"Where are we going?" He asks"oh we're heading to Madam Red's,she will be very pleased to see you." I said with a small smile"Madam...Red...?" I nod"who is she?" I put a finger over my lip"I'm not gonna tell you~." He nods and we continue to her manor.

Small time skip

"CIEL!" Madam Red screams hugging onto the younger twin. The red head began to cry a little,I noticed that the new Ciel didn't hug back,he was just lifeless. "You're so thin! I-I'm so glad...that you are safe."

Meeting Madam Red didn't last quite long,'Ciel' thanked Madam Red for a carriage. "Must you leave so quickly? Wouldn't you want to-"Ciel then spoke up"no it's fine." He says plainly as Madam Red places a fur coat on top of him. "I want to see it with my own eyes." He explains as Madam Red gave him another hug"Ciel,let me give this to you." She placed a ring in his hand"this is the only one left. All the others are gone."

We waved goodbye to Madam Red and we sat in the carriage on the way to the Phantomhive Manor. "So,what happened?" I asked as he played with the sleeves of his shirt"you won't think I'm crazy,will you?" I shake my head"well,on our birthday the manor was attacked. Ciel left me alone for a while but never returned. I went out and found everyone in the manor dead." At this point he started to shake"I-I was knocked out a-and when I came back to r-reality...they had me and Ciel priced." He says"a man took us in,fed us,bathed us. I th-thought that this was my new home though I was having a bad feeling. There was a party and well...we ended up being tortured and raped.A cult was after us. I saw many other k-kids getting killed,Ciel...he-he was t-taken-"his eyes began to water"I saw him die r-r-right in front of me." I reached my hand out to his and placed it on his knee. "They s-summoned a demon,a-and I made a contract with him...t-that demon i-is Sebastian. I took C-Ciel's n-name b-because I-I'm just his stupid replacement!" He cried as I stood up and went over to him.

I wrapped my arms around him. "You're not his replacement. You have your own beliefs,and your own feelings." He gave me a hug and softly cried into my chest.

:flashback end:

A knock was heard on the door. "Come in!" I yelled as it opened to Finny. "Oh hello Finny." I greeted the blonde"S-Sebastian told me to take of the young master with you." I nodded"Ciel?" He hums"this is Finny. He's safe. You can trust him." Ciel nods and pulls on the blanket.

"I-I brought food for the young master." He tells me"oh thank you Finny." He nods and steps closer to the bed"won't you eat?" Ciel shakes his head then brings the covers over his head. "I don't want to eat." He says"Ciel come on,you haven't eaten all-"

"Then how about some milk?" Finny suggests as Ciel peaks his head out from under the covers"w-with honey?" Finny smiles"I'll be back!"

It seems Ciel remembers some things on his own...

"Y/N?" I look at the boy"yes?"

"Will you finish the story?" I run my fingers through his hair"perhaps later tonight." He nods and the door opens with Finny,a cup in one hand a jar in the other.

"L-Lets put in a lot to make it super sweet!" Finny drops a lot of honey into the hot milk and goes over to Ciel. He blows on it and it goes all over the small boy.


"AH! IM SORRY! I'LL CLEAN THIS UP!" Finny yells grabbing a rag and rubbing it on Ciel's cheek. "D-Does it hurt?" Finny asks"no." He simply answers.

"Young master,when you are ready let's go outside to get some fresh air." Finny suggests"I agree. That will be-"he shakes his head"I don't want to. The outside is scary." He brings his knees to his chest and wraps his arms around them.

Ciel leans his head onto his knees,he began to shake and muffled cries were set loose. I began to play with his hair to hopefully calm him down"young master..."Finny trails off"don't worry! I'll get rid of allll the bad guys! I'LL PROTECT YOU!" The boy flinched and lifted his head a little"when you gave me this name that's when I decided I'm not worth protecting. N-Not just me...but rather..."I the saw tears streaming down Ciel's cheeks,I glanced at Finny who was also tearing up.

End Of The Earth(Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now