The Truth

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We walked down the dim hallway,Sebastian walked around with Sullivan in his arms. Ciel and I did the same,I saw a door and went over to it. I put my ear against the door to see if I heard anything,but nothing. I nodded to myself and opened the door,my eyes widened a little. "Guys!" I exclaim"I found something." They walked over and we all entered the room.

Monitors lined the walls,a desk below them with chairs and then a small desk in the middle.

"So many bright lights,is this a magic circle?" Sullivan asks glancing around. "The circles are seems they are trackers or something..."I trailed off"I see! Human's really do have interesting ideas!" Sebastian exclaims with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean Y/N?" I go over to one of monitors"if I'm right,this is a outline of the village. Seeing at they are moving,they are trackers. But what are the trackers?" I hum"could it be the amulets?!"

"It seems the amulets transmit some sort of signal. Which they can pick up from the rooms." Sebastian states.

"We were told to keep the amulets on all the time. Because if we didn't we'd get attacked. But it seems,there is a bigger reason behind it." I explain"this can't be! Those amulets were prepared by the elders after preparing a prayer on a full moon n-"Sebastian slapped a hand over her mouth. Ciel grabbed my hand and we ran over to Sebastian and Sullivan.

"Someone is coming."

"Hey come on!"

"Is it done?!"

"Those voices..."Ciel whispers.

"Let's go." Sebastian ushers.

We run out into the hallway and find a metal door. "Alright,lets do this!" I say with determination in my voice as I come out from behind the wall and open the door.

I stumble into the room and fall to the floor. I look to see tall cans with pipes going into them. My eyes widened as I heard footsteps behind me"what is...this?" Sullivan asks as Sebastian starts to make his way down the hall,Ciel offers his hand to me. "Come on Y/N,the floor can't be comfortable." I gave him a soft smile as I took his hand and he pulled me up.

Hand in hand we followed behind Sebastian. "It seems to be some sort of factory to make 'something'." Sebastian states"there's another elevator." Ciel says as voice echoed through the room.

"Look! Our green witch has finally accomplished her job! A miasma denser than ever is inside this bottle! This is going to change our his-"

Sullivan jumped out of Sebastians hands,she stared up at them. My eyes widened"what...WHAT DOES T-THIS MEAN?!" Sullivan screams.

"It's green witch!"

"Get her!"

I quickly got out of hiding and ran over to the girl and shielded her with my body. My heart was racing currently has they rushed over to us.

"Are you ok?!"

"Get her a suit!"

"What about her values?"

"It's no issue."

"H-Huh...?" I stutter out glancing to see the werewolves standing around us,doing no harm. "W-What...?" I stuttered out.

"What are you-"

"Lady Sullivan-ah!"

My eyes widened as Sebastian appeared behind the werewolf,the suit fell to the ground to reveal a man. Sebastian held a knife in his hand,a sadistic smile on his face. "Lady Sullivan,what do you think of the outside world? It's full of surprises!"

"A-A normal man..."

"He was hiding a mask inside the wolves nose. What a elaborate farce." Ciel says picking up the mask in his left hand"the werewolves were actually men wearing suits. As for the miasma..."he drops the mask"IT'S A POISONOUS CHEMICAL CREATED IN THIS FACTORY! THE WEREWOLVES AND CURSE WAS A LIE! THEY JUST WANTED TO DECEVE YOU!"

" way..."

I was just in the same amount of shock. I felt even worse for Sullivan,her entire life was built on lies. I knew some of this information,though the werewolves and curse part was new to me.

"Then what about my m-magic?"

"What you did was not magic,but something far more amazing! When this liquid vaporizes all living things will die! You should be proud! You created the most powerful chemical gas in history! We would like to give this chemical a name. How about...Sulin!"

This old lady was insane. I glanced to Sullivan who was shaking slightly,I placed my hand on her's to calm her down. Something Ciel once did I was now using on someone else.

"What I did...was poison...?" She let out a soft laugh before looking up,tears falling down her cheeks. "WHAT I CREATED WAS A WEAPON TO KILL?! I THOUGHT I WAS SAVING PEOPLE...! DOES THAT MEAN EVERYONE LIED TO ME?! PLEASE TELL ME YOUR LYING OLD GRANDMA!"

"Why are you crying? Because of you,we are able to change history! Why should you be sad?!" The old lady yells holding up the glass bottle"you're my loved one. The one I lost that day. You should stop crying my daughter."

My eyes widened at her claim. I flinched at what she said,i felt myself starting to shake a little. Why...why am I doing this?

"13 years ago I took part in a military experiment-"she states pulling out a picture explaining her past. "BECAUSE OF YOU WE WERE ABLE TO CREATE A DEADLY WEAPON IN LESS THAN 10 YEARS!"

Sullivan let out blood curdling scream. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my dress,I didn't care.

She needed me.

"Lady!" I turned to see Wolfram rushing over,I sent a death glare to him knowing he was part of issue. "Y-You..."she pushes me away slightly"deceived me to...LIAR!" She went back into a hug as Ciel came over and bent down next to us.

"You ruined a child's feet and used her as a weapon-"Ciel starts as sets his hand onto Sullivan's head. I shifted out Sullivan's grip and passed her to Ciel,I stood up and pulled out my gun that was in my top.

I pointed it at her. "YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE A MOTHER! YOU ARE A TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING! YOU HURT YOUR DAUGHTER!" I started taking the safety off"YOU LIED TO YOUR DAUGHTER! EVERYONE DID! YOU ARE ALL AWFUL! AWFUL! AWFUL! AWFUL!" I placed my hand on the trigger"I hope you have fun in h*ll!" I yelled as my eyes narrowed,but I felt a tug on my cloak making me stumble back.


He took his gun and brought his hand up to the ceiling shooting making the room echo loudly.

Ciel and I hurried to the exit. "SEBASTIAN!" I screamed"DO SOMETHING!" I demanded as Ciel hit the elevator,less than a second it opened up.

We quickly got in.

My breathing was rough as well as Ciel's.

"Sullivan,are you ok?!" I asked hugging her tightly. She didn't respond"don't worry. It's ok. Everything is ok. Once we're out,we'll treat you right." I reassure her making her nod.

"Y/N..."I stood up and looked to Ciel"what was all of that about back there?" I bit my lip and looked at the doors"I-I just...I just don't want anyone going through something like that. We both have been through something like that..."I said gesturing to our past.

My mother only cared about us doing good in school and marrying a rich noble man.

He was practically loved all his life,but was told he was a replacement. He was almost neglected.

"Thank you." I turn to see Sullivan looking up at us"thank you for...c-caring."

End Of The Earth(Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now