Dinner Complaints

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4 chapters left! 5 if you wanna include this one


"Welcome back everyone!" Agni greets us"Ciel! Y/N! You both went to Germany without us?! Actually I can't think of why you would bring back a new concubine." Soma states as Sullivan smirks"concubine...huh? Now I know why you brought me~." She purrs making Ciel scream about how she was wrong. "Anyways-"Soma says putting his hands on his hips"Ciel's guest is my guest. Let's request a banquet Agni." Agni nods"everyone must be tired after the trip. I will prepare the afternoon tea immediately." Sebastian says with a fake smile as I nod and head towards the staircase.

"If you need me I will be asleep in my bed." I wave walking down the familiar halls. I headed towards my room and soon came to the dark brown door,I pushed it open and let out a sigh as I shut the door behind me. I ran over and jumped onto my bed letting out a soft 'oof' in the process.

"I'm glad I'm back...and I can catch up-"I let out a yawn"on sleep..."I murmured my eyes shutting.

Time skip

Mey-Rin came and got me up telling me that the food was ready. I followed her out and down to the dining room. Sullivan was practically drooling over the food as Ciel sat there in silence. "I'm back from my sleep!" I announce as I sit next to Ciel. "How was your sleep?" He asks"it was great. I haven't gotten good sleep since we left." Ciel nods muttering out a 'sorry' knowing half the reason was his fault.

"Today's tea is Higgin's Earl Grey. It has been prepared with orange almond cake and berry tart." Sebastian explains"this looks yummy!" Sullivan exclaims reaching over for a sweet. I glanced at Ciel who didn't seem to care,though I knew what was-

"Alright stop!"


"Young lady,your beneficial lesson to attend her majesties tea meeting has already begun." Sebastian was in his 'professor mode' as I call it. I shiver slightly remembering my encounters with this side of him. "'This looks yummy' is poor language and should not be used. And you can't touch sugar with your bare hands! It is rude to take a cake before it's recommended!" Sebastian snaps making the girl silent out of fear.

"If she needs to become a proper lady,the first thing is tea party manners...!" Soma exclaims as Ciel sips his tea. Sebastian picks up the sweets in front of her and moving them away as punishment.

Wolfram then got mad but Sebastian quickly shot him down saying he needed to say it in English.

"Ciel~! Say something!" Sullivan yells"yea! He is being mean to the young lady." I shake my head"this is nothing compared to what I have been through." I told them"if we spoil her she will not win." Ciel explains taking his fork and stabbing his sweet"do your best." He says shoving the cake in his mouth.

Sullivan didn't say a word as she watched Ciel.

Sullivan had soup and of course Sebastian yelled at her and me to. She tried eating and he yelled at her for eating 'a mouthful'. Sullivan then asked for seconds but Sebastian wasn't going to allow that. Whenever I asked for seconds I rarely get any,though sometimes Sebastian is lenient and gives me some. At the end of the dinner,she said she wanted pork tomorrow but Sebastian quickly shot her down.

Small time skip

I sat reading a book on the floor as Sullivan and Ciel sat in the chairs. "Y/N are you sure you do not wan-"I shake my head looking up from the book"nope! It's your manor anyways,so you should have the chair. And Sullivan is the guest." He sighs"I just hope Sebastian doesn't catch me..."I mutter as I return to the book.

"I AM MORE RESTRICTED HERE THAN AT THE VILLAGE!" Sullivan screams"you can go back to the village if you want." Ciel plainly says"WHAT COLOR IS YOUR BLOOD?!" She screams"it's red." She then grumbles and grabs her crutches"that's enough! I don't need you!"

"Then go." The door slams shut making me look up from my book. "Don't you think you are bit rude?" Ciel glances at me"she will never learn." He simply says glancing back at his papers as I roll my eyes and return to my book.

The door the creaks open"what? Don't rely on-oh. What do you want?" I look to see Sebastian with a fake smile. My eyes widen as I hurried for the open chair. "At least hear what she has to say." The tall male says setting the tea on the table"and lady Y/N,what have I told you about sitting on the floor?" He growls with a irritated smile"you know what you can do?" I growl"please do tell me." I cross my arms and lean back into my chair"you can take that question and shove it up your a**."

"That is not a polite thing to say Lady Y/N. Please refrain from saying such vu-"Ciel then speaks up"you two stop." We simply nod not wanting to deal with a mad Ciel"Sebastian,you really want me to listen? I leave that to you. I'm busy."


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