Love You Til The End

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Ciel is slightly out of character in this I also came out to my mom last night so plz use she/they for me👉👈


Sebastian left the room leaving Ciel and I alone. I knew it was going to be awkward but not this awkward...I looked down to my hands"Y/N-"I glanced at the boy"I'm sorry about how I've been acting these past few days." I shake my head"no it's fine. You said you barely had any self control. And in the state you were in,you were scared of adults. And all the servants,minus Finny,are adults. So it makes sense why you held onto me a lot." He shakes his head"but that is not me. That is not Ciel Phantomhive. He would never do such a-"I grabbed onto his pale hands"but you aren't Ciel. Ciel is dead. You just took his name,you have your own thoughts as well as feelings." I stated"but as Ciel Phantomhive I should act more like him."

I shake my head and rest my right hand onto his cheek. "Stop acting like your brother. You are your own person. You might be the 'replacement' but you aren't. I know...I know you were mistreated as a child...but you shouldn't be forced to grow u-"he slapped my hand away from his cheek"Y/N we are no longer children. We are teenagers now. We should act more mature,you should act more mature."

I felt something in me break a little,I looked away and bit my lip. I started to shake a little as I felt the tears threaten to fall"Y/N! I-I'm sorry!" I felt the bed shift a little and I soon felt arms around me"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that...b-but please d-don't leave me..."my eyes widened at what he said.

I quickly wrapped him in a hug as well.

It was like we were back to being children. I'd do something stupid,he'd get mad at me and say something outrages just to turn around and apologize. 

"I won't leave you." I state"I won't ever." I finished as I felt his grip on me tighten slightly"but please remember that you are also human. You might have a demon wrapped around your finger,but he only wants your soul. He doesn't care about you. You can't bottle up all your feelings. It's not healthy." He pulls away and his blue eye stares into my E/C eyes.

"It hurts." He plainly states"everything hurts." He says grabs his shirt"I-I just want all of this t-to end...I-I shouldve b-been the one to d-die..."he cries out"C-Ciel had s-so much potential."I turned my body to the crying boy"I feel so u-useless." I wiped his eye"you aren't useless. You know that. Ciel wasnt the only one with a future. You to,had a future. You told me you wanted to open a toy company,and did...!" He nods a little"b-but I wasn't suppose to stay in England n-not become a Earl." I nod"maybe one day we can go to America." I suggest"then we can see what life is like over there,and maybe expand the company..."I grabbed his hand"m-maybe st-start over."

His blue eye looked into mine,his eyes wide.

"Y/N,are you saying to run away?" I nod"of course. I mean,we can't leave behind anyone." I said gesturing to the servants"but we can go and forget about England,forget about our past,then maybe you make me your bride."

I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth,my eyes wide at what I said.


"IM SORRY! IT JUST SLIPPED!" I screamed as I struggled to get out of the bed"I-I HAVE TO GO NOW-"I felt a hand wrap around my wrist"Y/N-"he calls out"do me?" I felt my cheeks burn as I didn't respond.

I felt his presence disappear from my wrist. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed you." He apologizes as I shake my head"n-no. I-It's fine..."I wiped my eyes and turned to the boy who was looking at me with a hurt expression.

"I-I do..."I said. "I-I always h-have..."


"I know you p-probably don't f-feel the same,I-I mean you a-are busy with y-your own p-problems s-so I-I would just add t-to them." He shakes his head"no it's quite alright." I watched his cheeks turn a bright red"I just remembered-"he covers his face and leans back onto the bed"that when I was smaller I said I'd come back for you."

"W-Would y-you still come back for me?" I stutter out. "Maybe...I don't really know. It's like...part of me still wants that to happen,to come back for you. But at the same time the other part of me says that we are not meant to be." He explains.

"Is it because of Sebastian? The fact that...once you complete your goal he takes your soul?" I hum"I don't know. For once,I don't have a answer. There might be something wrong with me." I shake my head and join him back onto the bed"th-there's nothing wrong with you. You're conflicted. Everyone feels that way..."

He sits up and stares into my eyes.

I then glance away breaking eye contact. "I'll wait for you." I tell him"when y-you're ready...I-I'll be ready." I said as he stayed quiet"no matter h-how long it takes...I'll wait...I'll follow you to the end of the world."

"Thank you." He mutters"hm?" I hum glancing at the boy"thank you." He says slightly louder"for what?" I hum"for helping've always helped me with everything. Thank you for being here for me." I gave him a soft smile"of course. Now,stop being so sad. Sebastian will probably be suspicious." Ciel gives me a smile"like he isn't already suspicious of our relationship." I let out a soft laugh"true."

End Of The Earth(Ciel Phantomhive x Reader)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now