Part 1

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Illumi's Perspective:

I woke up this morning pretty early. My father didn't give me any mission to handle today so I'm free to do whatever until then. I shower for the first time in about a week and get dressed after. I walk out of the house and take a walk. Out of the corner of my eye I see Gon run by, I turn my head and see Killua chase after him. I ignore them and continue walking. I get a call from my father telling me that he wants me to do some business for him. He tells me that there is a group of mafia men that are trying to steal some goods. Apparently they have killed over 100 people so far and he wants me to kill them. I guess it's not that bad considering that he's making me do it instead of him doing it himself. He gives me a location and I start walking there. I kept feeling like someone was following me but I didn't pay attention to it because it could just be Killua and Gon watching me or something. I got to the location and noticed that the door was wide open. I walk in and hear voices, I get my nen darts out ready to attack. I look into the room and throw the darts hitting all the suspects. I then head into the building but someone grabs me from behind and throws me to the ground. They pin me down face to the ground.

Man: I see you've taken down my men, why don't I end your life just like you ended theirs?

Illumi: You motherfuck-

Man: I'd watch what you say *points gun to head* I won't hesitate to shoot you. I know who your father is and my goal one day is to kill him as well

I turn my head so I can barely see the man and see the gun pointed to my head. I turn back to the ground.

Man: I noticed that you haven't even tried to fight me? Is that because you know I'm stronger than you?

Illumi: *throws nen dart*

Man: *catches dart* Oh I don't thi-

The man falls to the ground. I stand up looking around. I look back at the man on the ground and notice the cards in his back. I roll my eyes and turn around.

Hisoka: *grins* Look who it is~

Illumi: What are you doing here?

Hisoka: You should be happy, I saved you life after all~

Why does he have to talk like that? I don't see Gon anywhere.

Illumi: Wait have you been following me this whole time?

Hisoka: Well yeah *smiles* We haven't hung out in a while would be nice to catch up

Illumi: Can't busy with the job my father gave me

Hisoka: Oh? Well I took care of them already *smirks*

God I hate that look.

Illumi: *looks around* Ok then I guess I can go home now *walks away*

Hisoka: *follows behind*

Illumi: Can I help you?

He just grins and continues to follow me. I roll my eyes and just look ahead. It was about mid-day by now and I had already finished what my father asked of me so I decided to just walk to the woods I normally walk around in. I turned my head around to see that Hisoka was still following close behind with his cards in hand. Man he gets on my nerves, why all of a sudden come by to catch up? I haven't seen him in a while.

Hisoka: Whatcha thinking about *puts arm around shoulders*

Illumi: *smacks hand off* Don't

Hisoka: *laughs* Oh?

Illumi: Will you just go home already?

Hisoka: Why would I?

Illumi: Because I said so

He just smiled and continued to follow me. I decided to not care and just walked home. When we got there I saw my father walking around and decided to take Hisoka up to my room without my father seeing him.

Hisoka: Don't want your old man seeing me?~ *raises an eyebrow*

Illumi: Shut up already *closes bedroom door*

I sit down on my bed and Hisoka sits next to me.

Hisoka: Your room is a bit boring~

Illumi: Yeah? So who cares can you just leave now

Hisoka: Aw~ *grins* Look how cute you-

Illumi: Don't *rolls eyes* Why are you even here again?

Hisoka: Oh come on Illu~ I just want to catch up~ *smiles*

This clown is gonna get it in a minute. (why are 50% of the comments about this? lmao i'm not complaining it's funny reading all of them it makes me laugh haha it just worries me. I didn't mean to make it sound sexual... or did I? :3) 

Illumi: Don't call me that and we don't have to just leave me alone

Hisoka: Only if we can hang out the rest of the night~ *smirks*

Illumi: And if I do that will you leave me alone?

Hisoka: Maybe~

Illumi: Fine! Whatever

Hisoka: Yay!

Illumi: You're so annoying, you know that right?

Hisoka: Oh I'm aware *puts arm around shoulders*

Illumi: *smacks hand away* Don't touch me

He didn't say anything he just pulled his cards out and started shuffling them. I roll my eyes and use the restroom that is connected to my room. I hop into the shower and when I'm done I get dressed and walk back to my bed. I look around and notice that Hisoka had left.

About damn time that clown left.

I hop into bed and go to sleep. Since my father had trained me to go days without sleep it was pretty hard to sleep. I just wanted to stop thinking about Hisoka. Why was he acting like that all of a sudden? I end up falling asleep.






I hope someone likes this story haha :) 

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