Part 7

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Illumi's Perspective:

Me: I- Hisoka-

Hisoka: Here *pays for food* I'm leaving if you need me just text me *walks out*

Killua: You done messed up again

Me: Shut your mouth you rotten child

Killua: Geez sorry mr. grumpy

Gon: I would stop talking to him Killua or you might just lose your life

Me: Did I really mess up that bad?

Gon and Killua: *looks up*

Me: Should I have not said that? What did I even say?

Gon: Well I'm not genius but you said that it doesn't even matter if your father found out because he didn't even know Hisoka was there. Or something like that.

Killua: Your stupid Gon *rolls eyes* Illumi you need to go after him and say your sorry

Me: But for what? I-

Killua: Whatever, just go after him and hang out or something. That's what he wants you to do

Gon: Hm he's acting like a girl

Killua: *hits Gon on the head* Shut up, now go

Me: Ok ok but I don't know where he is

Killua: Use that phone of yours and text him *rolls eyes* You really are hopeless

Me: *pulls phone out*

Texts with Hisoka:

Me: Hey uh Hisoka I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it like that

Hisoka: Your fine I know you didn't mean it

Me: Hey where are you?

Hisoka: I kinda want to be alone right now

Me: Come on please. I want to be with you..

Hisoka: *sends location*

End of text

Me: Well I guess I'll see you two later I'm gonna go hang out with Hisoka

Gon: Don't mess up! *smiles*

Killua: You mess up then I'm gonna have to train you better

Me: I'm not a dog now I'm leaving

I walk out of the restaurant and follow where Hisoka is. It wasn't a far walk luckily and I found him in the woods. Why is he always here? I walk in and see him sitting under a tree shuffling his cards. I walk over and sit next to him.

Me: Hey I'm sorry I upset you earlier-

Hisoka: Your fine

Me: You sure?


I hesitated for a second and just wrapped my arms around him. He must have been surprised because he didn't say or do anything. After a couple seconds he wraps his arms around me.

Hisoka: I don't want to lose you Illu

Me: I know a- and I don't want to lose you either. And I'm sorry for upsetting you. I didn't mean it.

Hisoka: *hugs tighter*

I look up and see a tear fall from Hisoka's face. Did I really upset him that bad? I didn't mean to upset him like that. I started to feel bad, did Hisoka really care about me that much?

Hisoka: *lets go and wipes face*

Me: I-

Hisoka: Don't be sorry you didn't know *gets up* Come on let's just walk around

Me: U- ok *gets up*

We both start walking around the forest. It reminded me of the hunter exam where I met Hisoka. I smiled at the thought of him.

Hisoka: What are you smiling about?

Me: Nothing *smiles*

Hisoka: So what do you want to do?

Me: I don't know

Hisoka: *laughs*

Me: What's so funny?

Hisoka: Oh nothing~ *smiles*

What was he thinking?

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