Part 17

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Illumi's Perspective:

I heard a knock at the door and decided to answer it. When I opened the door I saw Chrollo. I tense up.

Chrollo: Come with us and no one gets hurt

Me: N- no

Chrollo: Is that clown here?

Me: Y- yes

Chrollo: Where is he?

Me: In the bedroom

Chrollo: Can he hear us?

Me: No

Chrollo: Good now come with us

Me: *backs up* No!

Chrollo: *grabs me*


The last thing I saw was Hisoka running to the front door. I get tied up and put into a truck or something. I try to escape but fail. I could hear Hisoka yelling. This is karma for hurting him. I deserve this, I deserve whatever is going to happen. Even death.

Chrollo: Hey Machi lose the clown!

Machi: Got it!

Chrollo: Try and not kill us, I'd like to keep this dude alive

Machi: Yeah yeah I get it

I looked around but it was too dark to really see anything. I had rope around my wrists which really hurt because Chrollo tied it really tight. I wanted to try and get out but I was afraid he would kill me.

Me: Why the hell did you kidnap me again?!

Chrollo: We are using you as bait

Me: For?

Chrollo: We want Hisoka

Me: Good luck with that

Chrollo: *grabs my face* Oh Illu we already won this *grins*


Chrollo: You better watch your tone or I'll just kill you now

Me: If you kill me you know Hisoka will be after your ass until he kills all of you

Chrollo: *laughs* Stop talking you sound ridiculous

I stop talking and just sit there. We get to what I think is there hideout or something. They drag me out and drop me on the ground. I tried to stand up but was stopped by Feitan pushing me down.

Feitan: Move again and I'll kill you

I don't move or speak. I wanted to punch the guy in the face but held back because my hands were tied together. They started to talk about their stupid plan to lure Hisoka so they can I guess kill him. I felt guilty that me and Hisoka left on bad terms and I'm really hoping that he is too mad to try to help me. I don't want him getting hurt yeah I did go behind his back but it's not like I did it on purpose.

Phinks: So what do we do with him while we wait?

Feitan: Can we torture him?

Chrollo: No we will keep him unharmed for now, if he puts up a fight then do whatever you want. Once Hisoka comes we no longer need Illumi

Feitan: So once Hisoka comes we can kill Illumi?

Chrollo: Sure whatever I don't care either way

Me: He won't come

Chrollo: What did you say?

Me: I said that Hisoka won't come, we got in a fight and he's probably too mad at me to help me

Feitan: *punches me in the face*

Chrollo: Ok Illumi in case you haven't noticed when we drove away Hisoka ran to try and catch up. I noticed that he ran a different way to try and catch up but failed. He must be on his way right now. And when he gets here we will attack him and kill him.

I fought my way to kick him but Feitan held me back and punched me in the face again.


Chrollo: Shut him up already

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