Part 11

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Illumi's Perspective:

Silva: Please just listen to me!

Me: I don't care ok!

Silva: *takes deep breath* Illumi all you need to do is kidnap Hisoka and get answers, it's not that hard he trusts you

Me: Yeah and I'd like to keep it that way, why in the hell would I kidnap my own boyfriend to get answers about some stupid group that you want me to kill? You can do it yourself but don't even think about going after Hisoka, you do and I won't hesitate to kill you *continues to pack bag*

Silva: Oh come on! It's not that hard! Killua won't do it and you-

Me: Father I don't think you understand, I'm not helping you kill people anymore

Silva: You can't do that

Me: Watch me *grabs bag and walks out*

Silva: I know you'll come back!

Me: *silence*

I had never yelled at my father like that before. Did I make the right decision? I make my way to the front door and walk out. I see Hisoka sitting under the tree I had punched shuffling his cards.

Hisoka: *looks up* Oh great your back~ we can go to my apartment if you want *gets up*

Me: Wait, you have an apartment?

Hisoka: *laughs* Come on *grabs hand*

Me: Ahh!

Hisoka took my hand and started running. I tried to keep up but he was way faster than me.

Me: Why are we running?!

Hisoka: *stops running* Sorry I got excited~

Me: *breathes heavily* About what?

Hisoka: That you get to live with me! *smiles*

Aww that smile is so cute.

Me: I mean that does sound fun *laughs*

Hisoka: Come on let's go *grabs hand*

Me: Please don't make me run

Hisoka: Ok fine but then walk faster your pretty slow *starts walking*

Me: *groans*

We make it into town and continue walking to Hisoka's apartment. When we got there I saw Gon and Killua sitting on the couch.

Hisoka: Ignore them *walks in*

Me: Killua what are you doing here?

Killua: I don't know why don't you ask Gon

Gon: Hisoka said that he would give us food, and we don't have money so I said yes

Me: Here *hands Gon money* I would listen to Killua from now on

Killua: *grabs Gon's arm* Come on we're leaving again

Gon: Bye! *smiles*

*they leave*

Hisoka: *walks back to main area* Wait where did they go?

Me: I gave them money and they left

Hisoka: Oh ok, well what do you want to do?

Me: *sits on couch* I don't know

Hisoka: *sits next to me* We could watch a movie

Me: Sure but what do you want to watch?

Hisoka: *thinks* Not sure

Me: Well it's your apartment so you pick the movie

Hisoka: *puts on random movie* We can watch this~

Me: What is it?

Hisoka: Doesn't matter~

Me: Ok?

The movie started and Hisoka moved closer to me and put his arm around me. I didn't mind it this time and just laid my head on his shoulder.

*30 minutes later*

I looked up and noticed that Hisoka had fallen asleep. I looked up and noticed that it looked like it was going to rain. I grab my phone and text Killua.


Me: Hey are you and Gon near Hisoka's place?

Killua: Yeah why?

Me: It looks like it's gonna rain

Killua: So?

Me: I can ask him if you guys can stay here with us

Killua: I'm not staying there with Hisoka, sorry but no

Me: Ok suit yourself :)

Killua: Your annoying

Me: I know

I turn my phone off and put it on the table next to me. I look back at Hisoka who was now awake.

Me: Sorry did I wake you up?

Hisoka: No your fine *stretches* You wanna head to bed?

Me: Sure I'm pretty tired

We both get up and walk to his room and lay down. He ends up laying on my chest and falls asleep instantly. I lay my head down and fall asleep. 

I'm updating this story a lot rn bc I didn't update it a lot yesterday. For the next part I have a slight idea but I don't know how to put it into words lol

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