Part 19

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Chrollo's Perspective:

Me: Good work now tie him up and put him over there. Fix Illumi's injuries and wake him up. He will be joining us.

Shizuku: Boss what if he doesn't want to join us?

Me: Then we kill those that are closest to him. We will make him watch them die *evil grin* but i'm hoping he decides to join us

Shizuku: Got it

They all grab some rope and tie Hisoka up to a wall where he would be sitting for a while. Machi uses her nen stitches to heal up Illumi's cut on his neck. I sit there watching them all run around trying to get stuff ready for when Illumi and Hisoka wake up. It didn't take long for Illumi to wake up, he was still tied up and opened his eyes.

Me: Well hello there

Illumi: *struggles to get out* What the hell!

Me: We will let you and Hisoka live if you join us

Illumi: What the hell are you talking about?!

Me: I'm saying that if you join the phantom troupe, us, we will let you Hisoka and whoever you care about most live. But if you don't join us we will kill and won't hesitate either

Illumi: Where is Hisoka?

Me: *points to the wall*

Illumi: Hisoka! Wake up!

Me: Don't worry he's fine, we just put him to sleep for a little bit

Illumi: So you want me to join you? And why would I do that?

Me: Yes I do, and you will do it if you really care about Hisoka, Killua and your life

Illumi: *tenses up*

*Hisoka starts to wake up*

Illumi: Hisoka wake up!

Hisoka: W- What?

Illumi: Your stupid

Hisoka: *tries to get up* Oh I see someone tied me up *smirks*

Me: Will both of you shut up already, Illumi are you going to join or not?

Hisoka: Join?~

Illumi: Hisoka it's not the time to be horny, and if I have to then sure *looks down*

Me: Wonderful

Hisoka: Wait Illu what did you join?

Illumi: Um I- I joined the uh phantom troupe

Hisoka: Are you stupid!? Why the hell-

Illumi: Would you rather die?! Would you rather them kill Killua and Gon!?

Hisoka: I'd rather that than you getting dragged into this shit!

Me: Hey love birds shut your mouth or I'll just kill you now

Hisoka: Kill me I don't care! Why do you even want Illumi to join?

Me: So we can use him you know for intel on his parents and other people I won't say right now

Illumi: Yeah but aren't you in the phantom troupe? Like you do have that tattoo on your back

Hisoka: That was a fake tattoo

Me: Ok someone take Hisoka out of here or duct tape his mouth shut he's getting on my nerves

Shizuku: *duct tapes his mouth*

Hisoka: *Mumbles random shit*

Me: Shut up or I'll kill you, good god *rolls eyes* You both will stay overnight here and sleep where you are right now. If you have a problem with it then I can make it so you can sleep forever.

Hisoka: Right here is fine but could you untie me at least?

Me: Oh hell no but I can untie Illumi, unlike you I can trust him

Hisoka: Oh I bet you can *rolls eyes*

Illumi: *gets untied*

Feitan: Try anything and I won't hesitate to kill you

Illumi: I won't try anything, remember we're on the same side

Feitan: True but we don't know, you could just be doing it to trick us or something

Illumi: I would have never thought of that, I was thinking about joining you guys sooner since Hisoka was in it and all but my father said that if I did he would kill me.

Me: Ok well I'm heading to bed the rest of you should as well. And Illumi you untie Hisoka and we will kill you, understand?

Illumi: I get it, if I do anything you kill me

Me: Whatever *walks out*

We all leave the room where Hisoka and Illumi are and go to sleep. 

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