Part 10

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Illumi: *grabs my hand and hold it* Me and Hisoka are together and I will not be killing him nor will I let anyone else

Silva: Don't tell me you're turning on the family business too?

Illumi: I just don't want to hurt the people I care about ok!

Silva: Don't raise your voice at me, you are my son and will listen to me

Illumi: Yeah I may be your son but I will not be living here anymore

Silva: *looks at me* What do you have to say about this?

Me: Well it seems as though he doesn't want to live here with you anymore

Silva: Ok now talk him out of it!

Me: I can't

Illumi: *walks inside* Hisoka stay there and wait for me

Me: Oh ok

Silva: So you are dating m- *coughs* my son?

Me: Yes I am

Silva: *laughs*

Me: I don't see how that was funny

Silva: My son is dating a clown

Me: *ignores him*

Silva: You know assassins don't need people in their lives to ruin it right? That means friends, lovers, or anyone who gets in the way. I told Illumi that if he had any of those that I would kill them, But I think you know that

Me: I'm aware of it

Silva: Then why aren't you leaving, you should be scared of me

Me: Illu told me to stay here and wait, that is why I'm not leaving~

Silva: The only reason I'm not killing you right now is because I can tell Illumi cares about you and I feel like it would only piss him off more if I did *walks inside*

I smiled and sat down and waited for Illu to come outside. I started hearing yelling and looked up. I saw Illumi and his father in his room. It looked like his father was yelling at him. I find a small rock and toss it at the window. It got Illumi's attention and he opened the window.

Illumi: I'll be down in a minute

Me: Ok~

Sorry it's a short chapter but I have no clue what to add. I'm running out of ideas lol if you have any ideas that you would like me to include in this story please comment lol. 

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