Part 6

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Hisoka's Perspective:

Me and Illumi lay down and fall asleep. I was surprised that he liked me. I mean he made it seem like he hated my guts but all of that doesn't matter. I'm finally with him. I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to move but couldn't. I look down and see that Illu is laying on my chest. I smiled and just played with his hair. I whispered:

Me: I love you Illu and I don't want you to forget that *kisses forehead*

Illumi: *opens eyes*

Me: Oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you

Illumi: Your fine I'm happy you were the one to wake me and it wasn't my father *smiles*

Me: Go back to sleep Illu *plays with his hair*

Illumi: *closes eyes*

Why do I care about this man so much? When his father finds out he will tear us apart. Just the thought of Illumi and I splitting made me sad I don't normally cry or get emotional over people. I felt a tear fall down my face and quickly wipe it away. I wasn't going to lose Illu. I will try everything in my heart to protect him.

Killua's Perspective:

Me: Man that was hard to watch

Gon: But he did it, he told him how he felt

Me: True but he's still hopeless I mean he could barely keep himself together

Gon: Don't be hard on him I bet you'd be the same way, you should be happy for him

Me: Whatever *rolls eyes*

Gon: *smiles* So are we going to help him anymore?

Me: Oh yeah for sure, he needs to learn to talk to Hisoka without stuttering

Gon: *laughs* That is true but it might take a while

Me: Clearly did you not see him he was a mess

Gon: *laughs*

Me: Hisoka knew Illumi liked him but never made the first move

Gon: All Hisoka did was make moves, did you not see him?

Me: True, ok what if tomorrow we follow them again?

Gon: Sounds good

Me: Sweet! Sounds like a plan, night Gon

Gon: Night Killua *smiles*

Hisoka's Perspective:

I wake up hearing Illumi's dad talking. I sit up waking Illu.

Illumi: *sits up* Hisoka are you-

Kikyo: Killua I told you that you couldn't have anyone in this house when I don't know about it

Killua: Yeah but-

Kikyo: Go to your room and tell your friend that he needs to leave

Killua: *rolls eyes* Fine!

Illumi: Shit

Me: Now you know why I got up so fast

Illumi: Hide in the bathroom for now

Me: Uh ok *hides in bathroom*

Kikyo: *opens door* Illumi did you tell Killua that he could have his "friend" over?

Illumi: Uh no

Kikyo: You sure? He told me you did

Illumi: I didn't tell him anything

Kikyo: Has that clown been over here?

Illumi: No?

Kikyo: Then what is this? *picks up shirt*

Illumi: Oh it must have gotten in my bag after the fight

Kikyo: What fight?

Illumi: It doesn't matter it wasn't that bad

Kikyo: Whatever I need you and Killua to stay out of the house for a couple days

Illumi: Why?

Kikyo: I don't have to tell you why, but it's more training

Illumi: Ok fine

Kikyo: I'll be in the basement if you need me *walks out*

Illumi: Hisoka you can come out now

Me: *walks out and flops onto bed* That was close

Illumi: Your lucky, I saved your butt

Me: Yeah *smirks*

Killua: *barges into room* Hey we should get going before father gets pissed

Illumi: Did you piss him off again?

Killua: Well as he was walking downstairs me and Gon walked back to my room to grab something and he got upset

Illumi: Oh my god of course, ok fine let's go

Me and Illumi get dressed and head out the door with Gon and Killua. We decided to go into town and just walk around. Illumi was pretty quiet most of the time.

Gon: Can we go get food? I'm starving

Illumi: I don't see why not, come on let's go

We all walk into the closest restaurant and find a booth to sit in. Killua and Gon sat next to each other and me and Illumi sat next to each other. We all ordered and got drinks. We were all pretty silent, not really saying much. Until Killua spoke up.

Killua: So Illumi why do you think father kicked us out?

Illumi: Probably to teach us a lesson to not bring people around without him knowing

Killua: Oh

Gon: Who cares that he kicked you out. Just be happy that he didn't catch you and Hisoka *smiles*

Illumi: You're making it seem like father caught us doing something else. Plus he didn't even see Hisoka so it doesn't matter

Me: Of course it matters!

*whole restaurant looks at us*

Gon: It's fine go back to eating *smiles*

Me: Illu it matters if your father found out that we are together he would split us up or just kill me one or the other I don't want either happening. Illu I don't want to lose you so please don't ever say it doesn't matter.

Illumi: I- Hisoka-

Me: Here *pays for food* I'm leaving if you need me just text me *walks out*

I couldn't believe that I got that angry over what he said. But I meant everything that I said. I decided to just go for a walk to clear my mind. 

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