Part 27

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Hisoka's Perspective:

I woke up to Illumi crying, I looked over and he was still asleep. I was confused and gently shook him.

Me: Illu? Illu? Wake up

Illumi: *sits straight up breathing heavily*

Me: Illu are you ok? *concerned look* You were crying in your sleep

Illumi: W- what? That was a dream?

Me: What was a dream?

Illumi: Y- you and Chrollo were- were fucking and then my f- father and then Killua and Gon didn't know who I was- t- then you told me we were breaking up and you were getting married to Chrollo

I was confused by what he was saying and pulled him into a hug.

Me: It was just a dream ok, I would never leave you for some dirtbag like him

Illumi: *cries into my shirt* I- it f- felt so real

Me: *rubs his back* It's ok it wasn't real, just breathe

I rubbed his back until he fell asleep. When I looked down he was out cold. I lay my head back and close my eyes. I fell asleep fast. The next morning I woke up to Illumi still sleeping. I smiled at how peaceful he looked while sleeping. He looked so adorable when he slept. But I was still confused about what happened last night. Yeah I guess he did have a bad dream or something like that. Was it that real? Did he cry because he thinks I would do something like that? I had so many questions but decided to ignore them for now. I didn't get up and just waited for him to wake up.

Illumi: *moves over*

I look at Illumi who is now laying on the other half of the bed. I decide to play with his hair and braid it. For some reason I was really good at braiding. When I finished I just smiled. I guess that woke him up because he sat up rubbing his eyes.

Me: Morning *kisses cheek*

Illumi: *doesn't say anything and just gets up*

I frown but decide to ignore it. I grab my crutches and head into the kitchen to make some breakfast but Illumi beat me.

Me: How the hell did you beat me?

Illumi: I'm fast *winks*

I smile.

Me: Hey are you ok? You know about last night?

Illumi: Yeah I'm fine

I knew he was lying but decided to end the conversation there. Killua and Gon run out, almost making me fall.

Illumi: Are you guys trying to make Hisoka break something else?

Killua: Well yeah *rolls eyes*

Gon: We're going into town we'll be back later

Illumi: Ok don't die *smiles*

Me: *mumbles* Asshole

Killua: What was that?

Me: Nothing

Killua: *smiles*

*Gon and Killua leave*

Illumi: Kids are so annoying

Me: Eh only some are

Illumi: Perve

Me: *smirks*

Illumi: Don't look at me like that- Ow!

Me: What happened?

Illumi: *looks down at the burned food* Well you see um I burned my hand alongside the food

Me: Forget the food and come with me

He follows me to the bedroom where I find some bandages and walk out and wrap his hand since it had blisters all over it.

Illumi: Ow! That hurts

Me: Yeah I know but this will keep it from getting infected, because that is the last thing you want

Illumi: *looks up at me*

I wrap the rest of his hand and get up.

Me: I'm gonna go clean up the mess

I leave the crutches and just hobble to the kitchen. It hurt but they were annoying. I clean up the kitchen and decide to just throw the pan away. I hobble back to the bedroom where Illumi was. He was looking at his hand that was now wrapped up.

Me: Now we both look ridiculous *smiles*

Illumi: Yeah well at least I can walk right

Me: I can use both hands *winks*

Illumi: *throws pillow at me* Oh shut it *laughs*

I sit down next to him and put my arm around him. We fall back onto the bed. His head was laying on my chest. I could tell he was warming up to me more and more each day. I couldn't believe that when I first made my "move" I was the only one doing everything. And now he does it in return. I smile at the thought of it and kiss the top of his head.

Illumi: About last night I'm sorry if I confused you or something

Me: No it's fine, yeah I was pretty confused but I didn't care I just wanted to comfort you

Illumi: Thanks, it's just it felt so real and I thought I had just woken up the next day and that all happened

Me: Yeah I know, but I would never and I mean never cheat on you with that asshole

Illumi: Yeah I know, but at the time-

Me: Forget about it

Illumi: Huh?

Me: It's a dream forget about it

Illumi: I don't think I can

Me: Well try harder *smiles*

Illumi: *laughs* Your such a dork *kisses cheek*

Me: *sits up* What should we do?

Illumi: *sits up and wraps his arms around my waist* I want to stay here and cuddle

Me: *looks down at him* Ok then

I smile and kiss his forehead. We both lay back and just cuddle I guess. He turns a movie on and we sit there and watch it. 

Kind of a boring part but I have a good idea for this story and I really hope I don't forget about it haha

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