Part 9

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Illumi's Perspective:

I wake up laying in the grass. I sit up and look around. I noticed that Hisoka wasn't around so I woke Killua and Gon.

Me: Hey get up *throws rock*

Killua: *sits straight up* What the hell was that for?!

Gon: *sits up and rubs eyes* Why'd you throw that at us?

Me: To get you up duh *rolls eyes*

Gon: Wait where's Hisoka?

Me: Not sure I woke up and he wasn't there

Gon: Should we go look for him?

Me: No he should be fine

Killua: What if he got kidnapped by father?

Me: Killua don't say shit like that! Plus father doesn't even know where we are

Killua: You don't know that

Me: Stop

Killua: Father could have kidnapped Hisoka because he could have seen you two sleeping together last night

What if he did, would he hurt Hisoka? No he would use him to get me to come home or something. Right?

Gon: Or he just took a walk

Killua: You really think Hisoka would do that?

Gon: I don't know

Me: Would you too shut up!

Gon and Killua: *silent*

Me: I don't need to over think about that stuff, plus Hisoka is strong enough to fight anyone off if he did get kidnapped

Killua: Not father, father would beat him for sure

Maybe Killua was right, maybe my father did find us last night and take Hisoka. But why would he? Why would he care- Dammit I'm overthinking now!

Killua: Has he texted you at all?

Me: *checks phone* Nope nothing

Killua: Yup he's a goner


Gon: I don't think he's dead, I mean he is pretty strong I don't think he'd let anyone hurt him

Me: Still my father is really strong and could kill anyone really easily, even Hisoka..

Killua: Maybe he's already dead *walks away*

Me: Where are you going?

Killua: On a walk stay there if he ends up coming back

Gon: Hey wait up Killua!

Me: So you're just going to leave me?

Killua: Yup

They both walk away leaving me by myself. I started to think that maybe Hisoka was actually kidnapped and got killed. I teared up by the thought of him gone. Another tear fell down my face. I was surprised that I was crying over Hisoka. I never cry over people. Let alone cry in general. I sat there waiting for about 30 minutes until I heard someone walking. I turn my head only to see Hisoka walking back.

Hisoka: Hey where did everyone go?- wait why are you crying Illu? *sits down next to me*

Me: I- I thought you got kidnapped and was killed, because Killua kept saying dumb shit *tear falls down face*

Hisoka: *sets bag down* Hey it's ok, I'm alive *smiles*

Me: *wraps arms around his waist* And I'm happy about that

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