Part 21

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Hisoka's Perspective:

I wanted to beat Chrollo. I threw my cards at him but only barely hit him. He goes to attack me but I jump out of the way like I always do. I continue to do that before I land a punch in his face. He slides back and wipes the blood away. I stand there staring at him.

Me: You know I'm going to beat you so why don't you just quite~

Chrollo: I won't let you win! *charges straight for me*

Me: *jumps and dodges out of the way* Well then this is going to be a good fight *smirks*

He landed a punch on me and I let him do it a couple of times before fighting back. I was bleeding but it didn't bother me I needed to win this no matter what. I ran toward him, not giving him enough time to figure out a plan and throwing another card at him. I landed it on his back, he fell to the ground and I walked over to him. I kneel down to his level and look him dead in the eyes.

Me: I think I've won this

Chrollo: Oh really?

Me: Yes~ *smirks*

Chrollo: Turn around

I turn around and see Franklin behind me. He strikes at me but I jump out of the way. He was a pretty big guy and could probably squish me easily so I tried to stay out of his way. He goes to punch me and I jump out of the way. I look over my shoulder and see everyone else fighting. Was this ever going to end. I got fed up jumping around the whole time so I landed a punch in his face and knocked him out. I turned to see that Chrollo had left.

Me: Damn it!

I look around but don't see any sign of him. I decided to take a break because I was tired. I sat down in the corner where no one could see me and just sat there. I look at my shirt and pants that were all ripped up. Well I'm going to have to get some new clothes. I had blood on my pants and well everywhere. I noticed that my ankle started hurting but didn't think much of it. I peek my head out and see no one. I stand up but fall to the floor. I was weaker than I thought. I look up and see Illumi standing there. 

Illumi: You went overboard didn't you?

Me: Maybe where is everyone?

Illumi: *sits down* We won *smiles* So I told them to go home and rest

Me: Well Chrollo got away so we didn't get all of them

Illumi: Well at least we can go home now *stands up* Come on *starts walking away*

Me: *tries to stand but fails* Um Illu

Illumi: Yeah- wait are you injured?

Me: Um yeah just a bit

Illumi: *moves hair out of my face* Oh baby you poor thing *puppy eyes* your all beat up

Me: *small smile* Yeah I guess

Illumi: Here I'll carry you

He carries me on his back and starts walking home. I was surprised that he could carry me. I close my eyes and I guess I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes I was in bed. I sit up and look around. I had bandages on my wounds and ice on my ankle.

Me: Illu? Babe?

Illumi: I'll be in, in a sec

I sat there on the bed looking at my ankle. Did I really break it? but how though? I Don't remember anything. Just then I look up and see Illumi walking into the room. He shuts the door and sits down on the bed next to me.

Illumi: How's your ankle feeling?

Me: Kinda hurts but I'll get over it

Illumi: I'm just happy that we can live on without being bothered by them

Me: Yeah I guess

Illumi: You ok?

Me: Yeah i'm just thinking about Chrollo and why he decided to just leave

Illumi: Well it doesn't matter anymore, we're safe *kisses cheek*

He wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head in the crease of my neck. I lay my head into his and hum to myself. Illumi's right I shouldn't be thinking about Chrollo. I should be happy that we won. I put my arm around Illumi and rubbed his back until he fell asleep. I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately. Then the next morning I sat up and my ankle started to have sharp pain. I wrap my hands around it and squeeze tight to put the presser onto it. but that only made it worse.

Me: Ow!

Illumi comes running in to see what happened.

Illumi: Babe what happened?

Me: It's nothing

Illumi: Oh my god Hisoka your ankle is swollen as hell

Me: Yeah and it hurts like hell too

Illumi: You probably need to go to the hospital so they can help you. I don't think what I did helped

Me: No I'll be fine *tries to get out of bed and stand* Ok nope nope *sits back down* Ugh I just want to get up

Illumi: Come on I'll call a cab and we can go to the hospital *picks phone up*

Me: No Illu please I don't want to go

Illumi: *looks confused* But your in pain *sits down next to me* You need to go so they can make the pain go away

Me: I can't ok!

He was shocked by my sudden mood change. I cross my arms and turn over on my side. Illumi puts his hand on my shoulder and turns me so I'm looking at him.

Illumi: Did something happen at a hospital that makes you not want to go back?

Me: Yeah

Illumi: Can you tell me?

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