Part 3

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Illumi's Perspective:

After I told Hisoka to leave me alone he just walked away. I felt bad for yelling at him. It's just that assassins don't need friends or people to get in their way. If my father found out that I was even hanging out with him he'd probably kill him. I kept walking home and when I got there I walked straight to my room. I decided to shower and just hang out in my room. About 30 minutes later someone knocks on my door. I get up and answer it.

Me: Can I help you?

Killua: I see you and Hisoka are hanging out more

Me: Yeah well he's just following me, trust me I don't want to hang out with him

Killua: Oh yeah? Then why is it every time you two hang out you blush when he says something or puts his arm around you?

Me: You've been spying on me?!

Killua: Not just me, Gon was with me

Me: Where is he?

Gon: *pops out from behind Killua* Right here! *smiles*

Me: Will you two just leave

Killua: No

Gon: You like Hisoka don't you?

Me: *blushes* N- no!

Killua: That's sad we were going to get you too together *starts walking away*

Gon: It's obvious that he likes you but you must not care *follows Killua*

Am I really going to ask two kids for dating advice? Ugh.

Me: Fine! You too can help me *looks down*

Gon: *runs back to my room* Great, where do we start Killua?

Killua: *walks back to my room* Glad you changed your mind

Me: Ok wait why are you wanting to help me?

Killua: Because it pains me to watch you both and the sooner you guys get together the sooner you'll move out

Me: Your never here though

Gon: Ok we need to set you both up somehow

Killua: Well duh *rolls eyes* That's the whole point we're here. Now where do we start?

Me: Huh?

Gon: Well first you need to stop pushing him away, if you want to get closer to him you have to be nicer

Killua: True, and you need to stop being all- hm what's the word?

Gon: Oh! Is it- nevermind I have no clue

Me: Ok I get that but that won't work

Killua: Well duh that's because you won't give it a chance

Me: Even if I give it a chance it won't work

Gon: *hands me my phone* Call him and tell him to come over

Me: But my father-

Killua: He left now call him

Me: Fine *calls Hisoka*

On the phone:

Hisoka: Oh hey Illu I thought you didn't want to speak to me

Illumi: I- um do you want to come over and uh hang out?

Hisoka: Wait really?~

Illumi: Y- Yeah

Hisoka: Sure!

Illumi: R- Really?

Hisoka: I mean yeah I want to hang out with you~

Illumi: O- ok then I- I guess I'll see you s- soon?

Hisoka: Why are you stuttering all of a sudden?~

Illumi: No reason!

Hisoka: *laughs* Ok then I'll see you soon~

Illumi: Ok bye

Hisoka: Bye Illu~

Call ends

Killua: *slaps Illumi*

Me: What the hell was that for?!

Killua: Why were you stuttering so much?!

Me: I- I don't know

Gon: It's ok Illumi you'll get over that *smiles*

Killua: Ok how long do we have till he gets here?

Me: Uh I didn't ask

Killua: Oh this is gonna be hard, And what are you wearing?

Me: Uh my clothes?

Killua: Go change into this *hands me a pile of clothes* Come on go

Me: Uh ok

I go into my bathroom and change into my clothes. They were the clothes I wore to the hunter exam. I walked out.

Me: Better?

Gon: Much better!

Killua:*looks out window* Looks like he's here *points*

Me: *nervous* Uh I don't think I can do this

Gon: I haven't seen this side of Illumi, it's kinda weird

Killua: Go answer the door

Me: B- but why can't you?


Me: D- date?

Killua: Your hopeless now go answer the door and come back here, me and Gon will be in the bathroom making sure everything is going good

Me: Ok *takes deep breathe*

I walk out and walk to the front door, When I get to it I open it. I see Hisoka in front of me and freeze up. Why was I acting like this? It's not like he likes me back I mean why would he. 

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