Part 25

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Me and Hisoka lay back down just like we did before they came in. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I woke up and looked around. I didn't see Hisoka anywhere. I got up and looked around. I looked in the extra bedroom and no one. I looked in the bathroom and no one was there. I heard voices coming from the living room so I walked in and saw Chrollo and Hisoka making out. Chrollo was on top of Hisoka when I walked in.

Me: What the hell Hisoka!

They both got off of each other and looked at me.

Hisoka: You said you didn't want to do anything so I decided to have some fun with someone else

Me: But why?

Chrollo: Your just jealous

Me: But he's my boyfriend!

Hisoka: *goes back to making out with Chrollo*

I ran out of the apartment and ran down the street. It was dark out. But the sky was blue. I walk down the street with tears running down my face. How could he do this to me. I see my father and walk the other way. But he caught up to me.

Silva: Hey get back here!

Me: *turns around* What do you want?

Silva: Are you seriously crying? Just because that clown doesn't want you doesn't mean you get to be sad. Your an assassin and assassins don't cry

Me: Just leave me alone!

I continue walking and continue crying. Why was everyone being rude to me? I see Killua and Gon walking and walk up to them.

Me: Hey where have you too been?

Killua: *turns around* Do I know you?

Me: W- Your my brother how do you not know me?!

Gon: Stranger danger!

Killua: Leave us alone you weirdo

They run off leaving me standing there in confusion. Why was everyone acting so weird? First I walk in on my boyfriend doing stuff with Chrollo and then walk into my father who is never really out and about. Then whatever happened with Gon and Killua. I continued walking but decided to just sit down. I put my head down and looked at the ground. I felt someone tap my shoulder and look up. It was Hisoka.

Me: I don't want to see you right now

Hisoka: Yeah I know I just wanted to tell you that we are breaking up

Me: *tears form in my eyes* W- why?

Hisoka: Because me and Chrollo are getting married

Me: What?!

Hisoka: Sorry not sorry~ *walks away*

What the hell? Nothing is making sense. I watched Hisoka walk away and he just disappeared.

Me: What?

???: Illu? Illu? Wake up

Me: *sits straight up breathing heavily*

Hisoka: Illu are you ok? *concerned look* You were crying in your sleep

Me: W- what? That was a dream?

Hisoka: What was a dream?

Me: Y- you and Chrollo were- were fucking and then my f- father and then Killua and Gon didn't know who I was- t- then you told me we were breaking up and you were getting married to Chrollo

I was crying like crazy. It felt so real. Hisoka pulled me closer to him and just hugged me.

Hisoka: It was just a dream ok, I would never leave you for some dirtbag like him

Me: *cries into his shirt* I- it f- felt so real

Hisoka: *rubs my back* It's ok it wasn't real, just breathe

I continue to cry but end up closing my eyes and falling asleep. 

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