Part 30

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I looked away and decided not to say anything until we got back to land. (Authors note thingy- this is the perspective of like what they didn't show after the hunter exam)

We got off the boat and were told everything and blah blah blah I wasn't really listening so I decided to walk to my apartment. I wasn't having it. Did I really make all that stuff up? No it felt so real it had to have been real, why did everything feel real.

Me: Damn it!

Hisoka: You ok Illu?

Me: Wait what did you call me?

Hisoka: Illu?

Me: You called me that in my dream!

Hisoka: It's just a nickname

Me: Wait *look down at his ankle* Have you hurt your ankle recently?

Hisoka: No let me guess you burned yourself *laughs*

Me: *shocked* Wait what?!

Hisoka: I'm just kidding calm down

Me: No I can't, that happened in my dream!

Hisoka: Really?~

Me: Yes! I didn't even tell you that part

Hisoka: It was just a guess, I didn't think you would have dreamt it

Me: Yeah I know *smiles*

Hisoka: What are you smiling about?

Me: Nothing

Hisoka: Whatever, so about this dream of yours. I've been thinking about it since you told me

Me: Really?

Hisoka: Yeah, was I really like that? You know all lovey and crap

Me: *blushes* Yeah

Hisoka: Nice

Me: Huh?

Hisoka: You know it's weird to think that people are dreaming about me but I'm like a completely different person

Me: Oh

Hisoka: So you think about me so much that you had a dream about me

Me: No there were other people in it too

Hisoka: Was it at least a good dream?

Me: Yeah

Hisoka: Well that's good at least

I looked over at him and he had a grin on his face. What if it wasn't a dream and it was actually real but they were just messing with me? No they wouldn't do that. No it was definitely a dream. Which kinda sucks but hopefully I can get with Hisoka in real life and not just in my dream. But it was nice to escape real life for a couple days and just dream about something good. Well besides all that other stuff. I'm just happy that I had a dream with Hisoka in it. I smiled and looked down. I couldn't wait to go to sleep tonight. We made it to my apartment and Hisoka had followed me the whole time.

Me: So why'd you follow me?

Hisoka: *leans in and kisses me*

	I had a shocked look on my face but kissed him back

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I had a shocked look on my face but kissed him back. He pulls away and looks embarrassed.

Hisoka: Even though it was just a dream doesn't mean we can't bring it to real life *small smile*

Me: You uh want to come in and stay the night? *nervous smile*

Hisoka: Sure

He comes in and kisses me again. I dropped my bag and kissed him back. It wasn't a playful kiss, it was more passionate. He pushes me to the couch and takes his shirt off. (authors note- I'm not going into that much detail lol) He takes mine off as well and throws them to the side. We continue to makeout. I couldn't believe what was going on. I mean just earlier he was saying that it was weird that I had a dream about me and him together and shit and now we're half naked making out on my couch. But I was happy, and a bit surprised that he made the first move. He backs away and looks down at me.

Hisoka: Are you ok with this?

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Hisoka: Are you ok with this?

(authors note- you know what he means right? No? Well oh well i'm not going into detail about it lol, I can read smut but hate writing it myself haha)

Me: Y- Yeah

He smirks and gets off me, and grabs my hand and goes to my room. Where we did the dirty. After we just laid there breathing heavily. I turn over and lay my head on his chest. He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. Did that really just happen?

Hisoka: So how was it?~

(authors note- I just gagged lol like just imagine Hisoka asking that AHHH hehe)

Me: I- um

Hisoka: Nevermind you don't have to answer that, I already know your answer based on how you acted *smirks*

Me: *smiles*

I close my eyes and go to sleep. 

Well thats the end :) A very spicy ending if you ask me haha. No but actually I really enjoyed writing this story and I hope everyone who is or has read it liked it too. I will be writing another one I just have to think about what I want it to be about. I don't want to write it to soon because I'll make it the same haha. Anyways I'm heading to bed I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night :)

Also I don't know why I can't write smut like I can read that shit like it's an everyday thing (I swear it isn't haha) but I can't write it cuz it makes me uncomfy :) lol

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