Part 2

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Hisoka's Perspective:

After Illumi walked away to shower I looked around his room and he didn't have much. Kinda looked like a jail cell if you tell me. So I ended up leaving well sorta. I climbed out through the window and stayed on the roof till morning. It was about 7am and I climbed back in through the window and sat on his desk watching him sleep. Just look how adorable he looks while sleeping. All of a sudden he starts moving and sits up and starts rubbing his eyes.

Illumi: *looks at me* What the hell are you doing in my room?! *throws pillow at me*

Hisoka: *laughs* Good morning cutie~ *smirks*

Illumi: *gets up* Don't call me that *gets dressed* Why are you in my room anyways?

Hisoka: Just wanted to say hi~

Illumi: But you said you would leave me alone

Hisoka: I said maybe *smiles*

Illumi: *pinches bridge of nose* Whatever could you leave now?

Hisoka: Oh? So soon?

Illumi: If my father knows you're here uninvited he might actually kill you, and he won't hesitate either

Hisoka: Oh I get it! You care about me *smiles*

Illumi: Yeah like I'd care about a clown, come on let's just leave

He opens his door and I follow behind him. We get to the front door and walk out. I didn't know where we were going but damn he's cute when he wakes up. We walked out to the giant ass gate they have and walked down to the diner I was at a couple days ago. I pulled my cards out and just shuffled them around.

Illumi: Do you always have to be this annoying?

Hisoka: Huh?

Illumi: Do you always have to be annoying?

Hisoka: Me? Annoying?~

Illumi: There's no hope is there

Hisoka: *laughs* You seem stressed

Illumi: Shut up

Hisoka: What's wrong Illu?

Illumi: I'm not talking to you about it and stop calling me that

Hisoka: *smiles*

I continued to follow him closely behind. I could tell he was getting pretty pissed off but it was pretty cute when he's all mad. We were pretty close to the diner and walked in. We found a table and sat down.

Waitress: Good Morning you two, how can I serve you today?

Illumi: Can I just get a coffee?

Waitress: Of course and you sir?

Hisoka: I'll have the same~

Waitress: Y- yes ok um that will be right out *walks away*

Hisoka: Why'd she stutter?

Illumi: Probably because your being pervy again *rolls eyes*

Hisoka: Me? Pervy? Never *smiles*

Illumi: Yeah whatever, after this will you leave me alone?

Hisoka: Maybe *smirks*

Illumi: Your hopeless, So why are you following me anyways? Were you told to kill me or something?

Hisoka: I wouldn't kill you~

Illumi: Yeah you would-

Waitress: Here are you coffee's *sets them down and walks away*

Hisoka: *takes sip of coffee* Why do you think I'd kill you?

Illumi: I don't know

Hisoka: I wouldn't do all of this just to kill you, plus I'd only kill you if you did something to Gon. But I think you know that *smiles*

Illumi: That's sad *takes sip of coffee* I'm surprised my father didn't give me a job to do today. He gives me one almost everyday or every other day

Hisoka: Maybe he's giving you a break~

Illumi: Yeah right if you really know him you'd know he would never do that

Hisoka: Maybe there isn't much crime or anything going on that he wants you to take care of

Illumi: Maybe, but it doesn't matter anyways *takes a sip of coffee*

Hisoka: Oh?~

Illumi: Can we pay and just leave

Hisoka: Sure I'll pay *pays*

We both walk out and start walking back to his place.

Illumi: You can go home now

Hisoka: *pouts* But I don't want to

Illumi: Are you seriously pouting? Your a grown ass man grow up already *rolls eyes*

Hisoka: *puts arm around him* I don't want to go home yet, I want to be with you still

Illumi: *smacks arm* Don't touch me and just leave me alone

Hisoka: Fine *walks away* 

I hope everyone who is reading this story actually likes it. Sorry I didn't post this yesterday I had no clue what to put in this part. And the next part I don't know either so I might post a third part today or tomorrow. Hope everyone has a good day/night <3

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