Part 22

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Me: Both my parents ended up in the hospital right after I met them for the first time. It was my fault that they ended up there.

Illumi: How?

Me: I was attacked by Chrollo and the rest of the spiders while we were just hanging out being a family

I felt a tear form in my eyes. I blink them away but they just came right back.

Me: Chrollo and the other spiders planned their attack on me and tried to kill me but ended up hurting both my parents so bad they ended up in the hospital

Illumi: Oh babe *hugs me* I'm so sorry that happened

Me: I called 911 hoping they would be able to help. When they got to the house they picked both my parents up and took them to the hospital. One of the cops let me get into his car and took me to the hospital so I could wait there. Days passed and I got no news. After the third day a doctor came over to me and said that I could go see them. When I walked into the room I saw both of my parents laying in their beds. They look lifeless. The doctor said that they didn't have long to live. I broke down and just wanted to end everything.

Illumi: What happened?

Me: Well I sat between their beds looking back and forth to see if one of them would wake up. but then I heard a loud beep sound. Doctors rushed in and crowded my father's bed. He had died right there. The next day my mother also died. I couldn't handle the pain and tried to take my own life, but then I met you and you changed my life.

I looked over at Illumi who had tears in his eyes. I hug him, gesturing that it was fine.

Illumi: I couldn't even imagine that

Me: *sniffles* Yeah that's why I don't want to go to a hospital

Illumi: *looks up and sees my puffy eyes* Hey don't cry it's ok. And will you go if I stay by your side the whole time?

Me: The whole time?

Illumi: Yes the whole time

Me: Then I guess I'll go

Illumi: Ok I'll call a cab you wait here

I waited in bed and about 15 minutes later Illumi walks in and says that the cab is here. He helped me up and I hopped all the way to the car. We sat in the back of the car and I started to panic. I held onto Illumi's hand and looked out the window. Illumi turned my head and kissed me. I gave him a half smile and looked back out the window. When we got to the hospital I started panicking more. We sat in the waiting room and waited.

Illumi: Hey it's going to be ok I'm going to be here with you

Me: This was the hospital

Illumi: Huh?

Me: This was the hospital they died in

Doctor: Hisoka Morow?

Me: That's me

Illumi: *helps me stand*

Doctor: Here sit in this *has wheelchair*

Me: Is it ok that my boyfriend comes back?

Doctor: Sure I don't see why not

The doctor wheeled me into a room and Illumi followed close behind. We get to the room and I sit on the table waiting for the doctor to come back.

Illumi: How are you doing?

Me: I'm a bit better since your here

Illumi: We'll be home soon and we can cuddle and watch a movie if you want

Me: That sounds good *half smile*

The doctor walks in and tells me that I broke it but I already knew that. She grabs some things and starts wrapping my ankle in it. It was like she was putting a sock on my foot. She asks me what color and I just say black. She wraps my foot one last time in this hard black material. She gives me crutches and says that I'm good to go. I use the crutches and me and Illumi walk out. We get into the cab and go home. We got home and I had a bit of trouble getting up the stairs but I made it work. I walk to the bedroom and flop onto the bed. Illumi walks in picking my crutches up and setting them against the wall. He lays down and wraps his arms around me.

Me: I love you Illu

Illumi: *looks up* I love you too dummy

Me: So how long do I have to keep this thing on?

Illumi: until it's healed I guess

Me: Illu?

Illumi: Yeah

Me: Thank you

Illumi: For what? All I did was go to the hospital with you

Me: No I mean thank you for coming into my life, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here

Illumi: Oh

Me: Everyday I think about my parents and that if I hadn't met them they'd still be here. I held onto that guilt for years

Illumi: Yeah but it's a good thing that you got to meet them, if you hadn't they would've passed and you wouldn't be able to meet them at all

Me: True

I lay my head down and close my eyes. 

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