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Hisoka's Perspective:

I laid my head down on Illumi's chest and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and noticed that Illumi wasn't in bed with me. I sit up and stretch and get out of bed.

Me: Illu? You here?

I walked around the whole apartment and didn't see him anywhere. I opened the front door and saw no one. I grabbed my phone and called him. No answer. I decided to text him:

Me: Hey Illu where are you?

Illumi: Don't text me

Me: What? Why?


I put my phone down and decided to get dressed. After I put my shoes on and walked out the door. Where the hell is he? He doesn't normally just leave and not tell me. And why did he tell me not to text him. I decided to try and call him again.

Call with illumi:

Me: Hello?

Illumi: Oh look who it is

Me: Who is this?

Illumi: *evil laugh* You should know who this is

Me: Silva?!

Illumi: Yeah that's me

Me: Where is Illumi?!

Illumi: He's here with me

Me: Why would he go back home?!

Illumi: He said he wanted to take up my offer by killing the phantom troupe

Me: *silence*

Illumi: He said-

Me: I don't care what he said that isn't him! He wouldn't go back home! That's what he said

Illumi: Would you like to talk to him?

Me: Yes!

Illumi: *hands phone to Illumi* Hisoka?

Me: Illu what are you doing?

Illumi: I went back home and I think we should stop seeing each other

Me: *tears form* Illu why?

Illumi: Assassins don't need partners to get in their way

Me: But I thought you didn't want to do that anymore?!

Illumi: I changed my mind, don't get in my way or I'll kill you too *hangs up*

I was pissed. I started walking to Illumi's house. He wouldn't just change his mind all of a sudden. Was someone controlling him? Or did someone brainwash him? I don't see why he would just change all of a sudden. But I guess that's what his family does best. I started picking up my speed. It didn't take me long to reach the front door. I open the giant doors and start running to the house. I make it to the house and bang on the door. When no one answered I climbed up to Illumi's bedroom window and looked inside. I see Illumi sitting on his bed crying. Why was he crying? I take my phone out and text him:

Me: Illu can you please answer me

Illumi: Stop texting me Hisoka, I don't want to have to kill you

Me: Your being controlled Illu!

Illumi: No I'm not now stop texting me

End on text

I knock on the window and his head shoots up looking my way. He gets up and opens the window.

Illumi: What the hell are you doing here?

Me: *jumps inside* Illu please don't go through with this

Illumi: Father he's here!

*Silva opens door*

Silva: Great now tie him up and put him in the cell *walks out*

Me: What the hell Illu!

Illumi: *ties me up*

I wasn't going to fight him, I was scared I would kill him. So I let him tie me up and he put me in the cell. I looked around and saw Gon and Killua sitting in the corner.

Me: What the hell is going on?!

Illumi: Your my prisoner now, I don't need any of you guys getting in my way *walks away*

Me: Illu please!

I untie my hands and pull my knees to my chest and bury my head down. I felt a tear drop from my face and quickly wipe it away. 

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