Part 14

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Illumi's Perspective:

I wake up in the middle of the night and sit up. I look over and see Hisoka sleeping peacefully. I carefully get up trying not to wake him and walk to the main area. I see Killua and Gon sleeping on the couch. I put my shoes on ready to leave but was stopped.

Hisoka: *rubs eyes* Where are you going this late?

Me: I wanted to take a walk, how'd you know I got up?

Hisoka: I went to give you a kiss but ended up kissing air

Me: Oh sorry

Hisoka: I'm not letting you leave alone

Me: Well I'd like to me alone right now so I can think about some things

Hisoka: Please be safe I don't want you getting hurt

Me: I promise I'll be safe

Hisoka: I love you

Me: *pauses* Love you too *walks out the door*

I just walked down the street, no one was awake. It was weird. I felt weird like someone was following me. I kept looking behind me but seeing no one I continued walking. 15 minutes later I hear someone's footsteps, I turn around quickly throwing one of my nen darts but the person catches it. It was too dark to see who it was so I called out.

Me: Why are you following me?

Hisoka: I was making sure you were ok

Me: *sighs*

Hisoka: Sorry I know you wanted to me alone *walks towards me* but I felt like something bad was going to happen so I followed you

Me: *hugs him* Thank you

Hisoka: *surprised* I- I thought you'd be mad at me

Me: *lets go* I'm not that mad I mean it's weird that someone cares about me but I'm getting used to it

Hisoka: Wanna walk back home?

Me: *thinks* Sure

We started walking back home and I felt weird again so I put my arm around Hisoka's waist so I could be closer to him. He smiles and puts his arm around my shoulders. I lay my head on his shoulder while we continue to walk home. I could tell he was happy and it was kinda cute. We make it back home and go straight to bed. But I couldn't sleep.

Me: Hisoka? Are you still awake?

Hisoka: Hm? Oh yeah

I move over and lay on Hisoka's chest. I wrap my arms around his waist and try to sleep. I heard the rain fall on the roof which was pretty calming.

Hisoka: You tired?

Me: Not really, did I wake you?

Hisoka: Yeah but I don't mind *smiles*

Me: You sure?

Hisoka: Of course I'm happy that I get to wake up next to you

I started feeling tired and fell asleep in Hisoka's arms. I felt safe. I was happy that he cared about me. If he wasn't there to help me I would've died they wouldn't have held back and they wanted to kill me. And my father would have killed Hisoka. Just the thought of that gave me chills. The next morning I woke up alone in bed. I sit up hearing voices in the living room. I stretch and get up walking to the living room. I see Gon and Killua sitting on the couch playing video games while Hisoka was making food. I kiss him on the cheek and sit next to Killua and Gon watching them play video games. 10 minutes later Hisoka says that he was done cooking and everyone should eat. Which we do.

Gon: So Killua what should we do today?

Killua: Well considering that it's raining we can't really do much

Gon: True

Hisoka: You guys could go hang out with Leorio and Kurapika

Killua: I mean I don't see why no-

Gon: *runs out the door*

Killua: Gon wait up! *runs after him*

Me: *laughs*

Hisoka: So what should we do today?

Me: Well I have business to take care of so I won't be home till later tonight

Hisoka: Oh really? Where?

Me: Heavens arena

Hisoka: You're fighting?

Me: Sorta

Hisoka: Can I come watch?

Me: No

Hisoka: *pouts* Why not?

Me: *starts getting ready* Because it's just practice before the actual fight and I don't want you there

Hisoka: Oh ok then well be safe

Me: Yup *walks out* 

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