Part 29

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Illumi's Perspective:

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I started hearing my name being called and sat up. I looked around me and saw trees. I was confused. Where was I? Was I dreaming again? No this seemed real. But yet again, so did my last dream. I looked up and saw Hisoka.

Hisoka: You good?

Me: *confused* W- What? *stands up* But we were and- Where are we?

Hisoka: You don't know?

Me: No?

Hisoka: The hunter exam?

Me: I thought that was over

Hisoka: Well now it is, come on let's get going

I stood beside Hisoka and went to hold his hand but he pulled it away.

Hisoka: What the hell are you doing?

Me: Is this another dream?

Hisoka: No this is real life, you were probably dreaming of some weird shit weren't you?

Me: I- I was dreaming?

Hisoka: Yes, when you dug yourself that hole you fell asleep throughout the rest of the exam. I was told to go find you and that's when you woke up.

Me: S- so we weren't toge- Oh

Hisoka: No finish that sentence

Me: Doesn't matter

Hisoka: Come on

Me: Ok you really want to know! We were together ok *looks down and continues walking*

Hisoka: *laughs* Well that's weird

Me: Your telling me I was dreaming while dreaming?

Hisoka: I don't know what your talking about but we should hurry or they'll leave us *starts running*

Me: Yeah * follows behind*

Did I really sleep that long? Or was this another dream? I thought the hunter exam was already over and we passed it. I was so confused but just went with it. I was acting myself. It felt real. We made it to the boat and sure enough I was dreaming. Me and Hisoka were never really together. But the feelings I had for him were real. I loved him deeply but I could tell he doesn't feel the same. We get onto the boat and sit down. Killua and Gon were sitting at the other end. I get up and sit next to them.

Killua: What do you want?

Me: Can't I just sit here?

Killua: Come on Gon let's sit somewhere else

They both get up and sit somewhere else. Hisoka comes and sits next to me.

Hisoka: What was that about?

Me: I don't understand

Hisoka: What?

Me: I- I would talk to them a lot and they didn't hate me as much and they actually-

Hisoka: So what happened in your so-called dream?

Me: Well-

I got on and told him everything. How he was pushy and how I would just push him away. About how we kinda moved in. How I kidnapped them and almost got killed. And basically everything. Everything that I could remember.

Hisoka: All that happened?

Me: Yeah and I don't know if this is even real life or if I'm dreaming in a dream again

Hisoka: Yeah I'd be confused too, but this is real life. We were never together, we never moved in together or anything that happened

Me: *look down at my feet* Yeah I know that now

Hisoka: Sorry about that

Me: What are you sorry for?

Hisoka: That we dated *laughs* I mean I like you but not in that way

When he said that my heart broke. I really thought we could have had something.

Me: Yeah your type is about 10 years younger and a child

Hisoka: *grins* Yeah I guess *laughs* What else did we do?

He asked if he was concerned about something.

Me: What do you mean- no we didn't fuck *rolls eyes*

I mumble under my breath

Me: Sadly

Hisoka: Oh thank god- wait what?

Me: Nothing

Hisoka: You wanted to fuck me?~

Me: No

Hisoka: Hmm~

Damn him. Why did he have to be so damn hot. It's like he knew how I felt about him. It was so annoying yet so cute at the same time. I looked over at him and he was just shuffling his cards. I look away and I guess I did something because he laughed. God he was way nicer to me when I was dreaming.

Me: What's so funny?

Hisoka: Your blushing~

Me: I- no uh shut up!

One more part and this story is going to be finished :( I don't want to end it but I know I have to because I tend to carry stories on for a while and they never really have an ending so I'm forcing myself to make one :) I think it will be good ;) 

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