Part 16

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Hisoka's Perspective:

I was a bit confused on why Illumi didn't want me going to Heavens Arena with him but I decided to ignore it. I didn't do much but go get more food because Killua eats like a pig and when I was done with that I just watched tv. I turn the tv on and hear a phone ringing. I got up to look for it and it was Illumi's phone.

Me: He must have forgot his phone *laughs*

I picked it up and it was Chrollo. I decided not to answer and just put it back. Five minutes later his phone goes crazy again. I get up and go to look at it.

Texts with Chrollo:

Chrollo: Hey Illumi, are you coming to heaven's arena yet? Meet me at my room

*5 minutes later*

Chrollo: Hello? Answer your phone

Chrollo: Illumi come on you aren't mad at me are you?

Chrollo: Come on babe please don't be mad at me

End of texts

I take a deep breath before putting the phone back. Was Illumi cheating on me? No he wouldn't do that. I mean, didn't Chrollo just kidnap him yesterday? Or was Illumi lying and he wasn't being controlled. Last night was he going to hang out with Chrollo? So many questions filled my head, I heard the front door being opened and looked down the hall to see Illumi.

Illumi: Hey Hisoka you here?

Me: Yeah

Illumi: Did you see my phone anywhere I think I forgot it

Me: Yeah it's in here

Illumi: *walks into bedroom* Oh sweet thanks babe *tries to kiss cheek*

Me: No *moves out of the way*

Illumi: What's going on with you?

Me: Nothing *rolls eyes*

Illumi: Are you mad at me? What did I do?

Me: Think

Illumi: *thinks* Nope I got nothing

Me: Look who texted you *walks to bathroom*

Illumi: *looks at phone* Shit Hisoka *runs after me* Hisoka I didn't-

Me: Just go I don't care

Illumi: Come on


Illumi: Me and him aren't doing anything come on please

Me: I don't care I understand if you'd rather be with him

Illumi: Babe are you crying?

Me: *opens door* Why wouldn't I be?! I mean I just caught you cheating on me

Illumi: I'm not cheating

Me: Then why were you going to meet Chrollo after what happened yesterday?!

Illumi: I-

Me: I thought you loved me Illu!

Tears were falling down my face like a waterfall. I was so upset. I couldn't believe what I had just read.

Illumi: Hisoka what do you want me to do to make you happy


Illumi: Come on please, I'm not cheating on you

Me: I knew you couldn't change! I knew you'd be the same person that you were before

Illumi: *hugs me* Please calm down

I froze not wanting to push him off. I didn't want to believe anything.

Illumi: I'll do anything please

Me: Tell me the truth

Illumi: *lets go* Ok the truth is that *takes deep breath* yesterday I wasn't being controlled. It was all me, I remembered everything. When you found me all banged up that's because I remembered what I did to you and wanted to leave, but Chrollo had other plans and chained me up and had Feitan torcher me for trying to leave. When you Gon and Killua came I was knocked out and didn't remember anything. I don't remember what happened while I was knocked out

Me: Is that the truth? You aren't lying?

Illumi: I swear I'm not lying

Me: Block Chrollo

Illumi: Ok *blocks him* anything else?

Me: *hugs him* Please don't ever do that again

Illumi: I won't I'm sorry

I cry into his shoulder as we both stand there hugging each other. I don't want to lose him. He makes me happy and- that sounds corny. But it's true I really care about him. I'm scared that one day I'll just lose him and I don't think I'm ready for that.

Illumi: Are you mad at me still?

Me: Not as much as I was before

Illumi: I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you like that

Me: Your fine

Illumi: *lets go* No Hisoka it's not ok!

Me: W- what?

Illumi: I cheated on you Hisoka! It's not ok! I didn't want to

Me: What do you mean? I thought you said you didn't cheat

Illumi: I lied *looks down*

Me: So you haven't changed

Illumi: What do you mean?

Me: Doesn't matter

Illumi: It does matter

*hears knocking at front door*

Illumi: Stay here I'll get it

I sit on the bed waiting for Illumi to come back. I hear a familiar voice and get up and look who it was. It was Chrollo. That damn- I hold myself back trying not to kill him right then and there.


I run to the front door and see Illumi being dragged off and thrown into a truck that drove off. I tried to run after the truck but was stopped when I lost it.

Me: Damn it!

I was out of breath and confused. Why the hell did they take him? Again! At least I knew where they were heading so I start walking in the direction of their stupid hide out or whatever. It was the middle of the day and night would fall in only 5 hours so I continued to head in the direction of where the van drove. 

I'm trying to see where this is going to go, I hope you like it

Any ideas on what I should add? 

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