Part 24

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Illumi's Perspective:

I look up and see that Hisoka had fallen asleep. I slowly get up and clean the mess that Gon and Killua had made a couple days earlier. It didn't take that long. I picked everything up and threw away the trash. When I walked back into the bedroom Hisoka was sitting straight up staring at me.

Hisoka: You know I know when you get up right

Me: Oh sorry the mess was bothering me

Hisoka: It's fine, now come cuddle with me *pouty face*

Me: Ok fine

I climbed into bed and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. He buried his head in the crook of my neck and closed his eyes. I put my arm around him and closed my eyes. The next morning I get up and go to make food but I see Hisoka on his crutches in the kitchen trying to make food. I take the knife out of his hand and look at him.

Hisoka: What?

Me: Go sit down I'll finish this, you need to take it easy and rest

Hisoka: I don't rest I'm fine now give it back *reaches for knife*

Me: *puts knife down* Nope go sit down

Hisoka: *pouts* Why?

Me: Because I said so come on I don't want you hurting yourself anymore than you already have

Hisoka: Fine

He goes to sit on the couch and pouts the whole time I'm finishing cooking what he was making. When I finished I gave him a plate and sat next to him.

Hisoka: I could've done that

Me: Nope

Hisoka: *starts eating* Thanks though

Me: Your lucky I woke up

Hisoka: Why is that?

Me: Because if you had dropped that knife it probably would have stabbed you

Hisoka: You don't know that

Me: Your kinda clumsy so yes I do know that

Hisoka: *rolls eyes* So what are we doing today?

Me: Well we will be staying home but we can watch movies and cuddle if you want

Hisoka: *grins* I like that idea

Me: We aren't doing anything but cuddling so don't thinking of anything else

Hisoka: *looks down and blushes* Oh come on why not?

Me: I- I don't want to

Hisoka: Ok I won't pressure you

Me: Ok finish your food

Hisoka: I will ok

Me: *pulls phone out*

I pull my phone out and text Killua.

Texts with Killua:

Me: Hey where are you?

Killua: Why?

Me: Like are you back at home?

Killua: I already said I'm not going back there

Me: Then where are you staying?

Killua: Why do you care?

Me: Because I care about you, now will you just tell me. Because if you don't have anywhere I don't think Hisoka will mind you staying here

Killua: Yeah but Gon would be coming staying there too

Me: I'll make sure Hisoka doesn't do anything to you guys ok

Killua: Ugh fine we're coming

Me: Ok

End of text

Hisoka: Ok I'm done

Me: Ok let me take that and you can go lay down *takes plate*

Hisoka: Why are you treating me like a baby?

Me: I- I'm not I just don't want you to hurt your ankle any more than it already is

Hisoka: K

I take his plate and put it in the sink.

Me: Oh by the way Killua and Gon are coming over

Hisoka: Ok

Me: *walks to the bedroom* Are you mad at me now?

Hisoka: No

Me: Your acting like I did something

Hisoka: Well I'm not mad at you

Me: Good *smiles*

Hisoka: So why is Gon and Killua coming over?

Me: I guess they don't have anywhere to stay, do you care if they stay?

Hisoka: No I don't care

Me: *sits down next to him*

Hisoka puts his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead. I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arms around him. For some reason whenever I'm in his arms I feel safe. It was a weird feeling that I wasn't used to. But I liked it. Then I thought about what he had said earlier. That if he had never met me that he would have ended his life. Just thinking about that gave me chills. I hug him tighter and close my eyes.

Hisoka: You ok Illu?

Me: Yeah just thinking about stuff

Hisoka: About what?

Me: Doesn't matter I'm just happy you're here

Hisoka: Same *smiles*

Me: Hisoka is it true that if you never met me that you would have ended your life?

Hisoka: Why are you asking?

Me: Just curious

Hisoka: If you really want to know then yes

Me: Oh

Hisoka: But it doesn't matter anymore, I'm happy and I'm with the love of my life

I didn't say anything. I just nuzzled my head in between his chest and his arm. At that time I heard the front door open. Me and Hisoka shot up staring down the hall.

Killua: We're here love birds!

Me: Very funny

Killua: *walks to our room*

Hisoka: There's a room over to your right there's two beds for you and Gon

Gon: Thank you! *smiles and runs into the room*

Killua: *follows Gon*

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