Part 4

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Hisoka: Illu? You ok?

Me: W- What?

Hisoka: You good you spaced out

Me: Oh uh yeah I'm fine

Hisoka: *laughs* Ok so why'd you want me to come over?

Me: Um *gets text*

*opens text*

Killua: Answer him! You look stupid! Say you asked him to come over so you could spend time together!

Me: Ok ok

*end text*

Hisoka: *confused look*

Me: Oh um I asked you to come over because I wanted to spend time with you *blushes*

Hisoka: *smiles* Oh really? I'm surprised, earlier you said you didn't want to see me

Me: Yeah well I changed my mind, do you uh want to go upstairs?

Hisoka: Sure~ *grins*

I was sweating and practically freaking out. Was I really going to tell him how I felt? Was I really having my little brother help me? We get to my room and both walk in. I sit on my bed and so does Hisoka.

Hisoka: Is your brother near?

Me: Uh n- no

Hisoka: *gets up* He's in the bathroom isn't he?

Me: No

Hisoka: *opens bathroom door* Oh Gon is here too~

Killua: *grabs Gon's arm* Come on Gon we're leaving, Illumi can do this himself

Hisoka: Do what?~

Gon: Ahh!

Killua: Bye! Good luck!

Hisoka: *laughs* That was weird what were they talking about anyways?

Me: *pauses* Hisoka I need to tell you something

Hisoka: Huh? *sits next to me* What is it?


Holy shit I did it.

Hisoka: Really?~

Me: Um uh y- yeah *blushes*

Hisoka: *smiles*

Me: What?

Hisoka: I knew that already *laughs*

Me: W- how?

Hisoka: Every time I called you Illu or tried to hug you you would blush but you hid that by yelling at me

Me: Oh *looks down*

Hisoka: *wraps arms around my waist* I'm just happy you told me *smiles*

I was frozen. I didn't know what to say or do. I never had someone show me love like this before. I never had someone hug me, or at least since I remember. I could hear Gon and Killua in the hallway cheering and stuff.

Me: *smiles*

Hisoka: *lets go* You seem happy

Me: N- no!

Hisoka: Your so cute when your flustered *kisses cheek*

Me: W- I-

Hisoka: I made you speechless~ *smiles* I didn't think I could do that

Me: W-

I was cut off by Hisoka's lips on mine, I froze again like an idiot. I pulled away looking down blushing.

Hisoka: You ok?

Me: *still blushing* You like me back?

Hisoka: *laughs* Yeah I have for a while now~

Me: Oh

Hisoka: Can I ask you something?~

Me: *looks him in the eyes* Uh sure

Hisoka: Would you like to go out with me?

Me: I- um-

Gon: *opens door* He would love to! *shuts door*

Me: Gon! Sorry

Hisoka: *laughs* Your fine~

Me: But yeah I would love to *smiles*

We both lay down and fall asleep.

So I don't have anymore ideas for this story if anyone could drop some things they would like to be added in the comments it would help a lot! :)

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