Chapter 5: Explonation

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At the bakery Jin and Jimin were talking about what happened the night before. 


Before Yoongi found out Namjoon was outside he met a boy named Jimin. Before him and Namjoon had that ‘BFF’ moment they had him and Jimin were doing ‘things’. 

Yoongi was just walking around making sure all stores were closed and everyone was at least in their homes. “ looks good”.  

While walking back to the palace he saw a teenage boy, maybe 18 or 19 years of age. ( Jimin is 20 yrs old and Yoongi is 25 yrs old). He followed the boy to just make sure he got home safe.

 It’s part of his job to watch the whole town just because it is dangerous to people and creatures. Yoongi kept following this said boy.

Jimin was walking and kept feeling like he was being followed so he turned around and said “ Why the hell are you following me?” 

He looked at the random person, but out of nowhere he said “ My name Yoongi well, Min Yoongi what's your name cutie?” Jimin blushed so hard 

“ Jimin, Park Jimin” Yoongi chuckled and looked up and down his body “ You wanna hang out at my place?” Jimin didn't know what to do or say so he just nodded. 

“Mmmmmm” Yoongi and Jimin have been making out for the past 30min without a break. Yes, Jimin was surprised he was King Namjoon’s bodyguard but he didn't care about that.

 All he wanted was to kiss this very attractive man. But, Jimin started to feel like he should go home. “ mmmm hey” he said out of breath 

“ What happened? Did you not like it?” “ No, it's just very late. I need to get going home Yoongi hyung” Yoongi looked at the time and it was 12:00am (Namjoon came home 1:30; Jin lives farther away from the palace and bakery Jimin lives closer)

 “ I think you should stay, like you said it's late people could be out their trying to rob or who knows what” Jimin sighed and texted his mom he’s staying at his other friend Taemin’s house and to not worry and go to sleep. 

She replied an ‘okay stay safe’ Jimin said back ‘I will’. Jimin looked at Yoongi and siad “ lets go to bed im tired” Yoongi nodded and they fell asleep in each other's arms. 

*Flashback Ends*

“Wow” “ I know but before-” “ You made out with the king's bodyguard?” “ Yeah” “ You do know they are both coming to pick up the cake right Jimin?” “ Oh shit” That's when Jin started laughing and walked away.  

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