2. Battle

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Snow's POV

    Alola wasn't so bad, was it? Snow had just arrived with her little brother Axol. It didn't matter if she liked Alola anyways, because they were only there to get stronger and then they'd leave it all behind.
     The Trainer decided to leave the dusty hotel for once. She wanted to see what the fuss was all about with this new region. She had been to six so far: Unova, her birthplace, Kanto, Hoenn, Johto, Sinnoh, her favorite region, and Kalos. Now she was here, in this stupidly happy tropical paradise of a place. Snow shook her head, her short black hair swinging into her eyes. She opened the door.
     "Axol, I'm heading out for now. I'll be back by noon, okay?" she said. Axol looked up from his GameBoy and nodded.
     "See you, Snow! I'm gonna freaking detonate this stupid Pidgey. Right, Dragonite?" he said. His partner nodded, its orange face leaning forward to see the tiny screen.
     Snow smiled. Only Axol could make her feel this way. He was the funny one: always joking around, playing video games, and feeding his Pokémon Doritos. Oh man. Doritos, Dragonite's favorite food. It would go crazy just for a single one of those chips. She waved and closed the door behind her.
     The Trainer reached to her belt, her fingers automatically finding the Dive Ball that held her partner. She plucked it off and tossed it into the air. A beautiful Glaceon spring from the ball, landing gracefully on its feet.
     "I hope you can handle this heat, Glaceon. We're in a new region now," Snow remarked. Glaceon rubbed its nose on her hand lovingly. After all, Snow had caught this Glaceon as an Eevee when she was still six. They had survived their lives together.
   She walked into the main market of Mele'mele Island. After looking at fruits with only a mild interest in them, she turned away and patted her partner's light blue head. There had to be a quieter, less crowded area somewhere.
     After wandering into the forest, she found a meadow filled with yellow flowers. It was quiet, and it looked like no one was there. She found a tree stump and sat on it, massaging her ankles. Snow wasn't used to being on her feet for so long. Unova always had a convenient subway nearby, and she would fly on Reshiram in Sinnoh. Even the Legendary couldn't take the heat here in Alola, so she resorted to walking.
    Glaceon rested its head on Snow's lap. The clouds were perfect and fluffy. The sky was a bright blue. So why did Snow feel so alone and sad? Before she could figure something out, she heard what sounded like...rhyming?
     She stood up when she heard the coarse voices coming closer. What she thought was the innocent rhyming of some kids playing a game were actually a gang of strangely clothed adolescents. They wore face coverings and weird looking uniforms. Standing protectively in front of Glaceon, she turned to face the gang, who had interrupted her peace and were now crowding the meadow that she had been resting in. The leader, a boy with artificial looking blue hair, put his face uncomfortably close to Snow's. She backed away, keeping a cool expression on.

     "So that's a Glaceon you're keeping all to yourself, huh?" he sneered. Internally, Snow was convulsing in laughter. Who did this idiot think he was? Some feebleminded thief? She sensed a presence behind her, but dismissed it as most likely another one of these strangely clothed rogues. 

    "I'm assuming I'm keeping it to myself because I caught it. Besides, who are you anyways?" she retorted. She felt a hand on her back and whipped around, ready to defend herself, but was greeted with...

a giant orange face with green eyes.

     "Axol?" she exclaimed with surprise. Dragonite crushed her into a hug before she could say anything else. As soon as the orange Pokémon released her, he was sucked into his Poké Ball by Snow's younger brother. 

     "Hey, can I detonate these weirdos for you? They look like they want to see the moon to me," Axol deadpanned. A smirk crept onto Snow's face.

     "They're all yours, Axol. Blow them to Pluto, maybe? I heard the weather was nice this time of year," she responded. Axol grinned and pulled a Poké Ball from his belt, tossing it in the air once before throwing it to the ground.

     "Charizard, let's go!" he yelled. The weird gang backed away at the name of the hilariously powerful Pokémon. The leader with the blue hair had sweat on his face when he saw the crystal Axol had on his wrist. Internally, he prayed that he wouldn't touch it.

     Of couse, Axol touched it and yelled, "Charizard- Mega Evolve!" This time everyone in the gang was sweating. They were about to break out into a mob and run when Axol smiled.

     "Charizard, use Crimson Dive on those people who want a free interstellar vacation!" he proclaimed. Charizard roared and sent everyone in the gang into the sky, far enough that they disappeared from view. The dragon Pokémon returned to its normal state and nuzzled Axol. Snow gave him a high-five in victory.

     "You've gotten powerful, Ax," she said proudly. "Just know that I will always have one more Gym Badge then you'll ever have!" Axol's face turned red with anger. 

     "Oh, frick you too," he laughed. With that, the brother-sister duo turned away from the smoldering earth where that weird gang once was standing on. Little did they know that news of their battle would spread all over Alola.

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