8. Revelation

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Snow's POV

     After a day of seeing Axol slipping in and out of the hotel room, Snow got worried. Was he okay? What was he doing out and about for so long each day? On the second day, Snow decided to take action. Just as Axol was going to slip out of the door again, she stood in front of him, blocking his way.

      "Axol, what's going on? You're barely here, and you don't even say goodbye when you leave the room. Tell me the truth," Snow pleaded. Axol just shook his head.

     "Look, Snow, nothing's wrong. I'm just training, that's all. And I promise it will end soon. I'll be back to normal in no time. Don't worry, I'll be back in time for dinner today. I promise, for real." Axol said earnestly.  Snow didn't want to let it go, but nodded reluctantly and moved aside. Once Axol left, Snow sighed, shut the door, and flopped on the couch for another afternoon of reading.

      Finally, the sky outside faded from a bright, sunny blue into a beautiful golden sunset, filled with light. Snow smiled. She had always been an admirer of light, and of photography. She grabbed her Rotom Phone. Sure, it wasn't her old mirrorless camera, but it was enough to take a photo of the sunset. 

     She slipped onto the hotel balcony, holding up the phone to get a shot. She pressed the photo button, but when she looked to see how the picture turned out, it looked only like a giant orange dragon-like face with bright green eyes. When Snow looked up, that very face was pressed into hers.

     "Dragonite?" the face asked. Snow screamed and jumped backwards, her heart calming only when she noticed that it was Axol's partner. She laughed and hugged Dragonite.

     "Welcome back, Axol," Snow laughed. The last remainders of the sunset glinted on a strange metal object on her little brother's wrist. 

     Axol grinned, and hopped off of Dragonite. This time, Snow was able to get a closer look on the strange bracelet-looking thing on his wrist.

      "Fancy new jewelry? A token from Alola? A cheap souvenir?" Snow asked Axol. He just smirked and nodded to Dragonite, moving his arms into a sort of sideways "X" shape.

      "Go, Dragonite!" he yelled. A dragon symbol appeared in front Axol, bathing him in purplish light.

     "What's going on?!" Snow asked, her voice trembling. She thought something was wrong, or maybe Axol was doing some strange ritual with his Pokémon.

     "Use Devastating Drake!" Axol shouted. A purple dragon-looking mirage sprung from Dragonite's open jaws, flashing forward and then exploding into a massive burst of energy. The Trainer grinned at his sister, proud of his accomplishment.

     "W-what was that?" Snow asked, astounded. She never knew her little brother could do something so powerful, so primal, so...magical.

      "A Z-Move!" Axol said proudly, holding his head up and grinning. "I battled the Kahuna of Mele'mele to earn it. This is the Dragon type one, which is called Devastating Drake. I also got the Normal type one from a Totem Pokémon. That Z-Move is called Breakneck Blitz." Snow ran to her little brother, her eyes filled with pride.

     "That's amazing, Axol!" she said while hugging him. "You're more powerful already! Although, this does mean that I have to get a Z-Crystal for myself. I can't let my little baby brother take my crown." Axol playfully punched Snow's arm.

      "Then once you get one, we'll battle and see who's the better Trainer," he teased, holding his hand out for a handshake. "Deal?"

     "Deal!" Snow proclaimed, her competitive spirit completely fired up. "You're on!"

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