5. Truth

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Gladion's POV

     Snow watched Gladion take a breath before beginning. 

     "I left my family for two years, after my mother began to become obsessed with Ultra Beasts. I couldn't see her like that, forgetting to take care of us and my little sister, Lillie." he said quietly. Snow sat up suddenly.

     "I've seen Lillie!" she exclaimed. "My brother and I were on the beach when we ran into her and her friends, Lana and Mallow."

     Gladion nodded. "I haven't seen her in two years. But anyways, I came back because...I don't know why. My mother, the President of the Aether Foundation, Lusamine, doesn't even take care of her anymore. She stays at the family estate on Mele'mele Island, taken care of by her servants. I don't even think of Lusamine as my mother anymore." 

     Snow looked away, some strange emotion crossing her face. "I get that. My parents died when I was little." she said, subdued. Gladion leaned towards her, his eyebrows creased.

     "I'm sorry about that," he said. Snow shook her head. 

     "You don't need to be sorry. You didn't do anything." she replied. "Honestly, I don't think about it anymore. They died in a car accident on the way to the grocery store. I pulled Axol out of the wreckage, and saw them, their eyes closed. I thought they were just taking a nap, but they didn't wake up when I shook their arms. They were gone. My big brother abandoned our family after that, so I took care of Axol," she said bitterly. "It doesn't matter anymore. I've made a new life for my brother and I."

     Gladion looked away. Here he was, with a girl with a horrible past, who was abandoned by her own family after a tragic accident. And he was complaining because Lusamine never really saw his sister? He hesitated, and reached out to place a hand on her lap, in an attempt to comfort her. Snow smiled.

      "Thanks," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've never told anyone that, you know. I've always just stuck to myself, taking care of Axol and trying to become the most powerful Trainer I could. It's...freeing, to tell someone." Gladion smiled for once, hiding his face from Snow. He didn't want her to know that being with her made him feel understood, and almost...happy

     As they watched the movie, Gladion shuffled a little closer to Snow. Before, they had been the uncomfortable distance of about two feet away from each other, and it was getting awkward to remain like that. The scariest part of the movie began. The characters on the television were slowly hacking away at each other, and Snow grabbed Gladion's arm again, burying her face into the couch. But this time, Gladion didn't flinch. Instead, he pulled Snow closer, letting her bury her face in his hoodie instead. 

     When the movie was over, he expected Snow to lift her head. But he noticed that the girl was fast asleep on his shoulder, her face not creased with worry, not hidden behind a mask of icy calm. Instead, he saw what was her real face: the face of an innocent, normal girl. He smiled and moved her head to his lap, and closed his eyes right then and there, with Snow asleep on top of him. And for once, he didn't feel nervous or uncomfortable with someone touching him.

      He fell asleep to the sounds of thunder and rain.

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