11. Showdown

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Axol's POV

     "Glaceon, use Ice Shard!" Axol heard his sister say. The blue Fresh Snow Pokémon sent a wave of ice spikes towards Dragonite, hitting it squarely in the chest. Axol cursed under his breath.

     "Then use Dragon Dance!" Axol yelled. Dragonite started to spin rapidly, his face and body blurred by the movement.

     "Shadow Ball!" Snow ordered, but the attack was disintegrated by Dragonite's spinning. Cursing, Snow stood there, thinking.

     "Hurricane!" Axol said triumphantly, knowing this would boost the damage of Dragonite's Dragon Dance further. Snow closed her eyes, and then opened them.

     "Then I guess we'll have to use our last resort," she said, moving her arms into an 'x' shape.

     A Z-Move, Axol thought to himself. Oh no. I hope Dragonite can withstand it... but Ice-type attacks are super effective to Dragon-types. Then I'll have to even the playing field.

     "Here we go!" Snow yelled, moving her arms in the Ice-type Z-Move poses. 

     "Harness the force of the winter wind. Learn it. Use it. Become it!" she said with her eyes closed. Her arms formed two more x's over her head, the air around her growing cold with ice energy. The Z-Power from Snow formed a glowing blue tendril, surrounding Glaceon and powering it, combining their strength.

     "Use Subzero Slammer!" Snow said, her eyes wide open now. As Glaceon exhaled an extremely powerful blizzard of ice, Snow's eyes seemed to flash silver, and then back to their usual dark brown. Dragonite fell, its eyes dull. But after a few heartbeats, it got up.

     "Dragonite! Are you okay?" Axol yelled. His partner let out a quiet noise, and Axol knew Dragonite was on the verge of getting knocked out.

     "Fine! Then it's our turn," he said. His arms moved into the classic Z-Move 'x.'

     "Dragonite, we're not really that flashy, aren't we," Axol said, surrounded with purple light. "But we can still use our power. Buddy, use Devastating Drake!" he yelled, lending all his might to his orange partner. Dragonite let out what could only be defined as a guttural scream, letting loose a blistering attack. After the dust cleared away, Glaceon stared back. Then, at the very same time, the two Pokémon collapsed, exhausted and knocked out.

     "A double knockout...?" Snow said, in awe. "Wow."

     "Glaceon and Dragonite are both unable to battle. Bring out your next Pokémon!" Gladion said, unfazed. Snow and Axol nodded, both bringing out their Pokémon: Snow her Alolan Sandslash, and Axol his Ampharos. At the sight of Axol's Ampharos, Snow's Sandslash growled, and she had to restrain it from attacking immediately.

     "Sandslash, please. Calm down," she said, holding it back and stroking its head. "It's okay. I know you want to attack it, but this isn't the same Ampharos. It won't hurt you, or your fellow Sandshrew." The anger slowly cleared from Sandslash's eyes, and it stood up, calm and ready to battle.

     "All right. Battle- begin!" Gladion said. 

     "Sandslash, use Metal Claw!" Snow yelled. It was a direct hit on Ampharos. Ampharos shook its head, and soon regained its balance.

     "Ampharos, use Volt Switch!" Axol said, and suddenly, bright tendrils of electricity came rushing down onto Sandslash, causing it to convulse in pain. But once it got up, it was clearly on its last legs.

     "Sandslash, are you all right?" Snow asked her Pokémon, concern in her face. Sandslash nodded once, and focused back on the battle. "Now use Blizzard!"

     Flakes of snow appeared, soon swirling so fast that the entire beach was a blur of white and blue. The sky darkened, and the wind picked up. Once the snow cleared, the sand was buried under a layer of soft, fluffy snow. Ampharos, who was slammed by the flakes, shook its head to clear its eyes, and let out a screech. A jet of electricity came flying from the orb on its tail.

     "That's Zap Cannon!" Axol breathed. "Ampharos, that's amazing. You learned Zap Cannon!" Ampharos looked back, proud of its accomplishment, but while it wasn't watching the battle, Sandslash rushed in with another Metal Claw, knocking it out.

     "Ampharos is unable to battle," Gladion said. "Axol, bring out your next Pokémon."

     Axol cursed under his breath again. Why was his sister so freaking smart? Taking advantage of Ampharos's joy was exactly something that she would do. Turning to his sister, he saw the smirk on her face. She thinks she holds all the cards. But what do I do now...of course! Fight ice with fire. "Go, Charizard!" he said, throwing a Poké Ball.

     "You won't get me so easily," Snow said. But suddenly, Sandslash collapsed, drained of all its energy. Snow smiled. "Sandslash, you battled amazingly. Return." Then she took an Ultra Ball, expanding it between her slender fingers. "If you're going to try fighting ice with fire, I'll battle fire with fire. Let's go, Charizard!" she said, throwing the Ultra Ball in the now wet sand. A Charizard appeared, which looked nearly identical to Axol's Charizard.

     "When did you catch a Charizard?" Axol said, surprised. Snow smirked.

     "You'd think, as an Ice-type Trainer, I'd avoid Fire-types. I caught it in Kanto." she said proudly. "And today, I'm not going to lose!" She pulled up her hoodie sleeve, revealing a digital watch with a dark blue band, a strange crystal embedded in the face. "Charizard, Mega Evolve!"

     Snow's Charizard grew, turning into a beast of blue and black flame. 

     "A Mega Charizard X," Gladion breathed. "I never thought I'd be able to see one." Snow smirked, while Axol touched a bracelet on his wrist.

     "Fine. You leave me no choice. Charizard, Mega Evolve!" he said, his Charizard growing into a dragon of bright red fire. Snow and Axol said the same words at the same time.

     "Charizard, use Crimson Dive!" they both yelled in unison, one face lit up with blue, another lit up with orange. Both Charizard, X and Y, collided, creating a plume of smoke that looked to be visible from the ends of the Alola region.

     The smoke cleared slowly. After Snow, Gladion, and Axol could see again, they saw both Charizard on the beach, both back to their normal states, and both knocked out.

     "A double-double knockout!" Gladion said. He smiled at Snow and Axol. "It's a draw. Neither of you win." Axol and Snow looked at each other, and burst into laughter.

      "DAMN IT!" Snow yelled. "I WANTED TO WIN SO BAD!" Her eyes were filled with tears from laughing so hard.

     "My life is completely fucked," Axol said, prompting a warning glare from Snow. But soon, everyone was laughing on the sand, half delirious, as the Alolan sun rose over Mele'mele Island.

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