32. League

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Axol's POV

     "The second annual Alola Pokémon League's registration will open next week at Manalo Stadium!" Professor Kukui announced in front of his class. The six students: Kiawe, Sophocles, Axol, Lillie, Lana, and Mallow started whispering excitedly to each other. Mallow threw up her hand, green pigtails bouncing with her movement.

     "Can we still compete even if we competed last year?" she asked. Professor Kukui nodded.

     "Of course. And since the only person who didn't compete last year was Axol, I'm assuming this answers all of your questions." he replied. The rest of the class nodded. Axol flung his hand up as well.

     "So who won last year?" he asked. Professor Kukui smiled and looked off into the distance.

     "Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town," he said. "He left Alola to continue his journey to become a Pokémon Master. The runner-up, Gladion, still lives here, though. He's Lillie's big brother." Axol grinned.

     "I know," he said. "Gladion's my big sister's boyfriend." Lillie gasped, her Alolan Vulpix looking up in worry. "We spent an entire weekend together. I annoyed him so much. My sister and him are SO in love."

     "Wait...does that mean that Gladion is dating your sister?!" she exclaimed. "Is this a joke?" Axol and Dragonite both shook their heads at the same time.

     "Nope. They got together recently. I thought you would already know," Axol said. "Oh man, this is funny." He imagined Gladion's face when his little sister came up to him, asking if he had a girlfriend. Lillie's pale face was rapidly turning red.

     "My big brother...with a girlfriend?! I can't believe this. This is real. He actually likes someone?" Lillie murmured to herself. A smile spread over her face. "I'm so proud of him!" Mallow and Lana laughed awkwardly, while Kiawe and Sophocles were slowly gravitating away from the girls. Professor Kukui cleared his throat.

     "Okay, moving on," the professor said, changing the subject. "Anyways, if everyone's going to register, there's a ferry from Mele'mele Island to Manalo Stadium that we can all take together on the day of registration. Axol, is your sister going to join the League?" Axol nodded emphatically.

     "And from what it looks like, she's determined to win," Axol said. "She's pretty tough. I'd say to not underestimate her." The rest of the class nodded. Kiawe stood up, fire in his eyes.

     "Last year I got to semifinals. This year I'm going to win!" he declared, his arms outstretched from his body in a stance of determination. Axol sprung up, mirroring his pose.

     "You'll have to beat me first!" he said. Sophocles sprung up as well.

     "Don't forget about us!" the Electric-type specialist said. All three boys yelled in solidarity, while the girls laughed and made their plans amongst themselves.

Location change: Snow's and Axol's house

     "I can't wait to register for the League," Snow said. "Too bad you'll be leaving before it starts." Cynthia nodded sadly and wrote in another letter on the crossword puzzle they were working on together.

     "I would join if I could, though." Cynthia remarked. "Let's just spend our time together while we have it." She petted Garchomp and looked down to the clues. "A Pokémon that drains power from others in order to light its own flame...I wonder what that means." Snow snapped her fingers.

     "Morelull. It has to be Morelull." she said, pulling out her Kalos-style Pokédex. She searched for the entry on Morelull. A robotic voice answered.

     "Morelull. The Illuminating Pokémon. A Grass- and Fairy-type. Morelull are nocturnal Pokémon that walk around at night on their leg-like roots. They move because staying in one spot and sucking all the nutrients from the soil would cause surrounding plants to wither." the Pokédex said. Snow tapped the images for Morelull, one of them showing it glowing. 

     "Yep. It's gotta be Morelull. It matches the amount of boxes as well." she said, victorious. Cynthia nodded and wrote the name down in neat letters. Snow brushed some black hair from her forehead and sighed, putting down her Pokédex.

      "You know...I have a weird feeling about this year's League," Snow said. Cynthia looked up and straightened her back.

     "You can always trust me. Spill it," Cynthia said. Snow sighed and drew her legs up to her chest.

      "I feel like...I'm going to see something during a battle, or feel something, that'll change my opinion about something...or someone important. Like, what if when I'm battling someone, I really get to know something about their character and then I change my opinion about that person? I don't know. Does this even make sense?" Snow said. "I'm rambling now." Cynthia scooted closer to her friend, putting her arm around Snow's shoulders.

     "It's fine. And I get it. You can transmit a lot of your emotions with a good Pokémon battle. And maybe they'll find out something about you, too. Everything will be okay. You just wait and see," Cynthia reassured. Snow smiled, comforted by her friend's words.

     "Thanks. You're the best friend ever," she said. "You and Candice have helped me through probably the toughest times in my life." Cynthia just smiled knowingly.

     "It's no problem. We're always here for you." the Sinnoh Champion said. Snow grinned and looked down to the crossword puzzle, which had two more words missing.

     "Across...the hint is the winter of evolutions," Snow mused. "Wait...winter. That has to mean Ice-type. And what Pokémon is all about evolution...I GOT IT! It's Eevee, and the Ice-type evolution is none other than you, Glaceon!" Snow said, petting Glaceon's soft blue fur. Glaceon keened in happiness as Cynthia filled out the boxes.

     "And up...the hint is the electric Mouse Pokémon. That one's easy. It's Pikachu." Cynthia said. Snow nodded.

    "Yep. Easy. And we're done!" Snow said with a grin. The two friends high-fived. "Teamwork makes the dream work."

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