23. Brother

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Axol's POV

     "Gladion." Axol said. "Wake up." It was a bright sunny morning, and Gladion was in his motel room. He jolted awake.

     "What the heck?!" he exclaimed. "How did you get into my room? I locked the doors." Axol just grinned and held out a hand.

     "I have my ways," Axol said cryptically. "Anyways, you're not getting rid of me today." Axol had all the intent to bother Gladion as much as he could. After all, he knew that him and Snow was going to work out. He was sure of it. "Besides, won't it be nice to get to know your future brother-in-law?" he said, a stupid grin on his face. Gladion's face rapidly turned red.

     "What?! I never said anything about marrying Snow...seriously. I'm sixteen years old," he said quickly. Axol just shrugged and yanked Gladion out of his bed.

     "Well, for today, you're stuck with me. Have fun!" he said. Gladion groaned and got out of bed. 

    "I need to make breakfast," he said. "Can you go away?" But Axol just shook his head. 

     "Nope. I said, you're stuck with me. I'm your brother now, and since Snow's appointed you to be her boyfriend, I get to bother you more often. Yay!" he said, flopping on the couch. "Can you make me breakfast too? The professor had to leave early today." Gladion sighed at nodded.

     "All right, fine. But this is just for today. If you're going to bother me for one day, from now on you have to either pay for or make your own food. Get it?" he said. Axol just shrugged. "Good. Now everybody, come out!" he said, while tossing his Poké Balls into the air. Silvally, Umbreon, and Lycanroc all came out. Axol nodded and brought out his team as well, so the motel room was more crowded than it had ever been. Axol's Mudkip hopped onto his shoulder, as his Dragonite and Ampharos fistbumped and his Charizard, Mareep, and Dedenne nodded to each other. Gladion poured out some Pokémon food for them, and set to making breakfast for Axol and himself.

      After making breakfast, Gladion laced on his shoes. 

     "I'm going out," he said. Axol jumped to his feet, returned all his Pokémon except for Dragonite, and stepped into his sneakers as well.

     "Uh-uh. Not so fast," he said. "I'm coming with you. Plus, where are you even going?" Gladion cursed under his breath. He didn't even know what he was doing, except for trying to get away from Axol. 

     "Away from you," he said. Axol just grinned and hopped next to him, his steps matching Gladion's. For a kid two years younger than him, he had stamina. He sighed and accepted his fate. This was going to be a long day.

     Two hours later, Gladion was browsing the markets, trying to get Axol off of his tail. After trying to lose him in the yellow petals of Mele'mele Meadow, attempting to hide in the crowd around a popular malasada stand, and randomly visiting the Battle Royal Dome to try and get away from the younger Trainer, he was ready to give it one last shot. He wove around the stalls, but Axol followed him relentlessly. He sighed and walked back to Axol.

     "Seriously, Axol." he said. "Leave me alone." 

     "How about no?" he said in response. Gladion couldn't help but laugh. Snow's little brother really was funny. He sighed and smacked Axol lightly. 

     "Fine." he said. "It's almost lunchtime. Where are we going, small stalker?" Axol shrugged and pointed at the Pokémon Center.

     "Honestly? The Pokémon Center has the best drinks ever: lemonade, pineap juice, and the Tapu Cocoa. Let's go there," he said. Gladion nodded and followed Axol, whose Dragonite had made something that almost looked like a real crown, fit for royalty, but upon closer inspection, was actually just an extremely elaborate flower crown out of Mele'mele Meadow's bright yellow blooms. Dragonite caught Gladion staring at his flower crown. It let out a sound of happiness, and then it grabbed Gladion into a bone-crushing hug. 

      "Back...being...crushed," Gladion managed to get out. Dragonite finally released him, and he rubbed his arms. That Pokémon really had some upper body strength. It gently placed the delicate crown on Gladion's blond hair.

     "Dragonite, you're too nice," Axol said, hugging his partner. "You look great, Gladion." he added with a touch of cheeky sarcasm. Gladion shrugged, not wanting to hurt Dragonite's feelings. He wasn't really a crown type of guy.

     "Thanks, Dragonite, I guess," he said. "The Pokémon Center is right around the corner. Come on." Axol ran ahead, nearly crashing face-first into the sliding glass doors. The familiar tune of the door chime rang in his ears as he entered the blissfully cool Pokémon Center.

     "Hi, Nurse Joy," Axol said. "We're here for lunch." Nurse Joy smiled.

     "Welcome to the Mele'mele Island Pokémon Center. We'd be glad to provide you with lunch," she said. "Blissey, please watch over the Pokémon in the Rehabilitation Room for me, will you?" Blissey nodded, and happily walked into the back of the Pokémon Center, singing along the way. 

     Soon, Gladion and Axol were eating their lunch, talking about random things. It almost felt like he was hanging out with an old friend. Don't forget that he's basically stalking you, he reminded himself. Axol stole one of Gladion's fries and popped it in his mouth.

     "So, how are you and Snow?" he asked. Gladion didn't know what to say. They were going strong? But Axol knew that already. He hated when people asked him questions.

      "Good, I guess," he replied. Axol leaned in closer.

     "Oh really?" he asked. "How far have you gone?" Gladion's face immediately turned a vibrant shade of red.

     "What?! Why would you say something like that? We've never done anything weird or anything like that, not that we want to or anything! We just got together. Why are you so weird?" he said quickly. Axol just laughed and leaned back into his chair.

     "Just wanted to know," he said. "Anyways, as long as you treat my sister well, we're good. I bet you anything you two are going to get married." Gladion's face darkened to an eggplant purple.

     "We're sixteen!" he said. Axol just shrugged knowingly. "Fine. If we get married, I'll give you one hundred dollars. Deal?" Axol grinned.

     "That's a free Benjamin for me! Deal," he said, holding out his hand. They shook on it.

     "Why are you so weird?" Gladion muttered. Axol shrugged again.

     "I have my ways," he said.



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