30. Fight

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Third Person POV

     "They're coming at us, six to four," Snow whispered to herself. Sandslash is bulkier and can withstand more damage, but Glaceon is faster. I guess I should depend on Dragonite for bulk, Garchomp for attack, Lycanroc for support with Stone Edge, and I'll use Glaceon for agility. Her double battling skills were really coming to light now.

      "Axol, lead in with Hurricane, then Garchomp can attack with Dragon Tail. When they're distracted, Lycanroc should go in with a Swords Dance-powered Rock Slide. After that, Glaceon'll get them with Blizzard. Got it?" she said, a commanding tone in her voice. The three other Trainers nodded, ready to carry out the plan, while the Team Skull grunts were still goading them on.

      "Hurry up and battle already!" Rapp yelled. Snow just smiled, the corners of her mouth just barely twisting up. 

      "Let's do this," she said. Dragonite leapt into action, creating a hurricane-like storm, throwing yellow petals into the air. Garchomp swung its tail, glowing with power, at Team Skull's Pokémon. Just like Snow had planned, their team was plunged into chaos, with Pokémon trampling over each other and their Trainers in order to get away from Garchomp. Lycanroc had been using Swords Dance while they were distracted, and buried the opposing team under the power of Rock Slide. Soon, all the Pokémon except for Rapp's Zubat, Zipp's Garbodor, and Tupp's Salandit were knocked out. Snow grinned and flung her hand out, Glaceon leaping in to deliver a clean Iron Tail, knocking out the already weak leftovers.

      "Go away," Axol said. Tupp, Rapp, Zipp, and their other team members scrambled to their bikes and drove off, leaving a cloud of dust and yellow petals behind them. Dragonite bent down, looking sadly at the crushed flowers. Cynthia knelt down and placed a comforting hand on Dragonite's back.

     "They'll grow back," she reassured. "Don't worry." She turned to Snow and grinned. "My, you've grown. I've always known you to be a great double battler, but this is some next level strategy." Snow blushed and smiled to herself, her hand itching her nose.

      "If you say so," she said shyly. Gladion laughed and threw his arm around her shoulders. Axol's Dragonite stood up and clapped, its eyes filled with joy.

      "Looks like Dragonite's congratulating the happy new couple," Axol said with a twinkle in his eye. "Soon to be married." Snow laughed incredulously and slapped Axol playfully. 

       "Oh, shut up," Gladion said with a smile. Cynthia laughed.

      "I'm going to be the one to catch the bouquet at the wedding," she joked. Snow sighed in mock exasperation.

      "Then you'll be the next one to get married!" she shot back. Cynthia burst into laughter, with Axol and Gladion following suit. 

      "All right, fine. Let's get out of here." she said, sighing. "I haven't laughed this much in forever." Snow and Axol nodded.

      "How about we get lunch?" Gladion suggested. "I'm hungry." Axol grinned, his eyes flashing. Snow and Cynthia nodded in agreement.

       "Then I'm getting you chili cheese fries!" he announced. Cynthia turned to the younger Trainer. 

      "Why chili cheese fries?" she asked. Axol slapped his face.

      "You don't know what a chili cheese fry is?" he asked. "Have you been living under a rock all this time? Bruh," he said. "I have to get you some too!" 

      "Cynthia, don't let him bully you," Snow said with a smile. "I'm this dummy's big sister and I haven't eaten a chili cheese fry before. Mainly because I'm lactose intolerant," she said. "The lucky little brother doesn't have it though." Cynthia laughed. Gladion nodded.

      "Where do we get them, then?" he asked. Axol pulled up a map on his phone, putting a pin on the Mele'mele Island Mall. 

      "The food court at the mall." he said, pushing the phone into Gladion's face. "Right there." Gladion stepped away from the phone with a laugh.

      "Okay, okay. I see it now," he said. "I'm not that nearsighted." Axol pushed up his black-framed glasses.

       "I am," he said. "And so is Snow." Gladion turned to Snow, who had no glasses on.

      "Wait, you're near-sighted?" he asked. Snow pointed at her brown eyes.

      "I wear contacts. They're easier to handle than glasses. Besides, I looked like an idiot with glasses, so I made the switch a few years back." she said. Gladion nodded.

     "I never knew that," he said. "The more you know." Snow laughed and jabbed Gladion in the ribs with her elbow playfully.

      "Forgot to tell you. I guess I should've said it earlier, given that we're dating and Axol's betting that we get married." she said. Gladion and Axol laughed.

      "Forget being nearsighted. Let's go to the food court!" Axol announced. Cynthia nodded.

      "Chili cheese fries, here we come," the Sinnoh Champion said, as the four Trainers walked away from the meadow and towards the food court.

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