33. Training

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Axol's POV

     "Rise and shine, Dragonite," Axol said. "We've got six days until the Pokémon League registration opens. So that means it's training time before school!" Dragonite opened its green eyes, awake within an instant, and crushed Axol into one of its usual hugs. 

     Sunlight was streaming through the windows. Even though it was early, the bright rays were illuminating the spice orange walls and boxes of rare GameBoys of Axol's room with a warm glow. He stretched and put on his Mario Kart hoodie, and did his daily check of his collection.

     GameBoy Advances, all there. Stadium Events cartridge, check. My NES, N64, and Wii, all safe and sound. He smiled, satisfied. Dragonite pulled out its own GameBoy, wiping the screen off with a little microfiber cloth that Axol had given it.

     "Let's not wake up Snow," he said. "It's pretty early." Dragonite nodded, standing up. It let out a happy sound, opening Axol's door soundlessly, and stepped downstairs in order to go outside to the beach. Axol followed, trying to make his steps as quiet as possible. For such a large Pokémon, Dragonite sure was agile.

     Axol stepped into the fresh morning air, stretching out his arms to the sky. He laughed and high-fived Dragonite, and then got into his battling stance.

     "Okay. Let's run!" Axol and Dragonite began to run, their breaths puffing in the cool air. They ran for about ten minutes, getting a good workout. After they finished running, Axol caught his breath and grinned.

      "Now, flying! Let's get your speed up at least five miles an hour faster," Axol said. "1,569 miles an hour is our goal for the next six days." Dragonite let out a sound of determination, its eyes narrowing, ready to fly. Axol took out his speedometer, pointing it at the area which Dragonite would reach in the middle of its fly.

      "Ready...set...go!" he yelled. After a blur of orange whizzed by, barely visible to the eye, Axol whooped, throwing his arm in the air. "1,567 miles an hour! You've almost got it!" Dragonite crushed Axol into another hug, its eyes bright with triumph. They trained, working on Dragonite's speed until they reached their goal. 

     "You got it!" he yelled, triumphant. "Now, we do move training. Why don't we learn a new move?" Dragonite let out a noise of agreement. "But first, let's work on your existing moves. Hyper Beam, let's go!"

     A beam of fire blew out of Dragonite's mouth, charring the sand below to a dark grey. Axol nodded. 

      "Again!" Another beam charred another patch of sand, this time turning it black. "Awesome. Now, let's work on Hurricane!" 

     The Trainer and his partner trained, until both were panting and the sand around them were scorched, slashed, doused with water, and was covered with huge impact craters from Sky Judgement.  Axol flopped onto the ruined sand, smiling. At this rate, he knew that Dragonite was going to be a tank in the upcoming League.

     "Let's go inside in time for breakfast." he said to his partner, who nodded and flew into the house, Axol by its side. He flopped into his chair, sweaty and worn out, but still at ease. Exactly three seconds later, Snow walked downstairs, her slippers making loud noises on the stairs, her short black hair all mussed up from sleep. She yawned and made her way to the kitchen, blue pajama pants on, a cup of warm tea in her hand. As she opened her eyes from the yawn, she shot to attention at the sight of a sweaty, still wet from Hurricane, and grinning Axol already at the table.

     "What the heck are you doing here so early?!" she said, jolted completely awake. Axol just laughed and patted Dragonite.

     "Special Pokémon League training before school," he said. Snow laughed and set to making breakfast.

     "That's my Axol. Always training. Go take a shower!" she said, cracking an egg into her pan. "You're all wet and sweaty." Axol groaned and hopped upstairs reluctantly, Dragonite pushing him into his room.

     "Fine!" he yelled from upstairs, and took a shower. By the time he came downstairs, breakfast was ready: steaming hot bacon with eggs. She wrinkled her nose at the eggs and took a piece of bacon instead.

     "So picky," Axol said jokingly. Snow just rolled her eyes with a smile.

     "The only reason why I touch those things is because you need some protein," she said. "I prefer meat." Axol just laughed and dug into his breakfast.

      After finishing, he put the harness on Dragonite, hopping onto his partner, ready to leave for the Pokémon School.

     "See ya later!" he yelled, flying away. Snow laughed and waved as he and Dragonite turned to a speck of orange in bright Alolan skies.

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