34. Class

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Axol's POV

     "All right, class! Today, since the Pokémon League is coming up, we'll be dedicating our PE time to special training sessions. I've matched up the pairs according to skill level. Here they are," Professor Kukui said. Axol looked up to the chalkboard. His name was written in white next to Kiawe's. He smiled and pumped his fist in the air.

     "Looks like I'm up against Lana," Mallow said. Lillie nodded and turned to Sophocles.

     "And I'm up against you!" she said in her high-pitched voice. Her partner, Snowy, keened in determination. Kiawe walked to Axol with a smile.

     "I won't lose!" the Fire-type Trainer said. Axol just gave him a crytic grin and walked outside with Dragonite in tow. The rest of the class followed, Kukui bringing up the rear.

     "Now, we're going to start with the battle between Lillie and Sophocles," the professor said. Lillie and Sophocles both got into their battle stances, ready to start. It was a swift battle, Vikavolt easily knocking out Lillie's worse trained and weaker Alolan Vulpix. Professor Kukui walked up the the blonde girl, a look of mild concern in his eyes.

     "You might want to consider evolving your Vulpix," he said. "At this rate, Snowy can't grow any stronger than it already is, and with this strength, you might not get very far this year." A pensive look crossed Lillie's face, but it was clear she was going to at least consider the idea.

     "I'll think about it," she said, her voice bright. "If Snowy is okay with it, then we'll see what we can do." Professor Kukui nodded and threw a thumbs-up to both Trainers. Next, it was Mallow versus Lana.

     "Let's do this, Primarina!" Lana yelled. Mallow nodded.

      "Go, Tsareena!" she said. The Grass-type Pokémon emerged from its Poké Ball, ready for a battle. Lana nodded.

     "Let's make the first move. Primarina, Sparkling Aria!" she said. Mallow thrust her arm into the air.

     "Tsareena, dodge it!" she said. Tsareena's fast legs carried it to the side, avoiding the attack. "Now, use Dropkick!"

    Tsareena rushed forwards, its pink legs landing a direct kick to Primarina, but the Water- and Fairy- type Pokémon wasn't fazed. Lana smiled and flung her hand out as well.

     "Icy Wind!" she said. Primarina let out a flurry of ice sparkles on Tsareena, freezing it to the ground. "Now, use Sparkling Aria once more!"

     The attack hit Tsareena squarely, dealing a lot of damage. The ice melted from the Alolan heat, leaving Tsareena free to move again. As Primarina reared its head for a second Sparkling Aria, Tsareena's agility kicked in, landing another solid Dropkick on Primarina's mermaid-like body.

     "Primarina!" Lana yelled, voice filled with concern. Mallow pumped her fist in the air.

     "Great job, Tsareena! Now, go in with Double Slap!" Tsareena's leaf-like appendages slapped the slower Primarina, whose tail made it harder to move quickly. Lana smiled.

     "Now! Use Surf!" she yelled. The water elevated Primarina from the dusty battlegroud, thus making Tsareena unable to reach the Soloist Pokémon with another Double Slap. The waves of water crashed over Mallow's partner, leaving it on the now wet ground.

     "Let's finish this off with Aqua Jet!" Lana said. Primarina, now encased in a comet-like shield of water, hit Tsareena squarely, leaving it knocked out. Emerging from the Aqua Jet victorious, the Pokémon and its partner high-fived in victory.

     "That was a great battle, Lana!" Mallow said, proud of her friend. Lana smiled and hugged the Grass-type Trainer.

     "You did great too!" she said. The two girls retreated to their sidelines, Tsareena now awake and talking to Primarina in their language. It was now Axol and Kiawe's turn.

     "Let's do this, Marowak!" he yelled. Axol grinned. Instead of going with his usual Pokémon Dragonite, he chose Ampharos.

     "Okay. Then, E," he said. Kiawe gave Axol a confused look, which gave Ampharos an opening to attack.

     "Volt Switch, now!" Axol yelled. A ball of blinding electricity was released by Ampharos, leaving Marowak on the ground. He grinned as Ampharos went back into its Poké Ball, leaving Dragonite in its place. Kiawe recoiled in shock.

     "What? How did that happen?" he said. Axol just smiled and twirled Ampharos's Poké Ball on his finger.

     "Volt Switch first deals damage, and then switches out the user to another Pokémon in the party. To be fair, you can use another Pokémon as well," Axol said. Kiawe smiled.

     "Changing the rules during the battle. That's just like you," he said. "Okay. Then, go, Turtonator!" Axol smiled again, his grin almost feral. On the sidelines, Lillie gasped.

     "That's a risky move. Dragon-type attacks are super effective against each other. This is a gamble for both Axol and Kiawe." she said to her classmates. They all nodded, pensive.

     "Now, go in with Hurricane!" Axol yelled. Suddenly, the wind picked up, throwing Turtonator to the ground. "Perfect. Let's do this!" Dragonite nodded, ready, as purple light shone from Axol's Z-Crystal.

     "E," he said. Axol's voice echoed through the battlefield as he made the poses for the Dragon-type Z-Move. "Now, Devastating Drake!" Dragonite let out an orb of glowing purple energy, first staying a circular shape, but soon assuming the form of a dragon and hitting Turtonator, exploding on contact. Once the dust cleared and the wind died down, Turtonator was lying in the same position as before, eyes dull. Axol had won the first bout.

     Kiawe returned his partner, and then took out Marowak's Poké Ball. "Then, Marowak, I choose you!" he yelled. Axol smiled and thrust his hand out.

     "Dragonite, use Dragon Claw!" he yelled. Kiawe countered with an Iron Head, both Pokémon at a standstill. But Dragonite's strength won out in the end, throwing Marowak back into the ground. The Dragon-type Trainer grinned. "Power up with Dragon Dance and then move in with Outrage!" After that powerful combination of moves, Kiawe was left speechless and Marowak was left knocked out. He smiled.

     "And the winner is Axol!" Professor Kukui said, also astonished by the turn of events. Axol just grinned and shook hands with Kiawe.

     "E," Axol said again, and promptly turned away.


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