37. Evolution

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Axol's POV

     "Magikarp, we're going to do something that no one will ever expect!" Axol announced to the Fish Pokémon, which was flopping around on the tile floor of his kitchen. "Everything thinks you're so weak, and that I wasted a Poké Ball on you. But now, I'll show them!" He spread his arms wide. "Think about their reactions after I finish our plan. We'll be golden!" He grinned and leaned in closer. "Whaddya say, Magikarp?"

     The Fish Pokémon said nothing, except for its weak "karp" noises. It flopped around more, as a possible attempt at excitement. The floor was slick with water now. Axol plopped Magikarp back into its tank, put it in his wheelbarrow, and started for the pier. He was heading towards Konikoni City on Akala Island to buy a Water Stone.

     On the ferry, Axol got some strange looks. Sure, he was a fourteen-year-old Trainer with a wheelbarrow that had a Magikarp in a fish tank in it. So what? He was going to evolve his Magikarp into Gyarados, and those people could stuff their bewildered looks up their faces. 

      After arriving at Konikoni City, he lugged the bright red wheelbarrow behind him. He knew that Olivia's jewelry shop was right next to the Pokémon Center at the city's crossroads. Heading in the direction of the large building, he heard some more splashing sounds from the fish tank.

     "Calm down, Magikarp. We're almost there. I know traveling in a wheelbarrow is uncomfortable, but still. It'll be worth it, in the end." he said. The splashing died down as the road smoothed. "Or maybe that was just the water splashing because of the rough ground." 

     Soon, the Pokémon Center was in sight. Axol had counted the weird looks he got from strangers. Currently, it was at 37. The motion-detecting doors opened with a familiar chime as he walked past, but they closed as he got farther away. The jewelry shop was right ahead. The store's trim was a cheery red, with brownish roof tiles and tan walls. He entered the shop, the door swinging open smoothly. A woman at the counter smiled and welcomed him. 

     Quickly, Axol found what he was looking for. It was under the counter, in a glass box, where the jewelry shop showcased their different Evolution stones. Disregarding the Fire, Thunder, and Leaf stones there, he pointed at the Water stone.

     "One Water stone, please," he requested. The woman pulled out a key from the cash register and unlocked the glass case from behind the counter, pulling out the blue Water stone. 

      "That'll be 3,000 Pokémon dollars," she said. Axol grinned and forked over the cash. He had plenty of money from winning battles. She handed the mystical blue stone over to Axol. He ran his finger over the smooth, transparent surface and grinned even wider.

     "Thank you so much!" he said, and left the store. Heading towards the lighthouse, where there was an empty shore, he laughed maniacally.

     "Now, Magikarp," he said as he reached the sandy shore. "I want you to hold still. All right?" Holding still was Magikarp's specialty. It didn't move a single fin. Axol held out the Water stone, touching it gently onto Magikarp's scales. He leapt back as a blue glow consumed the fish tank, expanding until the glass shattered and the wheelbarrow tilted over. As the glow faded, Axol laughed.

     "Gyarados!" he yelled. "It's so great to meet you!" Gyarados, not quite used to its body, squirmed around and roared, and then rested its head on the sand to get level with Axol's head. "Now, you can meet all my other Pokémon. Let's go, everybody!"

     Mudkip, Dragonite, Ampharos, Mareep, Charizard, Gallade, and Dedenne all hopped out of their respective Poké Balls, greeting Gyarados with welcoming sounds. The Atrocious Pokémon greeted each one of them with a happy expression, until it turned to Charizard. Soon, all happiness was gone in its eyes, as it roared at the Fire-type Pokémon.

     "Umm...Gyarados? What's wrong?" Axol asked tentatively. A laugh ensued from behind him, as he turned to see Olivia, kahuna of Akala Island.

     "I see you bought a Water stone from my shop," she said with a smile, her brown hair flopping over her eyes. She quickly pushed the strands back over her ear. "It looks like Gyarados here has a rivalry with Charizard." She walked forwards to pet Gyarados, but her heels wobbled in the sand and she fell, face first.

     "Are you all right?" Axol asked, rushing to help Olivia up. She just laughed and got back up, a red blush on her cheeks.

     "I'm totally fine, nothing to see here, nothing to see," she said with an embarrassed smile on her face. Walking to Gyarados, she petted it gently, and it seemed to calm down. "You might want to keep them apart though." As soon as Olivia walked back to her original spot, Gyarados roared again. A huge jet of water came crashing out of its mouth, aimed for Charizard. Charizard, while protecting its tail flame, hopped out of the way, but Olivia and Axol were behind it. With a giant Hydro Pump, the kahuna and Trainer were doused in water, clothes dripping.

     "Yeah. I'll keep that in mind," Axol said, wringing his clothes. They both erupted into laughter.

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