29. Confrontation

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Third Person POV

      Axol looked at Dragonite, who was extremely pleased with itself. Dragonite gently took hold of Snow and Cynthia, and set them delicately on the ground.

     "What happened?" Gladion asked. Snow poked the arm of one of the unconscious grunts with her foot.

     "We were coming down to make cookies, as you know, but these guys came in and tried to knock us out. Then Dragonite came barreling in at 1,500 miles an hour and took them out. Thanks, Dragonite," Snow said. Dragonite barreled towards Snow and crushed her into a bone-shattering hug. After a moment, it released her.

      "I wonder who they are," Cynthia said. Gladion looked at them, with their strange black tank tops and weird hats.

    "They're Team Skull grunts." he said. Snow narrowed her eyes at the prone bodies: one boy with green hair and the other with blue hair.

     "How did they get here?" she asked. "I never told anyone our address. So weird." As she turned over the boy with blue hair, recognition flickered in her eyes, and then anger. "I know this one. It's the boy who tried to take my Glaceon the first week we were here." Axol stood over the body, anger in his eyes as well.

     "I swear, I'm going to blow my hubcaps off. These guys don't even deserve to be in Team Skull, they're that dumb." he said angrily. "Gladion, will you help me get them out of here?" Gladion nodded and lifted the body of the boy with green hair, Axol lifting the boy with blue hair easily.

      "How can you lift that guy?" Gladion asked, when they reached the front door. Axol grinned and flexed his arm.

      "I work out," he said. After tossing the grunts on the beach as far as they could manage from the house, Gladion and Axol had to take the long walk back. Yes! Now I can bother him!

      "So..." Gladion said, in a feeble attempt to make conversation. Axol smiled to himself and looked out to the sky.

      "Hi, buddy," he said in a funny voice he had perfected on Snow. "So, you and your girlfriend doing well?" Gladion groaned. He could've predicted this.

      "It's going fine, actually. Why?" the taller boy asked. The sun was really beating down now, making Axol rip off his shirt, revealing a six pack. Axol smiled at Gladion's face, which was a shade of red.

       "Why are you so red, then?" he asked. Gladion thought to his own thin, pale frame, and pointed at Axol's chest.

     "Dude, you're ripped and also two years younger than me. How the heck did you do that?" he asked. Axol grinned and flexed his arm again.

      "Unova had this sick gym, you know, not a capital-G Gym, but one with treadmills and stuff. Dragonite and I worked out there a ton, and this happened. Plus, I run a lot too." Axol said proudly. "Although my sister, the slacker, never runs. Ever. That's why she's all skin and bones." Gladion laughed and jabbed Axol in the rib with his elbow.

     "Don't talk about her like that," he said. After his phone vibrated, he pulled it out. It was a text from...did that say Lusamine?! Gladion ran forward, grabbing Axol's phone at the sight of his mother's name.

      "Are you talking with my mother?!" he asked. Scrolling up, he saw the photos that Axol had covertly taken of Snow and Gladion, all send to Lusamine. His mother's reactions would've been funny had he not been so astonished. Some of the replying messages were in all caps, misspelled, and had exclamation points all over them. He read a conversation.

Axol: [image]


Axol: yes

      Gladion groaned and handed the phone to Axol, exiting out of the messages app. He turned to the younger Trainer, who was snickering his face off. 

      "You're so dumb. So I should assume that Lusamine knows all of this now?" he said flatly, but not with malice. Axol laughed and nodded.

      "She and I have been talking for a while now. I did some research and eventually figured your entire life story out at this point. So now I know all about Silvally. It was created by the Aether Foundation, right?" he said knowingly. Gladion nodded. Axol grinned. "I guess you could call me a tech wizard now."

      Gladion just punched Axol affectionately. Despite his annoyingness, he was the little brother Gladion had never had. Lillie was too delicate for him when Gladion grew older and more rambunctious. Now he had someone he could talk to. After a while, they reached the house again, where the smell of chocolate chips greeted them, and the sight of Cynthia and Snow making cookies. Axol's mouth watered. Cookiesjsiudjasidja...

Time skip: the next day

      "Let's show Cynthia around!" Snow said. Gladion and Axol nodded. "Let's give her some real Alolan spirit!"

      After they had visited the market, the foursome decided to head to Mele'mele Meadow. The yellow flowers that had greeted Gladion and Snow on their first date fluttered in the wind, waving to Cynthia. The Sinnoh Champion walked around in wonder and awe. They had settled on a place to have a picnic when they heard the sounds of a group of teenagers: a group of black-clothed, rapping teenagers.

     "Team Skull," Cynthia said. Snow stood up, ready for a fight. Glaceon hissed protectively, its back arched at the side of its Trainer. Dragonite stood up, its eyes turning from a playful, happy green to a the color of stormy seas, filled with anger. Gladion's Lycanroc turned to its Trainer, recognizing their original team.

     "Lycanroc, we're not with them anymore. They're the enemy now," he said quietly, also standing up next to Cynthia and her Garchomp.

     "What do you want?" Axol said flatly. The leader of the gang was the boy with blue hair that Axol had thrown into the sand the previous day.

      "Payback," he said in his rough voice. "Because no one gets to mess with Team Skull!" A pink haired girl nodded approvingly in the background.

     "You get 'em, Tupp!" the pink haired girl said. Tupp turned back to the girl and nodded.

     "Thanks, Rapp," he said, and then turned back to the four Trainers. "And, I'll take your Pokémon too." Snow snorted.

      "Sure," she said. "And I'm the Kalos Queen. You're not getting anywhere near my Pokémon," she retorted. Tupp just stood, his arms crossed. 

      "If you're going to fight, we will too!" he said. "Zipp, Rapp, back me up here." The pink haired girl and another boy with curly black hair stood to attention.

     "You got it, big bro!" they said in unison. Gladion narrowed his eyes.

      "Then let's fight!"

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